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  1. my last submission may have been broken, so sorry about that anyways, here is the skript: command /tpa [<offline player>]: trigger: if arg-1 is set: if arg-1 is online: if {%uuid of player%'s tttpa} is not set: set {%uuid of player%'s tttpa} to now if {%uuid of player%'s tttpa} is smaller than now: set {%uuid of arg-1%'s tpar} to player set {_time} to now add 1 minutes to {_time} set {%uuid of arg-1%'s tttpar} to {_time} send "&6&l[&e&lTPA&6&l]&r TPA request sent!" to player send "&6&l[&e&lTPA&6&l]&r %player% has sent you a teleport request! say /tpaccept to teleport them to you!" to arg-1 else: send "&6&l[&e&lTPA&6&l]&r You need to wait a bit to teleport to others!" else: send "&6&l[&e&lTPA&6&l]&r Player not found, are they on the server?" to player else: send "&6&l[&e&lTPA&6&l]&r Usage: /tpa (player)" to player command /sethome: trigger: if {%uuid of player%'s tttpa} is not set: set {%uuid of player%'s tttpa} to now if {%uuid of player%'s tttpa} is smaller than now: send "your home was created" to player set {%uuid of player%'s home} to player's location else: send "&6&l[&e&lTPA&6&l]&r You need to wait a bit to make a home!" command /home: trigger: if {%uuid of player%'s home} is set: if {%uuid of player%'s tttpa} is smaller than now: teleport player to {%uuid of player%'s home} send "&6&l[&e&lTPA&6&l]&r Sending you home!" to player else: send "&6&l[&e&lTPA&6&l]&r You need to wait a bit to teleport home!" else: send "&6&l[&e&lTPA&6&l]&r You don't have a home!" to player command /tpaccept: trigger: if {%uuid of player%'s tpar} is set: if {%uuid of player%'s tttpa} is not set: set {%uuid of player%'s tttpa} to now if {%uuid of player%'s tttpar} is not set: set {%uuid of player%'s tttpar} to now if {%uuid of player%'s tttpar} is bigger than now: if {%uuid of player%'s tpar} is online: if {%uuid of player%'s tttpa} is smaller than now: set {_uuidoftper} to uuid of {%uuid of player%'s tpar} if {%{_uuidoftper}%'s tttpa} is smaller than now: send "&6&l[&e&lTPA&6&l]&r Teleporting you to %{%uuid of player%'s tpar}%!" to {%uuid of player%'s tpar} teleport {%uuid of player%'s tpar} to player else: send "&6&l[&e&lTPA&6&l]&r Cannot teleport %{%uuid of player%'s tpar}%, as they have taken damage!" to player else: send "&6&l[&e&lTPA&6&l]&r You cannot teleport others right now!" to player else: send "&6&l[&e&lTPA&6&l]&r %{%uuid of player%'s tpar}% is no longer online!" to player else: send "&6&l[&e&lTPA&6&l]&r Your TPA has expired!" clear {%uuid of player%'s tpar} else: send "&6&l[&e&lTPA&6&l]&r You don't have any requests!" to player on damage of a player: set {_time} to now add 2 minutes to {_time} set {%uuid of victim%'s tttpa} to {_time} if attacker is a player: set {%uuid of attacker%'s tttpa} to {_time} on death of a player: wait a tick send "&6&l[&e&lTPA&6&l]&r&4 You Died! &cYour death coords are &6%position of player%" on player join: set {_time} to now add 2 minutes to {_time} set {%uuid of player%'s tttpa} to {_time} if this doesn't work, im sorry lol also not nessesary but i would like credit for my skript
  2. Mods will come with custom versions.
  3. this is a datapack, not a plugin
  4. This code is probably very unoptimized, too bad! also i may have spelt bonsai trees wrong many times it was like 4 am bst when i made this BonsaiTrees.sk
  5. I just fixed the death message being "Player died" also 1.17 mobs will appear as "damagable mob", this is due to the version of Skript used Q: ok cool but ive never seen this skript before so what does it do? A: It changes knockback and how unbreaking works with armor, it also adds a sick command called "/showdmg" This command makes the damage you dealt and the health of the victim appear in chat Q: are there any bugs? A: There is one bug im aware of, I call it the "arrow effect" bug. Basically if you block with a shield and an arrow hits your shield, you will still gain the effects of the arrow if it had any. I don't know how to fix this yet Combat V4.sk
  6. Oh, that sucks. I guess I might have to rewrite my entire skript. Thanks for the help anyways.
  7. Basically I want the game to think that deaths caused by skript damage was actually caused by player damage, so if anyone knows how to do that and is willing to help me, thanks. Things I tried so far: damage victim by {dmg} with fake cause attack set last damage cause of victim to attack (would come up with an error) Server version: 1.17
  8. Can you not easily do this with skript?
  9. This skript changes knockback and armor & shield durability, originally made this for an Origins skript. Update 3: Rewrote the skript to be more "survival friendly". Also shields should be fixed. Update 1 & 2: Note from these 2 versions: There are still some things that are broken with this (like shields), but it should work just fine. Combatv3.sk
  10. so would it be better every second?
  11. so i decided to make this: command sethealth <text> <num> <text>: trigger: set {%arg 3% %arg 1%} to arg 2 loop {healthlist::*}: if loop-value is arg 1: remove loop-value from {healthlist::*} add arg 1 to {healthlist::*} every tick: Loop all players: set loop-player's max health to 10 loop {healthlist::*}: add {%uuid of loop-player% %loop-value-2%} to loop-player's max health This allows me to have multiple skripts that will change the players health without any of them conflicting eachother theres probably a better way to achieve this and this might have a few issues but this is all I have for now
  12. couldn't you also do this: command /talisman: trigger: give player 1 grass named "&2&lGrass Talisman" every tick: loop all players: if loop-player is holding a grass named "&2&lGrass Talisman": apply speed of tier 1 without particles to loop-player for 1 second replacing existing effect apply health boost of tier 1 without particles to loop-player for 1 second replacing existing effect could also add nbt data for the talismans, but i dont know how to do that
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