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  1. Sarvente

    Minehut Mods

    Since you can now upload jar files onto minehut, is it possible to load up mods since they're mostly also jar files?
  2. Alright, thanks for the help anyway.
  3. So I'd have to buy the better one for right now to upload/join my world? like the one you can buy daily.
  4. So, I've uploaded a world using my link through the ingame command and whenever I type /worlds and click the ul_world it just crashes, the whole server goes offline. Any tips or tricks to fix this?
  5. Sarvente

    Prison cell

    Worldguard, you'll be needing worldedit for that but it makes blocks unbreakable (if you flag it of course.) for those who have done bad stuff and deserve to be jailed, Minehut has a whole tutorial for worldguard and worldedit, I recommend watching that before attempting to do something with world guard and world edit, be sure to name the region jail or something rememberable!
  6. The plugin BetterEnd is not showing up in my /plugins or in the plugin folder, does it not work anymore? If yes, why is it still in the plugins? I've tried restarting my server about 2-3 times, still nothing. Any help?
  7. Sarvente

    Help with enchants.

    I have now found it, thanks to everyone who helped me although it wasnt on line 472-474 it still helped, thank you very much.
  8. Sarvente

    Help with enchants.

    So I need help on how to remove the /enchant cap like sharpness from 1 to 5, like remove that cap and be able to make /enchant sharpness 1000 instead of it giving me just an error message that it doesnt work, how do I remove this?
  9. Well probably true, someone also sent "test ignore" so I'm guessing yes it was a staff member, maybe they're testing broadcast.
  10. Okay so, something just sent a random blank heart into the chat, went into logs and they're only with the commands I typed (etc), no sign of anything/anyone sending an blank heart. Someone please explain this to me!
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