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Everything posted by StarBunnie

  1. First of all don't necropost second stop insulting people.
  2. Oh give "/pardon-ip yourusername" a go then
  3. Hmm give it a shot without the / and if you're a bedrock player you might need to add a * in front of your name
  4. Could be that on mine only refers to the action mining and not actually the breaking of blocks
  5. set {_player} to first element of {queue::*} set {_player} to {queue::1} Not thaaat sure the first one works if it doesn't just take the second
  6. set {_player} to a random element out of {queue::*}
  7. Hmm try on break of ... I'm not sure why it should make a difference but give it a shot.
  8. command /toggle: trigger: player has permission "toggle.use": if {rdmtimer} is set: delete {rdmtimer} send "Turned off" else: set {rdmtimer} to true send "Turned on" else: send "no perms" every 10 seconds: if {rdmtimer} is set: loop all players: give loop-player 1 of random items out of all items
  9. StarBunnie

    I Need Help

    Oh that's what they mean by "owning"
  10. StarBunnie

    I Need Help

    What do you exactly mean? In the Dashboard you can see on the top left the skin and email with which a server has been created. Additionally you can go into the Hubserver (Type /hub on your server or just join Minehuts server via the list) and in the scoreboard on the right you can see "Your servers:" and there you can see yours.
  11. Once you install it use "/mv import yourplotsquaredworldname" to add them to multiverse list then everything should work fine
  12. Interesting accident lol. To unban yourself go to your servers panel and type "/pardon yourname" into the command block.
  13. Judging by how it's a gen server you probably have PlotSquared keep in mind that if a world gets unloaded all location variables that are based in this world get deleted. To change that you have to load the world on startup which is easily done by using the plugin Multiverse.
  14. Big yes to that Edit: Please also provide a link to the plugin so the admins have an easier time finding it
  15. This hasn't been updated in quite a while and on the site it says "compatible with 1.8" which is quite old to say the least do you know if it works in 1.16.5 and up? Edit: The reviews state it doesn't even work in 1.12 so I don't have high hopes for it working in newer versions
  16. Yeah idk why they bothered splitting it 1.17 has not a lot of features and in like 30 minutes you can see almost everything it has to offer and the split is just a huge hassle for all plugin/server developers out there..
  17. Oh oops forget the teleportation aspect and just answer the stepping issue lol
  18. If you want to add a number to a variable use add add arg 3 to {tokens::%player%} As you see you also wrote player in your variable which is always the player that executes the command to change that use arg 2 here instead add arg 3 to {tokens::%arg 2%} Another thing is you're only using player or now arg 2 this means it will use their name. The issue is if they change their name all their progress is gone : ( add arg 3 to {tokens::%arg 2's uuid%} That's why you should use uuid instead this stays forever Here is a quick overview of how it looks for skript: {tokens::%player%} -> {tokens::starbunnie} {tokens::%player's uuid%} -> {tokens::aaaaaaaaaa-bbbbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeee}
  19. Isn't it completely irrelevant everyone can use the AntiCheat they prefer so it doesn't really matter what else is on Minehut.
  20. StarBunnie

    what are alts?

    "alts" is usually said when talking about the second account of someone So basically they "bought" multiple instances of minecraft
  21. StarBunnie


    They can't join the server in any way because they can't get authenticated with the minecraft servers so they will get kicked immediately so don't worry about that.
  22. Well the reason is that the new caves are not in 1.17 but in 1.18
  23. ~Psst~ SkBees scoreboard is better. on join: while player is online: set title of player's scoreboard to "&3&lVligh" if {timer::%player's uuid%} is set: set {_time} to difference between {timer::%player's uuid%} and now else: set {_time} to "&f0.00 seconds" set line 5 of player's scoreboard to "&cTime: &f%{_time}%" set line 4 of player's scoreboard to "" set line 3 of player's scoreboard to "&cx: &f%player's x-location%" set line 2 of player's scoreboard to "&cy: &f%player's y-location%" set line 1 of player's scoreboard to "&cz: &f%player's z-location%" toggle scoreboard of player on wait 2 ticks on quit: clear scoreboard of player
  24. oops yeah that kinda makes sense hmm it might be possible with skript-mirror or reflect but both are not allowed on minehut so you might be out of luck
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