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  1. Same thing happens to me but it starts abd when I try to join it also sends an error message and after like 1 minute it shuts down
  2. So on my server I have pretty big variables and it takes up much space on scoreboards and chat so is there anyway I can make it display like 56.23M instead of 56230000?
  3. on death: if attacker is player: if victim is player: send "&aYou killed %victim%" to attacker send "&cYou were killed by %attacker%" to victim That isnt working even though it reloads without any errors can someone help me
  4. Oxproc


    I think you should be able to download the skript addon named SharpSK. It makes it so you can do alot of new things in skript and I really think it should be added. Here is a list: https://docs.skunity.com/syntax/search/addon:SharpSK
  5. I am trying to create some kind of rebirth system but when I tried this it didnt work, ples help me command /rebirth: trigger: if {bits.%player%} is 400000000 or higher: broadcast "{@Prefix} &f%player% just rebirthed!" add 1 to {rebirths.%player%} set {bits.%player%} to 0 else: send "&cYou need &4400000000 &bBits&c or higher!"
  6. I was told to post it in marketplace dont blame me
  7. thanks thegamerzod
  8. Sorry It didnt work
  9. Im trying to make a kill counter but it doesnt work here is my code: on death: if victim is a player: if attacker is a player: add 1 to {kills.%player%} to attacker
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