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MinehutRanks | Skript

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Want to have a rank system like minehut? Here you go!


    {playerrank.%player%}  = "default"

command /rank [<offlineplayer>] [<text>]:
        if player is op:
            if arg-1 is set:
                if arg-2 is set:
                    if arg-1 is "default":
                        set {playerrank.%arg-1%} to "default"
                        send "&3You have set &b%player%&b's &3rank to &bDefault"
                        make console execute the command "/sudo %arg-1% tablist"
                    if arg-2 is "vip":
                        send "&3You have set &b%player%&b's &3rank to &bVIP"
                        set {playerrank.%arg-1%} to "vip"
                        make console execute the command "/sudo %arg-1% tablist"
                    if arg-2 is "pro":
                        send "&3You have set &b%player%&b's &3rank to &bPRO"
                        set {playerrank.%arg-1%} to "pro"
                        make console execute the command "/sudo %arg-1% tablist"
                    if arg-2 is "legend":
                        send "&3You have set &b%player%&b's &3rank to &bLEGEND"
                        set {playerrank.%arg-1%} to "legend"
                        make console execute the command "/sudo %arg-1% tablist"
                    if arg-2 is "patron":
                        send "&3You have set &b%player%&b's &3rank to &bPATRON"
                        set {playerrank.%arg-1%} to "patron"
                        make console execute the command "/sudo %arg-1% tablist"
                    if arg-2 is "jrmod":
                        send "&3You have set &b%player%&b's &3rank to &bJR.MOD"
                        set {playerrank.%arg-1%} to "jrmod"
                        make console execute the command "/sudo %arg-1% tablist"
                    if arg-2 is "mod":
                        send "&3You have set &b%player%&b's &3rank to &bMOD"
                        set {playerrank.%arg-1%} to "jrmod"
                        make console execute the command "/sudo %arg-1% tablist"
                    if arg-2 is "srmod":
                        send "&3You have set &b%player%&b's &3rank to &bSR.MOD"
                        set {playerrank.%arg-1%} to "srmod"
                        make console execute the command "/sudo %arg-1% tablist"
                    if arg-2 is "admin":
                        send "&3You have set &b%player%&b's &3rank to &bADMIN"
                        set {playerrank.%arg-1%} to "admin"
                        make console execute the command "/sudo %arg-1% tablist"
                    send "&c/rank (player) (rank)"
                send "&c/rank (player) (rank)"
            send "&cInsufficient permissions!"

on chat:
    if {playerrank.%player%} = "default":
        set the chat format to "&7%player%&7: &7%message%"
    if {playerrank.%player%} = "vip":
        set the chat format to "&a[VIP] &a%player%&f: &7%message%"
    if {playerrank.%player%} = "pro":
        set the chat format to "&b[PRO] &b%player%&f: &7%message%"
    if {playerrank.%player%} = "legend":
        set the chat format to "&6[LEGEND] &6%player%&f: &7%message%"
    if {playerrank.%player%} = "patron":
        set the chat format to "&3[PATRON] &3%player%&f: &7%message%"
    if {playerrank.%player%} = "jrmod":
        set the chat format to "&e[JR.MOD] &e%player%&f: &7%message%"
    if {playerrank.%player%} = "mod":
        set the chat format to "&e[MOD] &e%player%&f: &7%message%"
    if {playerrank.%player%} = "srmod":
        set the chat format to "&e[SR.MOD] &e%player%&f: &7%message%"
    if {playerrank.%player%} = "admin":
        set the chat format to "&c[ADMIN]&c %player%&f: &7%message%"

command /tablist:
        if {playerrank.%player%} = "default":
            set player's tablist name to "&7%player%"
        if {playerrank.%player%} = "vip":
            set player's tablist name to "&a[VIP] &a%player%"
        if {playerrank.%player%} = "pro":
            set player's tablist name to "&b[PRO] &b%player%"
        if {playerrank.%player%} = "legend":
            set player's tablist name to "&6[LEGEND] &6%player%"
        if {playerrank.%player%} = "patron":
            set player's tablist name to "&3[PATRON] &3%player%"
        if {playerrank.%player%} = "jrmod":
            set player's tablist name to "&e[JR.MOD] &e%player%"
        if {playerrank.%player%} = "mod":
            set player's tablist name to "&e[MOD] &e%player%"
        if {playerrank.%player%} = "srmod":
            set player's tablist name to "&e[SR.MOD] &e%player%"
        if {playerrank.%player%} = "admin":
            set player's tablist name to "&c[ADMIN] &c%player%"

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Nice, there could be a few improvements but at least it gets the job done 👍

[VIP] - 2018/2019

[JR.MOD] - 28th April 2019
[SR.MOD] - 21st June 2019

[LEGEND] - 28th July 2020 (Resigned)


Discord - Criticyl#0002

IGN - Criticyl

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Seems a bit long for no reason, you could shorten it by using functions.


function setRank(p: offlineplayer, r: text):

    set {_uuid} to uuid of {_p}

    set {rank::%{_uuid}%} to {_r}


You could also use a list variable to check if it is a rank you want to be able to get set, and see if that list contains the argument.

[VIP] 2019

[JR.MOD] 10/29/2019

[MOD] 12/30/2019





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On 10/16/2019 at 5:40 PM, ImANoobFightMeh said:

Want to have a rank system like minehut? Here you go!


    {playerrank.%player%}  = "default"

command /rank [<offlineplayer>] [<text>]:
        if player is op:
            if arg-1 is set:
                if arg-2 is set:
                    if arg-1 is "default":
                        set {playerrank.%arg-1%} to "default"
                        send "&3You have set &b%player%&b's &3rank to &bDefault"
                        make console execute the command "/sudo %arg-1% tablist"
                    if arg-2 is "vip":
                        send "&3You have set &b%player%&b's &3rank to &bVIP"
                        set {playerrank.%arg-1%} to "vip"
                        make console execute the command "/sudo %arg-1% tablist"
                    if arg-2 is "pro":
                        send "&3You have set &b%player%&b's &3rank to &bPRO"
                        set {playerrank.%arg-1%} to "pro"
                        make console execute the command "/sudo %arg-1% tablist"
                    if arg-2 is "legend":
                        send "&3You have set &b%player%&b's &3rank to &bLEGEND"
                        set {playerrank.%arg-1%} to "legend"
                        make console execute the command "/sudo %arg-1% tablist"
                    if arg-2 is "patron":
                        send "&3You have set &b%player%&b's &3rank to &bPATRON"
                        set {playerrank.%arg-1%} to "patron"
                        make console execute the command "/sudo %arg-1% tablist"
                    if arg-2 is "jrmod":
                        send "&3You have set &b%player%&b's &3rank to &bJR.MOD"
                        set {playerrank.%arg-1%} to "jrmod"
                        make console execute the command "/sudo %arg-1% tablist"
                    if arg-2 is "mod":
                        send "&3You have set &b%player%&b's &3rank to &bMOD"
                        set {playerrank.%arg-1%} to "jrmod"
                        make console execute the command "/sudo %arg-1% tablist"
                    if arg-2 is "srmod":
                        send "&3You have set &b%player%&b's &3rank to &bSR.MOD"
                        set {playerrank.%arg-1%} to "srmod"
                        make console execute the command "/sudo %arg-1% tablist"
                    if arg-2 is "admin":
                        send "&3You have set &b%player%&b's &3rank to &bADMIN"
                        set {playerrank.%arg-1%} to "admin"
                        make console execute the command "/sudo %arg-1% tablist"
                    send "&c/rank (player) (rank)"
                send "&c/rank (player) (rank)"
            send "&cInsufficient permissions!"

on chat:
    if {playerrank.%player%} = "default":
        set the chat format to "&7%player%&7: &7%message%"
    if {playerrank.%player%} = "vip":
        set the chat format to "&a[VIP] &a%player%&f: &7%message%"
    if {playerrank.%player%} = "pro":
        set the chat format to "&b[PRO] &b%player%&f: &7%message%"
    if {playerrank.%player%} = "legend":
        set the chat format to "&6[LEGEND] &6%player%&f: &7%message%"
    if {playerrank.%player%} = "patron":
        set the chat format to "&3[PATRON] &3%player%&f: &7%message%"
    if {playerrank.%player%} = "jrmod":
        set the chat format to "&e[JR.MOD] &e%player%&f: &7%message%"
    if {playerrank.%player%} = "mod":
        set the chat format to "&e[MOD] &e%player%&f: &7%message%"
    if {playerrank.%player%} = "srmod":
        set the chat format to "&e[SR.MOD] &e%player%&f: &7%message%"
    if {playerrank.%player%} = "admin":
        set the chat format to "&c[ADMIN]&c %player%&f: &7%message%"

command /tablist:
        if {playerrank.%player%} = "default":
            set player's tablist name to "&7%player%"
        if {playerrank.%player%} = "vip":
            set player's tablist name to "&a[VIP] &a%player%"
        if {playerrank.%player%} = "pro":
            set player's tablist name to "&b[PRO] &b%player%"
        if {playerrank.%player%} = "legend":
            set player's tablist name to "&6[LEGEND] &6%player%"
        if {playerrank.%player%} = "patron":
            set player's tablist name to "&3[PATRON] &3%player%"
        if {playerrank.%player%} = "jrmod":
            set player's tablist name to "&e[JR.MOD] &e%player%"
        if {playerrank.%player%} = "mod":
            set player's tablist name to "&e[MOD] &e%player%"
        if {playerrank.%player%} = "srmod":
            set player's tablist name to "&e[SR.MOD] &e%player%"
        if {playerrank.%player%} = "admin":
            set player's tablist name to "&c[ADMIN] &c%player%"

Clean code. I have one small suggestion though, I think you should shorten the code. Also maybe make /tablist only excecutable by console? This is the prevent users from being able to perform random commands. To fix this just change the code to:

command /tablist:
    executable by: console
        if {playerrank.%player%} = "default":
            set player's tablist name to "&7%player%"
        if {playerrank.%player%} = "vip":
            set player's tablist name to "&a[VIP] &a%player%"
        if {playerrank.%player%} = "pro":
            set player's tablist name to "&b[PRO] &b%player%"
        if {playerrank.%player%} = "legend":
            set player's tablist name to "&6[LEGEND] &6%player%"
        if {playerrank.%player%} = "patron":
            set player's tablist name to "&3[PATRON] &3%player%"
        if {playerrank.%player%} = "jrmod":
            set player's tablist name to "&e[JR.MOD] &e%player%"
        if {playerrank.%player%} = "mod":
            set player's tablist name to "&e[MOD] &e%player%"
        if {playerrank.%player%} = "srmod":
            set player's tablist name to "&e[SR.MOD] &e%player%"
        if {playerrank.%player%} = "admin":
            set player's tablist name to "&c[ADMIN] &c%player%"


|Ex Staff|

download.jpg.af28032f9dfcfef569a01b3c5168646e.jpg - Matqx#5545

1045330945_download(1).jpg.42534e5f7de249b44b6e4fb4af0570aa.jpg - Matqx // Pro

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Not big fan of this. 
It would be way more convenient if you'd use this expression:

[the] [chat] (prefix|suffix) of %players% 

This requires vault & a permission plugin, obviously.
You can just set their prefix to the rank.

and you can just use `make player execute "/tablist"`

From there you can just do:

on chat:
	if player's prefix is " ":
		set player's prefix to "&7Default"
	set chat format to "%player's display name&f: %message%"



On 10/22/2019 at 12:21 PM, Matqx said:

Clean code. I have one small suggestion though, I think you should shorten the code. Also maybe make /tablist only excecutable by console? This is the prevent users from being able to perform random commands. To fix this just change the code to:

command /tablist:
    executable by: console
        if {playerrank.%player%} = "default":
            set player's tablist name to "&7%player%"
        if {playerrank.%player%} = "vip":
            set player's tablist name to "&a[VIP] &a%player%"
        if {playerrank.%player%} = "pro":
            set player's tablist name to "&b[PRO] &b%player%"
        if {playerrank.%player%} = "legend":
            set player's tablist name to "&6[LEGEND] &6%player%"
        if {playerrank.%player%} = "patron":
            set player's tablist name to "&3[PATRON] &3%player%"
        if {playerrank.%player%} = "jrmod":
            set player's tablist name to "&e[JR.MOD] &e%player%"
        if {playerrank.%player%} = "mod":
            set player's tablist name to "&e[MOD] &e%player%"
        if {playerrank.%player%} = "srmod":
            set player's tablist name to "&e[SR.MOD] &e%player%"
        if {playerrank.%player%} = "admin":
            set player's tablist name to "&c[ADMIN] &c%player%"

This won't work... His code is "Sudoing" the player, the player will execute the command.

Edited by Creeper1841
The code snippet in the quote was "html"




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  • 1 month later...

Nice code but but


                    if arg-2 is "jrmod":
                        send "&3You have set &b%player%&b's &3rank to &bJR.MOD"
                        set {playerrank.%arg-1%} to "jrmod"
                        make console execute the command "/sudo %arg-1% tablist"
                    if arg-2 is "mod":
                        send "&3You have set &b%player%&b's &3rank to &bMOD"
                        set {playerrank.%arg-1%} to "jrmod"
                        make console execute the command "/sudo %arg-1% tablist"

lol 2 same ranks

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