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  1. There is no proof at all that this is actually me, this could legit be anyone that you could of payed to fake messages for you. Or you even could of inspected this as you never refreshed the page in this video.
  2. I was not the one who did that, somebody else did that.
  3. Well, this was like a few days ago I got this proof, he has deleted them now tho.
  4. Alright, If your up to date with the minehut community, you would see there is a server called Lapex with a average of 20 players/day. They have a horrible truth inside it, I will be exposing the whole thing in this post with images. http://prntscr.com/pqdn58 http://prntscr.com/pqdf6s http://prntscr.com/pqdj3p http://prntscr.com/pqdpeb http://prntscr.com/pqdqys
  5. Want to have a rank system like minehut? Here you go! Variables: {playerrank.%player%} = "default" command /rank [<offlineplayer>] [<text>]: trigger: if player is op: if arg-1 is set: if arg-2 is set: if arg-1 is "default": set {playerrank.%arg-1%} to "default" send "&3You have set &b%player%&b's &3rank to &bDefault" make console execute the command "/sudo %arg-1% tablist" if arg-2 is "vip": send "&3You have set &b%player%&b's &3rank to &bVIP" set {playerrank.%arg-1%} to "vip" make console execute the command "/sudo %arg-1% tablist" if arg-2 is "pro": send "&3You have set &b%player%&b's &3rank to &bPRO" set {playerrank.%arg-1%} to "pro" make console execute the command "/sudo %arg-1% tablist" if arg-2 is "legend": send "&3You have set &b%player%&b's &3rank to &bLEGEND" set {playerrank.%arg-1%} to "legend" make console execute the command "/sudo %arg-1% tablist" if arg-2 is "patron": send "&3You have set &b%player%&b's &3rank to &bPATRON" set {playerrank.%arg-1%} to "patron" make console execute the command "/sudo %arg-1% tablist" if arg-2 is "jrmod": send "&3You have set &b%player%&b's &3rank to &bJR.MOD" set {playerrank.%arg-1%} to "jrmod" make console execute the command "/sudo %arg-1% tablist" if arg-2 is "mod": send "&3You have set &b%player%&b's &3rank to &bMOD" set {playerrank.%arg-1%} to "jrmod" make console execute the command "/sudo %arg-1% tablist" if arg-2 is "srmod": send "&3You have set &b%player%&b's &3rank to &bSR.MOD" set {playerrank.%arg-1%} to "srmod" make console execute the command "/sudo %arg-1% tablist" if arg-2 is "admin": send "&3You have set &b%player%&b's &3rank to &bADMIN" set {playerrank.%arg-1%} to "admin" make console execute the command "/sudo %arg-1% tablist" else: send "&c/rank (player) (rank)" else: send "&c/rank (player) (rank)" else: send "&cInsufficient permissions!" on chat: if {playerrank.%player%} = "default": set the chat format to "&7%player%&7: &7%message%" if {playerrank.%player%} = "vip": set the chat format to "&a[VIP] &a%player%&f: &7%message%" if {playerrank.%player%} = "pro": set the chat format to "&b[PRO] &b%player%&f: &7%message%" if {playerrank.%player%} = "legend": set the chat format to "&6[LEGEND] &6%player%&f: &7%message%" if {playerrank.%player%} = "patron": set the chat format to "&3[PATRON] &3%player%&f: &7%message%" if {playerrank.%player%} = "jrmod": set the chat format to "&e[JR.MOD] &e%player%&f: &7%message%" if {playerrank.%player%} = "mod": set the chat format to "&e[MOD] &e%player%&f: &7%message%" if {playerrank.%player%} = "srmod": set the chat format to "&e[SR.MOD] &e%player%&f: &7%message%" if {playerrank.%player%} = "admin": set the chat format to "&c[ADMIN]&c %player%&f: &7%message%" command /tablist: trigger: if {playerrank.%player%} = "default": set player's tablist name to "&7%player%" if {playerrank.%player%} = "vip": set player's tablist name to "&a[VIP] &a%player%" if {playerrank.%player%} = "pro": set player's tablist name to "&b[PRO] &b%player%" if {playerrank.%player%} = "legend": set player's tablist name to "&6[LEGEND] &6%player%" if {playerrank.%player%} = "patron": set player's tablist name to "&3[PATRON] &3%player%" if {playerrank.%player%} = "jrmod": set player's tablist name to "&e[JR.MOD] &e%player%" if {playerrank.%player%} = "mod": set player's tablist name to "&e[MOD] &e%player%" if {playerrank.%player%} = "srmod": set player's tablist name to "&e[SR.MOD] &e%player%" if {playerrank.%player%} = "admin": set player's tablist name to "&c[ADMIN] &c%player%"
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