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Making Skript for the community

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19 hours ago, Cramkes said:

Can you make me a ender pearl cool down skript?

on right ender pearl 
    if {Enderpearlcooldown::%Players's uuid%} is 5 
        send message "U are on cooldown" 

Haven't tested this but you might have to change to "on right click" or something

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on rightclick:
  player's tool = ender pearl
  set {epcooldown.%player's uuid%} to 8
#change 8 to however long you want the cooldown to be (In seconds)

on rightclick:
  player's tool = ender pearl
  if {epcooldown.%player's uuid%} > 0:
    send action bar "&cYou are on cooldown for %{epcooldown.%player's uuid%}%&c more seconds." to player
    cancel event

every second: # you may have to make it every second in "worldname":
  loop all players:
    if {epcooldown.%loop-player's uuid%} > 0:
    take 1 from {epcooldown.%loop-player's uuid%}



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I make skripts... k.

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23 hours ago, _BokBok_ said:

on rightclick:
  player's tool = ender pearl
  set {epcooldown.%player's uuid%} to 8
#change 8 to however long you want the cooldown to be (In seconds)

on rightclick:
  player's tool = ender pearl
  if {epcooldown.%player's uuid%} > 0:
    send action bar "&cYou are on cooldown for %{epcooldown.%player's uuid%}%&c more seconds." to player
    cancel event

every second: # you may have to make it every second in "worldname":
  loop all players:
    if {epcooldown.%loop-player's uuid%} > 0:
    take 1 from {epcooldown.%loop-player's uuid%}



Better one: (Doesn't loop all players every second which depending on the amount of players it can use more ram and cpu)


  cooldown: 8 seconds #Use timespans (EX: 1 second, 1 minute, 1 hour, 1 day)

on rightclick holding a ender pearl:
  set {_time} to difference between {epearl::%player's uuid%} and now # Gets the time difference
  if difference between {_time} and now is less than {@cooldown}: # Checks if the cooldown isn't complete yet
    set {_time} to difference between {@cooldown} and {_time} # Gets the remaining time
    send action bar "&4&l • &cPlease wait %{_time}%" to player # Sends an action bar showing the remaining time
    cancel event # Cancels the event
    stop #Stops the rest of the event from running
    set {epearl::%player's uuid%} to now

If it doesn't work message me with the errors.

Edited by ReportCards


💬 » Discord: @reportcards


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18 hours ago, Rebirth450 said:

Can you make me a skript for random drops from blocks. The kind that has a preset random object drop from each block. so if you break an oak trapdoor twice you get a totem both times?

on script load:
  if {reset} is not 1:
    make console execute "/reset"

command /reset:
  permission: *
    clear {blocks::*}
    clear {available::*}
    set {reset} to 1
    loop all items:
      set {available::%type of loop-item%} to type of loop-item
    broadcast "&4&l • &cReset all the block drops"

on break:
  clear drops
  if {blocks::%type of event-block%} is not set:
    set {_item} to random item out of {available::*}
    set {blocks::%type of event-block%} to {_item}
    delete {available::%type of {_item}%}
    drop {_item}
    drop {blocks::%type of event-block%}

This might work, it might need some fixing.


💬 » Discord: @reportcards


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On 5/13/2020 at 3:57 PM, ComradeGamrDoggo said:

Can I have like a /report system?

command /report [<player>] [<text>]:
        if arg 1 is set:
            if arg 2 is set:
                loop all players:
                    loop-player has permission "reports.see":
                     set %msg% 
                        send "&8[&c&lPVPSKYRAID] &c%arg 1% &8has been reported by &a%player% &8for: &4%arg 2%" to loop-player
                    send "&8[&c&lPVPSKYRAID] &aThanks for reporting &c%arg 1%&a! Your report will be send to all Staff Members!"
                    add 1 to {reports.%arg 1%}
                send "&8[&c&lPVPSKYRAID] &8Please give a reason why you whant to report &c%arg 1%&8!"
            send "&8[&c&lPVPSKYRAID] &8Please specify a player!"
command /reports [<player>]:
    permission: reports.see
    permission message: &8&c&lPVPSKYRAID] &cYou don't have perms to use this command!
        if arg 1 is set:
            send "&8[&c&lPVPSKYRAID] &8Reports of &a%arg 1%&8: &c%{reports.%arg 1%}% %a with the messages %msg%"
        if arg 1 is not set:
            send "&8[&c&l&c&lPVPSKYRAID] &8Please specify a player!"
command /resetreports [<player>]:
    permission: reports.see
    permission message: &8[&c&lPVPSKYRAID] &cYou don't have perms to use this command!
        if arg 1 is set:
            set {reports.%arg 1%} to 0
            send "&8[&c&lPVPSKYRAID] &aReports of &b%arg 1% &ahas been reset! &8(&c0&8)"
        if arg 1 is not set:
            send "&8[&c&lPVPSKYRAID] &8Please specify a player!"

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On 5/17/2020 at 9:39 PM, IEatBeef said:

RTP/Wild script?

    min.x: -250 #DO NOT TOUCH!
    max.x: 250 #DO NOT TOUCH!
    min.z: -250 #DO NOT TOUCH!
    max.z: 250 #DO NOT TOUCH!
    avoid: air or water block or lava block or stone block or sandstone block or mossy cobblestone block or dirt block
    perm: sparx.wild #CHANGE TO YOUR PERMISSION!
    cooldown: 60 second #CHANGE TO YOUR COOLDOWN! (Formats: second/s, minute/s, hour/s, day/s)

Command /wild:
        set {_waited} to difference between {wild.%player%.lastused} and now
        if {_waited} is less than {@cooldown}:
            message "&7(&6!&7) &eYou must wait &6%difference between {@cooldown} and {_waited}% &ebefore using this command again."

        send "&7(&6!&7) &eTeleporting to the Wilderness." to player
        send "&7(&6&lREMINDER&r&7) &6PvP &eis allowed in this area!" to player
        wait 1 tick
        send "&7(&6!&7) &eTeleporting in 3 Seconds."
        wait 1 second
        send "&7(&6!&7) &eTeleporting in 2 Seconds."
        wait 1 second
        send "&7(&6!&7) &eTeleporting in 1 Second."
        wait 2 second
        apply blindness 100 to player for 6 seconds
        wait 1 tick
        set {_loc::old} to player's location
        while player's location is {_loc::old}:
            set {_loc::new} to location at random number between {@min.x} and {@max.x}, 0, random number between {@min.z} and {@max.z}
            loop blocks above {_loc::new}:
                if loop-block and block above loop-block are air:
                    if block under loop-block is not bedrock:
                        set {_loc::new} to location of loop-block
                        teleport player to {_loc::new}
                        stop loop
                        wait 10 ticks
        set {wild.%player%.lastused} to now


Sorry for the late reply btw, sorta busy

I make skripts... k.

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Hello there,Im fairly new to this whole skript thing so i have a request for making a shop gui

Can u message me on discord so i can send you what categories and what blocks every category should have?


Edited by MystryMaster
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On 5/19/2020 at 1:36 PM, _BokBok_ said:

    min.x: -250 #DO NOT TOUCH!
    max.x: 250 #DO NOT TOUCH!
    min.z: -250 #DO NOT TOUCH!
    max.z: 250 #DO NOT TOUCH!
    avoid: air or water block or lava block or stone block or sandstone block or mossy cobblestone block or dirt block
    perm: sparx.wild #CHANGE TO YOUR PERMISSION!
    cooldown: 60 second #CHANGE TO YOUR COOLDOWN! (Formats: second/s, minute/s, hour/s, day/s)

Command /wild:
        set {_waited} to difference between {wild.%player%.lastused} and now
        if {_waited} is less than {@cooldown}:
            message "&7(&6!&7) &eYou must wait &6%difference between {@cooldown} and {_waited}% &ebefore using this command again."

        send "&7(&6!&7) &eTeleporting to the Wilderness." to player
        send "&7(&6&lREMINDER&r&7) &6PvP &eis allowed in this area!" to player
        wait 1 tick
        send "&7(&6!&7) &eTeleporting in 3 Seconds."
        wait 1 second
        send "&7(&6!&7) &eTeleporting in 2 Seconds."
        wait 1 second
        send "&7(&6!&7) &eTeleporting in 1 Second."
        wait 2 second
        apply blindness 100 to player for 6 seconds
        wait 1 tick
        set {_loc::old} to player's location
        while player's location is {_loc::old}:
            set {_loc::new} to location at random number between {@min.x} and {@max.x}, 0, random number between {@min.z} and {@max.z}
            loop blocks above {_loc::new}:
                if loop-block and block above loop-block are air:
                    if block under loop-block is not bedrock:
                        set {_loc::new} to location of loop-block
                        teleport player to {_loc::new}
                        stop loop
                        wait 10 ticks
        set {wild.%player%.lastused} to now


Sorry for the late reply btw, sorta busy

that isn't really the best way to find a location to teleport someone. With that code, if someone wants to rtp they might just end up in a cave a few blocks above bedrock.

First Joined: July 2015
VIP: January 2020
Jr.Mod: 1st April 2020
Mod: 16th July 2020


~ Skript Developer
~ Discord: @nicholxs#0001
~ Previous names: Nichxlxs, Deterno, iHaveSkills, Retrical

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eeeeeeeeeeeeeee                                                                                                                                                          Just testing. not part of anything. sorry!

Edited by OGChriss
my e in the e of the e and the e had a e so it e'd then broke into an e and hit a e and got arrested by a e and was put in jail by a e and was let out by a e and was e (lol)
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Hello, me again.

Both of the skripts you've given me have worked out very well.


As for why I return. There are two things I need.


1. Can you make it so that on right click it checks the item and its specific name/display, only activating the specific command if its name is something specific?


2. If that is possible, can you make a skript that makes a beacon with the name: Basic Item Crate open a random item menu, like those crates you'll see in bigger servers. just put a out of skript note to tell me where I can put the items, make it so they can have names preferably as well.

Edited by Rebirth450
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22 hours ago, mrclipse said:

can u pls make a /dupe command that makes your hand a stack even if its a normally unstackable block (no restrictions for bedrock spawners end portal blocks ect.)

command dupe:
		set item amount of player's tool to 64


On 5/28/2020 at 8:24 AM, dabberboii said:

SuperVanish script, please!
SuperVanish is a plugin that when you do /vanish or /v , it removes you from tab AND makes you invisible!
Thanks so much you're the best!


No addons required!

On 5/25/2020 at 6:07 AM, Jessica907432 said:

Dont know if your still doing it but can u make a /stack that gives the player 64 of whatever item they are holding?

command stack:
		give player 64 of player's tool


VIP since January 7th, 2020

Support since September 19th, 2020

Helper since November 3rd, 2020

Moderator since March 8th, 2021




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