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Everything posted by OGChriss

  1. They're fairly simple to just google, look for a few hours and find it.. Not to be rude, drag..
  2. Exactly what i didn't need. I have the skript, i need a TOGGLE
  3. wtf i cannot get a skript? why what how wtf is this and when tf will this end
  4. why can i not get a okay skript from ANYWHERE?!?!
  5. I mean.. I guess, but i really dont wanna rip people off on trashy skripts
  6. Server's Crackdupe. I dont know if ppl will want to play my server without a toggle..
  7. Or a AH, - Add economy. If i add economy, it may get broken but not if they cannot dupe money so it's all virtual and u can like pay 5k to get prot 10 or something
  8. Ik, - I was gonna add shops, lets say: Oh! you got a warped sign. You can trade that in for a sharp1 book
  9. Hey! I've seen a bunch of servers where you get random items every however many seconds. You can also toggle the items! But, i just dont know how to do that. So, I'd like to ask you (the community) Do you have any of these? I'd love to use them, and anyways.. I want to make a sky-dupe server of my own, - I need a skript that can give you random items. Thanks!
  10. Hey, I need a Skript that goes soemthing along the lines of this With essentials economy, I want to be able to do /buyplot, where it takes 10000 out of your balance. After that, it allows you to claim a second plot. It seems pretty simple, i just need a skript that does it. (NOTICE: I am 9, I do NOT have discord.)
  11. yeah. they dont accept 'my brother did it' as an answer. no way your getting unbanend dude.
  12. IGN: OGChriss Punishment type: ban&mute Heres why i should be unbanned: Hey! i was bypassing mute, (yes i know that was bad.) I am sorry, and i didnt know i would get banned. and anyways, it is my first ban ever.. and its 2 weeks long? That confuses me. And, some of my favorite servers on minecraft are hosted on minehut. I feel really bad, and i didnt know it would get me banned. and that knowing i haven't played for long, i support the server, and have told my friends to join sometimes. I would like to be unbanned. Thank you for your time. Have a great day! *seriously i am sorry*
  13. i dont know how that would work, but make the bedrock break time like 13 hours
  14. OGChriss

    Bomb skript

    Hey, i need a skript that can make bombs. *tnt with a radius of my choice* is there a way to make bombs? is there a plugin? cuz i surely dont see any.
  15. (for everybody) Also, I was wondering if a skript that gave you items for being online, or bombs.
  16. also.. goose i have another forum about how to set up buying plots with like a key, or some form of money. How can i do that?
  17. Problem. I am nine years old. the only "social" thing i have is steam. can we talk here?
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