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Everything posted by Jessica907432

  1. i identified the problem being protcal lib but no idea how to fix
  2. #here is my code on right click: if player's held item is a book named "&5&lHow to Get Rich": execute console command "eco give %player% 10000"
  3. This dude .LoyalMold789979 has been spamming in chat for 5-10min now relntless i think it might be a bot if by some mirical a minehut admin or mod or anyone is seeing this please mute this person
  4. im using lp and essentialsX and i cant make it so the mvp rank can do /warp mvp without making them be able to warp to any warp i want the warp mvp to be mvp exlusive and have no idea i have allr tried the /lp group mbp permission set essentials.warps.mvp and it has not worked please somone help
  5. T thank you both for your input i did this: on rightclick on entity holding Diamond Axe: if player has permission "hammer.use": player is holding a Diamond Axe named "&4Jail Hammer" cancel event if entity is a player: teleport entity to location(63, 105, 28) execute console command "/jail entity jail1" broadcast "&4&l%entity% got jailed by %player%"
  6. im trying to make a script that tp's whoever i hit with &6Jail Hammer to 63 105 29 i only have skript installed and i dont know if i need more plugins if someone could make the idea and explain how it works to me i would be so grateful
  7. That aint no oopsie bro- u got more trackers then the free robux/vbux sites xD
  8. on right click: if player's held item is Nether Star named "&d&lHearts": Make console excute command:"lifesteal lives %player% add 1" please help i dont know what im doing wrong
  9. on damage of player: attacker's tool is gold axe named "&4Ban Hammer": if attacker has permission "banhammer.use": kick victim ban victim due to "U TRASH KID" else: send "YOU Cant use this L!" to attacker this makes it so the player whos holding it bans anyone that comes into contact with the hit i tried it but it made it so if anyone hits anyone it bans them pls help (no errors btw)
  10. Jessica907432


    its broken but it just makes the server chat look nice
  11. Jessica907432


    i can try it rn if u want
  12. ' ' 'on damage of player: attacker's tool is gold axe named "&4Ban Hammer": if attacker has permission "banhammer.use": kick victim ban victim due to "U TRASH KID" else: send "YOU Cant use this L!" to attacker' ' ' no idea what im doing wrong
  13. Railgun skript that shoots a red lazar or a guardian beam ty
  14. tried that cant it keeps saying it can u please redo the skript and give me a walkthrough with it or i might just copy paste itthe lighting part 10 times
  15. where the spaces are add your own thing lol
  16. on left click with Blaze Rod: if lore of player's held item is "&7lightning ∞ ": loop 10 times: strike lightning at target block of player send action bar "&4&lI AM.... Inenvtiable!" to player the loop part doesnt work and if i dont get it working im going to end skript entirley also i cant figure out how to make a cooldown
  17. yeah umm well it made every time u right click it does it not every time u right click with dirt- idk how to fix
  18. ik u posted this 11 hours ago but fun challlenge that id like u to expand on so ill keep it as vauge as possible a custom Pickaxe that can mine a ___ tunnel named &b&lDiamond Block Pickaxe but it also does _____ if you left click it and it sends you a message saying &b_____ when a block is mine with it
  19. Great np for posting i saw it and thanks for clarifying its random but with alot of players theres going to be zombies pathfinding to more than 1 player at a time if thats how the skript is working which is what i see
  20. I willl try this but currently doing stuff and cant acsess my seerver to play on tysm for responding im new to the skript stuff (abt 1week of experenice and i cant even do that)
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