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  1. /sb server broadcast skript that will broadcast a message but with a custom prefix like [PVPSKYRAID] *message*
  2. Iam stuck on 1 part of my script, On world change: If player's world is "ul_kit": wait 1 second give 1 wooden sword named "{LobbyCompassName1}" to player any problems
  3. command /report [<player>] [<text>]: trigger: if arg 1 is set: if arg 2 is set: loop all players: loop-player has permission "reports.see": set %msg% send "&8[&c&lPVPSKYRAID] &c%arg 1% &8has been reported by &a%player% &8for: &4%arg 2%" to loop-player send "&8[&c&lPVPSKYRAID] &aThanks for reporting &c%arg 1%&a! Your report will be send to all Staff Members!" add 1 to {reports.%arg 1%} stop else: send "&8[&c&lPVPSKYRAID] &8Please give a reason why you whant to report &c%arg 1%&8!" else: send "&8[&c&lPVPSKYRAID] &8Please specify a player!" command /reports [<player>]: permission: reports.see permission message: &8&c&lPVPSKYRAID] &cYou don't have perms to use this command! trigger: if arg 1 is set: send "&8[&c&lPVPSKYRAID] &8Reports of &a%arg 1%&8: &c%{reports.%arg 1%}% %a with the messages %msg%" if arg 1 is not set: send "&8[&c&l&c&lPVPSKYRAID] &8Please specify a player!" command /resetreports [<player>]: permission: reports.see permission message: &8[&c&lPVPSKYRAID] &cYou don't have perms to use this command! trigger: if arg 1 is set: set {reports.%arg 1%} to 0 send "&8[&c&lPVPSKYRAID] &aReports of &b%arg 1% &ahas been reset! &8(&c0&8)" if arg 1 is not set: send "&8[&c&lPVPSKYRAID] &8Please specify a player!"
  4. on load: set {LobbyCompassName} to "&3LobbyCompass" set {LobbyCompassLore} to "&kl" on join: clear player's inventory wait 1 tick give player a compass named {LobbyCompassName} with lore {LobbyCompassLore} command /setlobby [<text>]: trigger: if player has permission "lobby.set" OR "lobby.*": if arg 1 is "lobby": set {LobbyLocation} to location of player send "&c<&4Lobby&c> Je hebt de locatie van de &4lobby &cgezet op:%nl% &4%{LobbyLocation}%" else: send "&c<&4Lobby&c> Je moet nog een lobbynaam invoeren." else: send "&c<&4Lobby&c> Je hebt geen permissies om deze command uit te voeren." command /clobby [<offline player>] [<text>]: executable by: console trigger: if arg 1 is set: if arg 2 is "lobby": teleport arg 1 to {LobbyLocation} command /lobby: trigger: teleport player to {LobbyLocation} send "&d<&5Lobby&d> &5Welcome to the lobby!" on rightclick: if player is holding a compass named {LobbyCompassName} with lore {LobbyCompassLore}: open chest with 1 rows named "&3LobbyCompass" to player format gui slot 0 of player with a grass block named "&5&lSurvival" with lore "&e&5Vanilla Survival" to close then run execute console command "/lobby %player% survival" format gui slot 0 of player with a diamond sword named "&5&lKitPVP" with lore "&l&7go earn coins by killing people" to close then run execute console command "world ul_void" format gui slot 0 of player with a diamond block named "&5&lFactions" with lore "&7Create a Faction and conquer the server " to close then run execute console command "/lobby %player% creative"
  5. iam new to skripting, what do u think i should change? on rightclick with compass: open virtual chest inventory with size 3 named "MINIGAMES" to player format gui slot 0 of player with diamond sword named "&cKITPVP" to run: command world ul_void format gui slot 1 of player with grass block named "&cSkyBlock" to run: command world ul_skyblock
  6. can u make a /mines command which lists all the available prison mines
  7. can u make a hub command that sends u to ul_hub because /hub goes to minehuts lobby (if it does work and doesnt override it) if it doesnt can u make a /h or /l command
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