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Everything posted by _BokBok_

  1. I couldn't do # as it would mess up the skript because # ignores all the code after it in that line so I changed it to @message command /sc <text>: permission: staffchat.use permission message: &cYou do not have access to use this command! trigger: loop all players: if loop-player has permission "staffchat.use": send "&8[&b&lS&3&lC&8] %player's prefix%&6%player%%player's suffix%&8: &e%colored arg-1%" to loop-player on chat: if message starts with "@": if player has permission "staffchat.use": replace first "@" with " " in message cancel event make player say "/sc %message%"
  2. command /ban [<offlineplayer>] [<text>]: trigger: if player does not have permission "ban.use": send "&cYou are not permitted to run this command!" stop if arg-1 is not set: send "&c/ban (player) [reason] [-s]" stop if arg-1 has permission "ban.use": send "&cThat player cannot be banned!" stop if player is not set: set {_p} to "CONSOLE" else: set {_p} to player if arg-1 is banned: send "&cThat player is already banned!" stop if arg-2 is not set: set {_r} to "N/A" else: set {_r} to arg-2 if {_r} contains "-s": replace all " -s" and "-s " with "" in {_r} set {_silent} to true if {_silent} is set: loop all players: if loop-player has permission "ban.use": send "&7&o(SILENT) &b%{_p}% &7banned &b%arg-1% &7for &c%{_r}% &7[FOREVER]" to loop-player else: broadcast "&b%{_p}% &7banned &b%arg-1% &7for &c%{_r}% &7[FOREVER]" ban arg-1 due to {_r} if arg-1 is online: kick arg-1 due to "&7You are now banned! &bReason: &7%{_r}%" add arg-1 to {banlist::*} command /kick [<player>] [<text>]: trigger: if player does not have permission "kick.use": send "&cYou are not permitted to run this command!" stop if arg-1 is not set: send "&c/kick (player) [reason] [-s]" stop if arg-1 has permission "kick.use": send "&cThat player cannot be kicked!" stop if arg-2 is not set: set {_r} to "N/A" else: set {_r} to arg-2 if player is not set: set {_p} to "CONSOLE" else: set {_p} to player if {_r} contains "-s": replace all " -s" and "-s " with "" in {_r} set {_silent} to true if {_silent} is set: loop all players: if loop-player has permission "ban.use": send "&7&o(SILENT) &b%{_p}% &7kicked &b%arg-1% &7for &c%{_r}%" to loop-player else: broadcast "&b%{_p}% &7kicked &b%arg-1% &7for &c%{_r}%" kick arg-1 due to "&7You were kicked! &bReason: &7%{_r}%" command /tempban [<offlineplayer>] [<text>] [<timespan>]: trigger: if player does not have permission "tempban.use": send "&cYou are not permitted to run this command!" stop if arg-2 is not set: send "&c/tempban (player) [reason] [-s] (time)" stop if arg-1 has permission "tempban.use": send "&cThat player cannot be banned!" stop if player is not set: set {_p} to "CONSOLE" else: set {_p} to player if arg-1 is banned: send "&cThat player is already banned!" stop if arg-2 is not set: set {_r} to "N/A" else: set {_r} to arg-2 set {_l} to "%arg-3%" set {_l} to "%capitalized {_l}%" if {_r} contains "-s": replace all " -s" and "-s " with "" in {_r} set {_silent} to true if {_silent} is set: loop all players: if loop-player has permission "tempban.use": send "&7&o(SILENT) &b%{_p}% &7banned &b%arg-1% &7for &c%{_r}% &7[%{_l}%]" to loop-player else: broadcast "&b%{_p}% &7banned &b%arg-1% &7for &c%{_r}% &7[%{_l}%]" ban arg-1 due to {_r} if arg-1 is online: kick arg-1 due to "&7You are now banned! &bReason: &7%{_r}% &f &f &f &f &bLength: &7%arg-3%" add arg-1 to {banlist::*} set {%arg-1%.banned} to now set {%arg-1%.length} to arg-3 command /broadcast [<text>]: aliases: /bc, /announce, /a trigger: if player does not have permission "broadcast.use": send "&cYou are not permitted to run this command!" stop broadcast "" broadcast "&b&lALERT &8>> &7%colored arg-1%" broadcast "" loop all players: if loop-player has permission "broadcast.use": if loop-player is not player: if player is a player: set {_p} to player else: set {_p} to "CONSOLE" send "&b%{_p}%&7 used broadcast!" to loop-player command /mute [<offlineplayer>] [<text>] [<timespan>]: trigger: if player does not have permission "mute.use": send "&cYou are not permitted to run this command!" stop if arg-2 is not set: send "&c/mute (player) [reason] [-s] (time)" stop if arg-1 has permission "mute.use": send "&cThat player cannot be muted!" stop if player is not set: set {_p} to "CONSOLE" else: set {_p} to player if {%arg-1%.muted} is set: send "&cThat player is already muted!" stop if arg-2 is not set: set {_r} to "N/A" else: set {_r} to arg-2 set {_l} to "%arg-3%" set {_l} to "%capitalized {_l}%" if {_r} contains "-s": replace all " -s" and "-s " with "" in {_r} set {_silent} to true if {_silent} is set: loop all players: if loop-player has permission "mute.use": send "&7&o(SILENT) &b%{_p}% &7muted &b%arg-1% &7for &c%{_r}% &7[%{_l}%]" to loop-player else: broadcast "&b%{_p}% &7muted &b%arg-1% &7for &c%{_r}% &7[%{_l}%]" set {muted.%arg-1%} to true add arg-1 to {mutelist::*} set {%arg-1%.muted} to now set {%arg-1%.mutelength} to arg-3 command /unmute [<offlineplayer>] [<text>]: trigger: if player does not have permission "mute.use": send "&cYou are not permitted to run this command!" stop if arg-1 is not set: send "&c/mute (player) [-s]" stop if arg-1 has permission "mute.use": send "&cYou cannot unmute this player!" stop if player is not set: set {_p} to "CONSOLE" else: set {_p} to player if {%arg-1%.muted} is not set: send "&cThat player is not muted!" stop if {_r} contains "-s": replace all " -s" and "-s " with "" in {_r} set {_silent} to true if {_silent} is set: loop all players: if loop-player has permission "mute.use": send "&7&o(SILENT) &b%{_p}% &7unmuted &b%arg-1%" to loop-player else: broadcast "&b%{_p}% &7unmuted &b%arg-1%" clear {muted.%arg-1%} remove arg-1 from {mutelist::*} clear {%arg-1%.muted} clear {%arg-1%.mutelength} every 1 second: loop {banlist::*}: if {%loop-value%.banned} is set: if difference between now and {%loop-value%.banned} >= {%loop-value%.length}: unban loop-value remove loop-value from {banlist::*} clear {%loop-value%.banned} clear {%loop-value%.length} loop {mutelist::*}: if {%loop-value%.muted} is set: if difference between now and {%loop-value%.muted} >= {%loop-value%.mutelength}: unban loop-value clear {muted.%loop-value%} remove loop-value from {mutelist::*} clear {%loop-value%.muted} clear {%loop-value%.mutelength} command /unban [<offlineplayer>] [<text>]: trigger: if player does not have permission "unban.use": send "&cYou are not permitted to run this command!" stop if arg-1 is not set: send "&c/unban (player) [-s]" stop if player is not set: set {_p} to "CONSOLE" else: set {_p} to player if arg-1 is not banned: send "&cThat player is not banned!" stop if arg-2 contains "-s": replace all " -s" and "-s " with "" in {_r} set {_silent} to true if {_silent} is set: loop all players: if loop-player has permission "ban.use": send "&7&o(SILENT) &b%{_p}% &7unbanned &b%arg-1%" to loop-player else: broadcast "&b%{_p}% &7unbanned &b%arg-1%" unban arg-1 remove arg-1 from {banlist::*} command /warn [<offlineplayer>] [<text>]: trigger: if player does not have permission "warn.use": send "&cYou are not permitted to run this command!" stop if player is not set: set {_p} to "CONSOLE" else: set {_p} to player if arg-2 is not set: send "&c/warn (player) (reason)" stop if arg-1 has permission "warn.use": send "&cYou cannot warn this player!" stop broadcast "&b%{_p}% &7warned &b%arg-1%&7 for &c%arg-2%" if {warns.%arg-1%} is not set: set {warns.%arg-1%} to 1 add arg-1 to {warnlist::*} else: add 1 to {warns.%arg-1%} command /unwarn [<offlineplayer>]: trigger: if player does not have permission "warn.use": send "&cYou are not permitted to run this command!" stop if arg-1 is not set: send "&c/unwarn (player)" stop if player is not set: set {_p} to "CONSOLE" else: set {_p} to player if {warns.%arg-1%} is not set: send "&cThat player has no warns!" stop else: broadcast "&b%player%&7 pardoned &c%arg-1%&7's warn" if {warns.%arg-1%} is 1: clear {warns.%arg-1%} remove arg-1 from {warnlist::*} else: remove 1 from {warns.%arg-1%} on chat: if {muted.%player%} is set: send "&cYou cannot chat while muted!" cancel event command /banlist: trigger: if player does not have permission "ban.use": send "&cYou are not permitted to run this command!" stop if "%{banlist::*}%" is "none": send "&7No players are banned!" stop send "&bCurrent players banned:&7 %{banlist::*}%" command /mutelist: trigger: if player does not have permission "mute.use": send "&cYou are not permitted to run this command!" stop if "%{mutelist::*}%" is "none": send "&7No players are muted" stop send "&bCurrent players muted:&7 %{mutelist::*}%" command /warnlist: trigger: if player does not have permission "warn.use": send "&cYou are not permitted to run this command!" stop if "%{warnlist::*}%" is "none": send "&7No players are warned!" stop send "&bCurrent players warned:&7 %{warnlist::*}%" on join: if {warnlist::*} is not set: set {warnlist::*} to none on join: if {warnlist::*} is not set: set {mutelist::*} to none on join: if {banlist::*} is not set: set {banlist::*} to none
  3. # This is to set the lobby location command /setlobby: permission: op permission message: &cYou do not have permission to execute this command. trigger: set {lobby} to player's location send "&f[&a&lLOBBY&f] &aLobby has been set to %{lobby}%&a." # These are the commands to get to the lobby command /l: trigger: teleport player to {lobby} send "&aYou have been teleported to the lobby." command /h: trigger: teleport player to {lobby} send "&aYou have been teleported to the hub."
  4. options: min.x: -250 #DO NOT TOUCH! max.x: 250 #DO NOT TOUCH! min.z: -250 #DO NOT TOUCH! max.z: 250 #DO NOT TOUCH! avoid: air or water block or lava block or stone block or sandstone block or mossy cobblestone block or dirt block perm: sparx.wild #CHANGE TO YOUR PERMISSION! cooldown: 60 second #CHANGE TO YOUR COOLDOWN! (Formats: second/s, minute/s, hour/s, day/s) Command /wild: trigger: set {_waited} to difference between {wild.%player%.lastused} and now if {_waited} is less than {@cooldown}: message "&7(&6!&7) &eYou must wait &6%difference between {@cooldown} and {_waited}% &ebefore using this command again." stop send "&7(&6!&7) &eTeleporting to the Wilderness." to player send "&7(&6&lREMINDER&r&7) &6PvP &eis allowed in this area!" to player wait 1 tick send "&7(&6!&7) &eTeleporting in 3 Seconds." wait 1 second send "&7(&6!&7) &eTeleporting in 2 Seconds." wait 1 second send "&7(&6!&7) &eTeleporting in 1 Second." wait 2 second apply blindness 100 to player for 6 seconds wait 1 tick set {_loc::old} to player's location while player's location is {_loc::old}: set {_loc::new} to location at random number between {@min.x} and {@max.x}, 0, random number between {@min.z} and {@max.z} loop blocks above {_loc::new}: if loop-block and block above loop-block are air: if block under loop-block is not bedrock: set {_loc::new} to location of loop-block teleport player to {_loc::new} stop loop wait 10 ticks set {wild.%player%.lastused} to now Sorry for the late reply btw, sorta busy
  5. PlayerParticles Update Request Can you please update PlayerParticles plugin from version 6.4 to version 7.12, it is really outdated and they have lots of amazing new features https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/playerparticles.40261/
  6. on rightclick: player's tool = ender pearl set {epcooldown.%player's uuid%} to 8 #change 8 to however long you want the cooldown to be (In seconds) on rightclick: player's tool = ender pearl if {epcooldown.%player's uuid%} > 0: send action bar "&cYou are on cooldown for %{epcooldown.%player's uuid%}%&c more seconds." to player cancel event every second: # you may have to make it every second in "worldname": loop all players: if {epcooldown.%loop-player's uuid%} > 0: take 1 from {epcooldown.%loop-player's uuid%} @Cramkes
  7. permission: none command: /tps Status - TPS: Good 19 - 20, Moderate 16 - 18, Bad 13 - 15, Really Bad 0 - 12 preview: TPS With Status.txt
  8. I'm bored... reply with what skript you want me to make for you
  9. There is no way to actually crash a player using skript. Also, I don't think Minehut staff would appriciate.
  10. I couldn't do # as it would mess up the skript because # ignores all the code after it in that line so I changed it to @message command /sc <text>: permission: staffchat.use permission message: &cYou do not have access to use this command! trigger: loop all players: if loop-player has permission "staffchat.use": send "&8[&b&lS&3&lC&8] %player's prefix%&6%player%%player's suffix%&8: &e%colored arg-1%" to loop-player on chat: if message starts with "@": if player has permission "staffchat.use": replace first "@" with " " in message cancel event make player say "/sc %message%"
  11. I don't play warzone so I don't really get what you mean
  12. I'm making free skripts again... reply to this post with anything you need!
  13. on break: fix player's tool on damage: fix attacker's tool
  14. Yeah, I can't do that lol
  15. I have not tested the skript but it should work, also. I made it so that quartz only give 3 xp as quartz would be broken really fast and that would cause them to level up really fast however, you can change it to anything to you like by just changing "add (number of how much xp you want them to gain) to {xp.%player%}" If you have any issues with this skript, send me a message!
  16. That's more advanced + I'm pretty sure skript anticheats would be a bad idea for minehut as the servers get pretty laggy so it could false-ban / false-report
  17. Okay, don't add the previous skript i sent as the xp only goes to 5 before they levelup and theres more than 5 blocks which means that they would level up way to fast
  18. Not sure this is what you meant, If not just reply with the skript you want but in more detail. on chat: set chat format to "&7[&e%{level.%player's uuid%}%&7] &7%player's prefix%%player%%player's suffix%&8: &7%message%" on death: add 1 to {xp.%attacker%} on death: if {xp.%attacker%} >= 5: set {xp.%attacker%} to 0 add 1 to {level.%attacker%} send "&a&lLEVEL UP!" send "&7&oYou are now level %{level.%attacker%}%" broadcast "&a%player% &7is now level &a%{level.%player%}%&a!" command /level: trigger: send "&aYour level: &e%{level.%player%}%&e" command /xp: trigger: send "&aYour level-up xp: &e{xp.%player%}&7/&e5" @McHackLines
  19. command /setspawn: permission: spawn.set permission message: &cYou do not have access to this command. trigger: set {spawn} to player's location send "&aSpawn has been set to: &2%{spawn}%" to player command /spawn: trigger: send "&aYou will be teleported to spawn in 5 seconds." wait 5 seconds teleport player to {spawn} command /spawn: trigger: send "&aTeleporting..." teleport player to {spawn} The code I have put in red you pick one or the other to add, the bottom one makes them teleport instantly and the one above makes them wait 5 seconds before they get teleported. @st3ve_3
  20. Could you be a bit more specific?
  21. I'm pretty bored so I'm making free skripts for the community. (Leave a reply with what skript you want)
  22. Needed plugin(s) / add-on(s):Skript Permission node: staff.cspy Usage: /commandspy (on/off) Aliases: /cspy This is a Command Spy skript that is fully customizable, If you have any suggestions please leave a comment. If you know even a little bit of Skript then you should know how to change the color codes for the Skript. commandspy.txt
  23. Needed plugin(s) / add-on(s):Skript Permission node: none (But your staff will need the permission node "staff.report" to get notified about the report) Usage: /report <player> <reason> This is a player report skript that is fully customizable, If you have any suggestions please leave a comment. When you run the command /report <player> <reason>, it will send the report to all online staff on your server (Staff must have the permission "staff.report" to get notified about reports). If you know even a little bit of Skript then you should know how to change the color codes or the format for the Skript. report.txt
  24. Needed plugin(s) / add-on(s):Skript Permission node: staffchat.use and mutechat.bypass Usage: /mutechat This is a Mute Chat skript that is fully customizable, If you have any suggestions please leave a comment. When you run the command /mutechat, it will mute the chat so nobody can talk (unless they have the permission "mutechat.bypass"). If you know even a little bit of Skript then you should know how to change the color codes or the format for the Skript. mutechat.txt
  25. Needed plugin(s) / add-on(s):Skript Permission node: clearchat.use Usage: /clearchat Aliases: /cc, /chatclear This is a very simple Clear-Chat skript that is fully customizable, If you have any suggestions please leave a comment. If you know even a little bit of Skript then you should know how to change the color codes for the Skript. ClearChat.sk
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