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Everything posted by Pryzmm

  1. Please upload this is skript releases, as this is the discussion place... for discussing fixes for problems with skript. As you seem to have to problems and are releasing a skript, this should be in skript releases
  2. I'm glad that somehow.. worked? I don't understand why the skript plugins would stop skript itself from being downloaded. Unless it's too late, do you have any logs during the problem. I doubt it, but it's possible there are some lines of skript in it.
  3. Check to make sure you have Skript installed. If you dont, go to Minehut.com > Dashboard > Plugins and install skript. If you have skript installed, push the "Reload Config" button on the button next to "uninstall". This should reload everything about it, it this dosent work either, reinstall skript. Please keep in mind all skript extensions (SkRayfall, SkBee, etc.) all need Skript to take effect. If this didn't help at all quote this and i'll get back to you ASAP
  4. not necropost. not allowed. not... er... hmm @DeltaRays
  5. necropost alert! @DeltaRays WEE WOO WEE WOO
  6. i am 99.95% sure it's because you did "owner", not owner. you don't usually use quotaions in usage, permission, permission message, or pretty much anything before the trigger: EDIT: also noticed one of your permissions for owner are capitalized. don't know if its case sensitive or not, just wanted to point that out.
  7. Like ztimhirsch1 said, it's possible that SkVault is the problem. Just use Regular Vault and it may work fine when you replace %player% with %loop-player%
  8. command /dupe: trigger: if player's held item is tnt: set {_item} to player's tool give {_item} to player stop else: send "&c&lError: &4You can only dupe TNT!" to player This skript only allows players to dupe TNT
  9. command /toast: trigger: loop all players loop all items in loop-player's inventory: loop-item is a pickaxe loop all the enchantments of loop-item: send "test" to loop-player @WithqutMe try this
  10. set score "&8• &7Balance: %loop-player's balance%" in sidebar of loop-player to 8 i used this on my server and it works fine? i dont know sorry. Only thing i can think of at the moment is that it's one of your plugins interfering with it. Apart from that idk
  11. do you use vault? vault has a economy system i think and that might be why %player's balance% wont work. also i think its %loop-player's balance% not %player's balance%
  12. This is not a problem with minehut, (or skript) but rather Minecraft's way of enchantment levels past 10 (X). If you want to change this your gonna have to hide the items flags and change the lore as RedstoneGamer54 said
  13. change color of text on command
  14. i mAdE aN eXaMpLe aT tHe tOpP
  15. Ive tried this already. Colors with variables only work for broadcasted events not send events and i wanna know how to solve this
  16. I dont mean tab completion. I mean like searching for arguments. Like how mojang made /help and you could search for a command. I want something like this but for arguments
  17. Im making a skript to help ppl who dont know how to skript. I wanted to add changeable colors. whenever i do a command like this one below: i've noticed colors only work on broadcast "message" and not on send "message" to player
  18. happy late birthday 😄

  19. example code: command /example <text>: trigger: if arg-1 is set to "test1": send "test1" to player if arg-1 is set to "test2": send "test2" to player if arg-1 is set to "test3": send "test3" to player # How would i search for these arguments? # Like minecraft's search for commands command... thingy read last 2 lines
  20. you are setting your {money} variable as the whole server. you would need to change it to a player variable. for example, {money.%player%}. This is also used as attacker and victim for damage and death events, like so. {money.%victim%} and {money.%attacker%} Another reminder, when variables are going in text like in line 7, you need to put percent signs before and after the variable, like this. %{money.%player%}%
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