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  1. I could, but it's on a server I moderate, where I have my friends, and everyone's op, but I want to keep a careful eye on the commands just in case of mischief, which is why I need the gamerule sendcommandfeedback set to true.
  2. I'm creating a command that is the setblock command but doesn't send anything to the other players, hence shsetblock. But the problem is I don't know how to set an argument in a custom command to block, because I can't find a list of arguments anywhere, and if I load the skript, it tells me I need an argument that indicates blocks. Here's the code for context: on chat: if player has permission "owner": set chat format to "&r&4[&r&0&kh&r&4] &r&6&n&l[player] &r&4[&r&0&kh&r&4]&r&b: &r&9[message]" else: set chat format to "&7[player]&7: &8[message]" command shgive <item> <player=%player%> [<integer=1>]: aliases: /shitem, /shi permission: "owner" trigger: if arg-2 is online: if arg-3 < 1: send "Cannot give less than one item." to the player exit else: give arg-2 arg-3 of arg-1 else: send "That player is offline." to the player exit command shsetblock <text> <text> <integer> <integer> <integer> [<world=%world%>]: usage: "<world/self> <blockdata> <Coords>" permission: "Owner" trigger: if arg-1 = "world": set {_xpos} to arg-3 set {_ypos} to arg-4 set {_zpos} to arg-5 else if arg-1 = "self": set {x.cord} to player's x-coordinate set {y.cord} to player's y-coordinate set {z.cord} to player's z-coordinate set {_xpos} to arg-3 + {x.cord} set {_ypos} to arg-4 + {y.cord} set {_zpos} to arg-5 + {z.cord} else: send "Please use world for world coordinates, or self for , for arguement one." to player exit set block at location at {_xpos}, {_ypos}, {_zpos} in arg-6 to arg-2 So what argument could I use for blocks on arg-2? And could you point me to a list of arguments for future reference?
  3. My server will not start, I fixed the files in the danger zone, I removed all the more recent plugins, fixed the files again, and tried different tactics to get it to start, But my server always goes back offline as if it was force stopped just before anyone can join. According to my mods, it happened when I was gone, and one in specific told me to turn off the plugin, "Mob Hunting" but it still is broken.
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