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Everything posted by notminehut

  1. I recommend giving more information about your server so that people know what to expect when they join. (This will also increase joins!)
  2. notminehut

    MineCraft SP

    Not sure what the question is.
  3. notminehut


    To reset your server, click the Reset button on the danger zone on the web panel, then click Force Hibernation.
  4. notminehut


    Hey let me try and help you. I'm not sure what you mean for 1., so if you could give more detail and information on that it'd help. And for 2., you can easily change the server name by clicking Change Name on the web panel (it's at the top!). If the name is taken, the error message doesn't always show up / is hidden. So try and be unique with the name!
  5. I dont think Minehut would be different than any other server in thay situation. For example if you can join Hypixel you should be able to join Minehut.
  6. Are there any errors when you reload the script?
  7. You should send us the code you used so we can see if there's any issues with it!
  8. I believe they're already working on / looking into changing the way the naming system restricts you.
  9. It might be outdated, send us your logs and we can take a look. https://minehut.xyz/faq/logs
  10. uhhh... this is my 400th post and that's pretty pogchamp I suppose. oh yes while you're here, check out minehut.xyz
  11. This is just a client-side visual glitch. Try relogging into Minehut, then into your server. If this does not work, close Minecraft and restart your game.
  12. The block breaking and placing may be due to spawn protection, or perhaps WorldGuard not allowing them. Make sure they're a bit away from the spawnpoint. However, the chat issue is most likely client side as I've never heard of those issues on Minehut before.
  13. You can follow THIS helpful tutorial that shows you how to upload a world to your Minehut server.
  14. Please use this section of the forums.
  15. You'll need to give players the required permission to use the command to get kits. For more information on permission mangers, please visit here. If you're using essentials kits, the required permission nodes. You must give each group you want to be able to use it BOTH of these permissions: - essentials.kit - essentials.kits.{kitname} or essentials.kits.* if you want them to be able to use all of them.
  16. No mods are needed. Type "Essentials" in the search bar, and show us a screenshot.
  17. You might have clicked the little button that only shows installed plugins. Can you send us a screenshot of the plugin page?
  18. If you believe something should be changed, join the Minehut Meta Discord.
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