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Everything posted by notminehut

  1. I'm really not sure what's causing this. Can you do this for me? Get your friend to try and join, and then send us your latest.log file using pastebin.com. Your latest.log file can be found by File Manager -> Logs -> latest.log.
  2. Which plugins do you have? /plugins
  3. everyone stop necroposting smh
  4. I believe the plugin is outdated. I've already seen an update request for it though, so hopefully it'll be updated soon.
  5. Is it possible you have any scripts (or plugins), that would prevent a player from joining.
  6. Check your whitelisted file on your file manager to check if he's whitelisted (im not 100% on the name of the file)
  7. Looks like its compatible with 1.16.. +1
  8. notminehut

    Npc Removal

    Try selecting the npc by running /npc select and then do /npc movehere (or tphere). It's been a while since I've used citizens so im not 100% sure.
  9. notminehut


    Send us your latest.log file using pastebin.com. This can be found by File Manager -> Logs -> Latest.log
  10. neither did I dont worry lol
  11. you didn't come out looking good here lmao
  12. notminehut

    Bug Report

    As CaptGate said, /gamerule only works for the world you're in. This means you'll need to run /gamerule keepInventory true on each world you play on.
  13. Username: Minehut server lobby 1 is my favourite server because cool yes
  14. chillins did not like that
  15. im gonna have to ask you to delete your account.
  16. Please provide a plugin link.
  17. Installing Plugins As you may or may not know, Minehut offers a variety of plugins. It may seem confusing at first, but adding plugins to your server is super simple. installing Plugins 1. Find the Plugins section in the panel and find the plugins you'd like to install 2. Click on the plugin then click the Install button 3. Find the World tab on the top and click the blue Save World button. 4. Find the red button which says Restart and click on it. 5. Once your server has started up, join it and your plugins will be installed. You can simply do /pl to view the plugins installed on your server or use the panel.
  18. Lol apparently Tarna got him covered
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