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  1. What's new in this club
  2. How is everyone im new.. h
  3. Hey! At the minute, we aren't accepting staff applications. We'll let you know when we are on our discord!
  4. IGN: DINOBOY50 Age: 13 Discord: DINO#0581 Timezone: General Questions I want to be mod and work my way up,I really like evolve and it is a fun server that id like to help also ive reported a bunch of glitches and bugs Im petty active i like to help others and i have a specify type of comedy that i use I have been staff on Vector a mining server not prison not skymine but like a area where you mine on the ground with pvp.I also am staff on orewars also a mining server both had an averge 10 players online at all times (before minehut plans) Scenarios I'd say Sorry i do not know the answer please ask aother mod/admin or if none are online I will ask an admin about that topic please do not spam I'd ask them when there online and not using the "auto mining cheat" Hello Id like to ask you somthing about your mining your very sus please join *insert discord* and sceenshare me
  5. Essential Information IGN: Awokens Age: 17 Discord: Awokens#5036 Timezone: PST (PDT) General Questions Is there anything specific that inspired you to apply for a staff position? Why Evolve? The systematic of Evolve conveys ideas that I personally admire. An ideal trait that I can relate and agree with Evolve's theme. The scoreboard is colourful in many-ways; wallets, mines and pickaxe-statistics, overall aesthetically pleasing. What makes you stand out over other applicants? I indulgent and passionate about my work ethics with others. But, they are times when problems require serious discretion. However, they are times when problems do not acquire any professionalism, but the mere manner of being genuine with players and staff members. A personality like mine inherits individualism, a euphoric mind and an advocate. Do you have any previous experiences with moderation or management? Please tell us about them. My origins go back to the Golden age of Minecraft, the year 2015. During that time, I joined my first Minecraft server to play: TeamExtreme. The server, TeamExtreme, is a non-premium Minecraft server. But, that doesn't change the ideal reputation. TeamExtreme held great nostalgia for me in the past. But, I moved on and set out to find- Scenarios A user asks you the same question multiple times in a spammy fashion, but you don't know the answer. What do you do? A user appears to be using an auto-miner cheat, however you’re not sure if they actually are. What series of actions do you take to determine if they are or not?
  6. Evolve - Application Format & Process Thanks for taking an interest in applying for staff on Evolve. After the requirements are explained, we talk about the process of your application. The format can be found at the bottom of the document. Please copy and paste this format into a new post and await a response. Please make sure you meet all of the requirements. Requirements you must meet You must be at least 13 years of age. You must have a discord account and a good understanding of how discord works. You must have a working and understandable microphone to attend an interview with. You must have a recording software. You must have 3 hours of playtime and a good understanding of Evolve. You must have joined the community more than 2 days ago and be active. No serious punishments on your history within a reasonable time. Application Process The staff application process has been split into 4 simple parts, explained below. Part 1 - Waiting Phase. After posting your application, it will enter the "Waiting Phase". This phase shouldn't be more than 4 days long, as the staff managers (administrators) are making a decision on whether to accept you at this point. You will be notified if you pass or fail this phase. Part 2 - Interview Stage. If your application is accepted, you will be invited into the Evolve Staff discord to attend an interview. You'll have the chance to communicate to select staff members and others that made it to this stage. We formed the interview process to last around 5-10 minutes, and the interview will dive deeper into your application if we feel some details are missing. You can pass or fail this phase. Part 3 - Training Phase. If you pass the interview stage, you're half way there! You now take part in our training phase. We go over the basics of how moderating Evolve works and also touch up on things you may have gotten wrong in your interview. We teach you everything you need to know about Evolve that you didn't already. You cannot "fail" this phase unless something serious pops up. Part 4 - Helper Trial. Now that you're fully trained, you're ready to become a helper! You'll be a helper for 2 weeks maximum. We use this phase to test how well you are as a staff member in both moderation and helping users out. You will have an assigned mentor to help you, so feel free to ask them questions. You can pass or fail this phase. Passing means you become a moderator and have access to deep further into the staff team. Failing means that you will unfortunately be demoted. Application Format Essential Information IGN: Age: Discord: Timezone: General Questions Is there anything specific that inspired you to apply for a staff position? Why Evolve? What makes you stand out over other applicants? Do you have any previous experiences with moderation or management? Please tell us about them. Scenarios A user asks you the same question multiple times in a spammy fashion, but you don't know the answer. What do you do? A user appears to be using an auto-miner cheat, however you’re not sure if they actually are. What series of actions do you take to determine if they are or not?
  7. Bug Reports Please make sure that you meet the following criteria before submitting a bug report. - Ability to fully recreate the bug - Evidence of the bug must be uploaded to youtube, imgur, gyazo or lightshot. Format - Your IGN: - Type of bug (command, gameplay issue): - How to re-create this bug: - What this bug does: MAKE SURE YOU COPY AND PASTE THIS FORMAT ONTO A NEW THREAD.
  8. Report Format Please make sure that the following criteria is met before reporting a user. - Evidence must be an unedited, un-cropped screenshot or video. - Evidence must be uploaded to youtube, imgur, gyazo or lightshot. - Video clips should be of decent quality. Format - Who you're reporting: - Rule violated: - Evidence: - Extra information: MAKE SURE YOU COPY AND PASTE THIS FORMAT ONTO A NEW THREAD. FAILURE TO DO SO WILL RESULT IN AN INSTANT DENIAL.
  9. Ban Appeal Please make sure the following criteria is met before appealing a punishment. - The ban must be over 12 hours. - Serious offences may not be revoked. Format - Your IGN: - Length of punishment: - Reason for punishment: - Reason punishment should be revoked: MAKE SURE YOU COPY AND PASTE THIS FORMAT ONTO A NEW THREAD. FAILURE TO DO SO WILL RESULT IN AN INSTANT DENIAL.
  10. Mute Appeal Please make sure you meet the following criteria before making an appeal. - The must must be over 2 hours long. - A punishment for a serious reason will not be reverted. Format - Your IGN: - Length of punishment: - Reason for punishment: - Reason why punishment should be revoked: MAKE SURE YOU COPY AND PASTE THIS FORMAT ONTO A NEW THREAD. FAILURE TO DO SO WILL RESULT IN AN INSTANT DENIAL.
  • Posts

    • i have a auto compressor script that doesnt work and need help fixing it so that it is easier to use and is also easier to add more onto it, would be great if someone did this! 

      on script load:
          while item named "Auto Compressor [T1]" is in offhand
              set {shinyoak wood} to shiny oak wood named "Compressed Oak"
      every 1 ticks:
          loop players:
              if loop-player has 32 oak log:
                  remove 32 oak log from loop-player's inventory
                  give loop-player {shinyoak wood}

      on script load:
          while item named "Auto Compressor [T1]"
              set {shinyoak wood2} to shiny oak wood named "Super Compressed Oak"
      every 1 ticks:
          loop players:
              if loop-player has 32 "Compressed Oak"  :
                  remove 32 "Compressed Oak" from loop-player's inventory
                  give loop-player {shinyoak wood2}

    • i did that and the code worked, but not as intended, i was wondering if anyone could fix this code so that all i need to do is get a compass name it and when it is in offhand it will compress every block in the game (that i choose), if anyone can fix this code and make it so i can just copy and paste it multiple times to add the new blocks and just have to change the block names etc -

      on script load:
          while item named "Auto Compressor [T1]" is in offhand
              set {shinyoak wood} to shiny oak wood named "Compressed Oak"
      every 1 ticks:
          loop players:
              if loop-player has 32 oak log:
                  remove 32 oak log from loop-player's inventory
                  give loop-player {shinyoak wood}

      on script load:
          while item named "Auto Compressor [T1]"
              set {shinyoak wood2} to shiny oak wood named "Super Compressed Oak"
      every 1 ticks:
          loop players:
              if loop-player has 32 "Compressed Oak"  :
                  remove 32 "Compressed Oak" from loop-player's inventory
                  give loop-player {shinyoak wood2}

      Edited by Lezyfr
    • 1. Go to your servers file directory, and open the plugins folder 
      2. Locate and open the skript folder
      3. Open the "Scripts" folder that is within the skript folder
      4. Create a new file and name it anything with you want, however add a .sk to the name. (example.sk) - then click save
      5. Open the newly created .sk file, and begin skripting!

      Once done, type /sk reload example.sk to apply the changes, as well as it will tell you if there is any errors.

    • this is the code - 

      on script load:
          set {shinyoak wood} to shiny oak wood named "<##3C3005>&lc<##403206>&lo<##443406>&lm<##483607>&lp<##4B3808>&lr<##4F3A09>&le<##533C09>&ls<##573E0A>&ls<##5B3F0B>&le<##5F410B>&ld<##63430C>&l <##66450D>&lw<##6A470E>&lo<##6E490E>&lo<##724B0F>&ld"
      every 1 ticks:
          loop players:
              if loop-player has 16 oak log:
                  remove 16 oak log from loop-player's inventory
                  give loop-player {shinyoak wood}

    • Ive done that all and tested it a few times just now but it still isnt working for some reason, i dont know if its because theres multiple mods in one zip folder?

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