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Item Display | Flex your items on the chat


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Item Display (Skript)

Be able to display your item on the chat

by typing [item]. If the tool does not have a lore

and no enchants, It'll say "No Enchants" and 
"No Lores". If it has an enchant, but does not have a lore..

It'll say the enchant but say "No Lore"... 
Stuff like those.



Script (17 lines)

on chat:
    if message contains "[item]":
        cancel event
        player is not holding air
        set {_count} to amount of player's held item in player's inventory
        if player's tool is enchanted:
            if line 1 of lore of player's tool is set:
                replace all "[item]" in message with "&8[<tooltip:&e%tool's name ? type of tool% &8(&f%{_count}%x&8)%nl%&7%tool's enchantments%%nl%%tool's lore%>&f%{_count}%x %name of tool ? type of tool%&8]&7"
                replace all "[item]" in message with "&8[<tooltip:&e%tool's name ? type of tool% &8(&f%{_count}%x&8)%nl%%tool's enchantments%%nl%&7No Lores.>&f%{_count}%x %name of tool ? type of tool%&8]&7"
        if player's tool is not enchanted:
            if line 1 of lore of player's tool is set:
                replace all "[item]" in message with "&8[<tooltip:&e%tool's name ? type of tool% &8(&f%{_count}%x&8)%nl%&7No Enchantments.%nl%%tool's lore%>&f%{_count}%x %name of tool ? type of tool%&8]&7"
                replace all "[item]" in message with "&8[<tooltip:&e%tool's name ? type of tool% &8(&f%{_count}%x&8)%nl%&7No Enchantments.%nl%&7No Lores.>&f%{_count}%x %name of tool ? type of tool%&8]&7"
        replace all "||" with "%nl%" in message

        send "%player's displayname%&f: &7%message%" to all players


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Things to know about me

• I have 2 years of skript experience

• I work on my servers all by myself
• I like being alone

• I have insane trust issues

• I simp for alot of people (trying my best not to)

• My mental age is somewhere 8

• I dont like meeting new people

• Very toxic


Discord Swayl#0099

MC IGN - Swayl

(I suggest avoiding me because I get too attached to people quick)

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On 12/14/2019 at 2:25 PM, DuhLupusor said:

doesnt work, tooltip doesnt work..


Tooltip broke because of some update.

Things to know about me

• I have 2 years of skript experience

• I work on my servers all by myself
• I like being alone

• I have insane trust issues

• I simp for alot of people (trying my best not to)

• My mental age is somewhere 8

• I dont like meeting new people

• Very toxic


Discord Swayl#0099

MC IGN - Swayl

(I suggest avoiding me because I get too attached to people quick)

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1 hour ago, emopediaMC said:

can someone lock for necro pls

You're the one that necro'd...

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