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Minehut Server Interactions

Guest Faacto

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Guest Faacto

Today, I was fairly bored and decided to collect data on 50 random servers. I used the totem in the Minehut server GUI to randomly join 50 servers, and on all of these servers I said a simple greeting. I tested how they would respond to this greeting and got a various amount of responses. The data breakdown is as follows:

  • 22% of servers greeted me back
  • 2% of servers recognized who I was
  • 20% of servers banned or kicked me or told me to leave.
  • 32% of servers were whitelisted
  • 24% of servers either did not greet me or nobody was on the server when I joined.

Attached below is the pi chart that was used to analyze my findings, I have all of the data including the server names in a spreadsheet. However, I will not be releasing the spreadsheet due to the fact that it contains all the names of the servers I joined. 

I personally found that fair amount of people do not know that the whitelist function exists on a server, and if they do they don't know how to turn on the whitelist. Despite this, there are still a lot of people that are educated on how to whitelist their server to keep random people from joining.

Minehut Server Interactions.png

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I am out of belief from these stats. Crazy that only 2% people recognized you. And the banning/kicking was surprising data as well, why not just whitelist? Will you be releasing the names of the people, or is that just for yourself?


Thanks for sharing these stats! Very cool thread, Facto. 


Warzone Events Team

Tres Mod


Discord mia#1346
Twitter - @Moiiiaaa

*not an egirl

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Guest Faacto
2 minutes ago, Moia said:


I am out of belief from these stats. Crazy that only 2% people recognized you. And the banning/kicking was surprising data as well, why not just whitelist? Will you be releasing the names of the people, or is that just for yourself?


Thanks for sharing these stats! Very cool thread, Facto. 


im glad you liked it mia

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Very impressive.


Joined on January 17th 2016

VIP since April 5 2017 - August 1st 2019

JrMod since August 1st

Mod since October 1st

SrMod since November 2nd - 2/7/21

Patron since February 8 - 3/7/21

Mod since March 8 2021

Retired since idk when


    [IMG]    button.png?t=Appeal&f=Calibri-Bold&ts=26&tc=fff&tshs=1&tshc=000&hp=20&vp=8&c=10&bgt=gradient&bgc=1d0dea&ebgc=1a0855&be=1 button.png?t=Rules&f=Calibri-Bold&ts=26&tc=fff&tshs=1&tshc=000&hp=20&vp=8&c=10&bgt=gradient&bgc=1d0dea&ebgc=1a0855&be=1  

If I helped or entertained you at all today, please react with a heart.

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Honestly, I feel like creating one now. Nice data.

First Joined: July 2015
VIP: January 2020
Jr.Mod: 1st April 2020
Mod: 16th July 2020


~ Skript Developer
~ Discord: @nicholxs#0001
~ Previous names: Nichxlxs, Deterno, iHaveSkills, Retrical

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Funny how things changed. I remember someone doing that a few months ago and the results were more positive than they are now.

You need to be more specific about the population and gather more data tho

Tbh all you need to know about me is that I was once the Drama King on minehut and I was a really good warzone player. That summarizes about 50% of what I did on minehut in the past lol.

::: Change: 29th of July, 2020 :::


::: Change: 10th of August, 2020 :::

I have permantently quit minehut. For the reason behind it, check this: https://forums.minehut.com/topic/19055-gamingers-official-farewell-post-forever/?tab=comments#comment-59176

Theres also my first post on this forum after I quit minehut's server (I started to only go to the minehut forums):

I still go to discord sometimes. Gaminger#4921
And, as a final goodbye, and as I always wanted to say: SO LONG, NOOBS!


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Guest Faacto
4 hours ago, Gaminger said:

Funny how things changed. I remember someone doing that a few months ago and the results were more positive than they are now.

You need to be more specific about the population and gather more data tho

What sort of specifics? 

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Hi Faacto!
I did the same thing you did (Minus the recognize me) for 100 servers and heres what I got: (I wanted to send it to u on discord but I couldnt msg you)

30 Servers Responded to my warm greeting.
29 Servers did not respond.
31 Servers were Whitelisted.
and 10 servers banned/kicked me.

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18 hours ago, Faacto said:

What sort of specifics? 

Gender, Age, Most liked content, Certain questions about punishment handling, etc

I recognize this is not exactly what you want and it requires players to answer the questions via poll.

Tbh all you need to know about me is that I was once the Drama King on minehut and I was a really good warzone player. That summarizes about 50% of what I did on minehut in the past lol.

::: Change: 29th of July, 2020 :::


::: Change: 10th of August, 2020 :::

I have permantently quit minehut. For the reason behind it, check this: https://forums.minehut.com/topic/19055-gamingers-official-farewell-post-forever/?tab=comments#comment-59176

Theres also my first post on this forum after I quit minehut's server (I started to only go to the minehut forums):

I still go to discord sometimes. Gaminger#4921
And, as a final goodbye, and as I always wanted to say: SO LONG, NOOBS!


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