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Everything posted by ButterflyBullets

  1. alr well ill believe it when i see it >:)
  2. bruh wth

    1. ButterflyBullets


      @Th3LavaB3astsave your reactions, give em to other people lol

  3. u know skript right? and ik skript right? so, we should work on sum together

  4. # Butter Clicker 1.0 I made a clicker mini game called Butter Clicker, (because of my name ofc) this can be used in whatever way you want with many option that you can change to your liking. This will be updated until said otherwise. Features: - Customizable items, names, and lore - Many commands for the staff and players - Pets - Keys and Crates Commands: Player Commands: - /Clicks - Shows you the amount of clicks/money you have - /Upgrade - Opens a menu that the player can use to upgrade their clicker Staff Commands: - /EditPets - Lets the staff choose where the crates for the pets are by placing a chest when this command is active. Type it again to quit the player out of the edit pets mode. - /resetclicks - Resets the amount of click the chosen player has. - /resetpets - Resets the amount of pets the chosen player has. - /resetall - Resets all stats for of the chosen player. - /helpclicker - Shows the help menu - /key - Will give the chosen player the chosen key - /keys - Will show the current keys the server has Options: - permmsg - Decides what the message will be when a player has entered a staff command. - Commonkey - Decides what the item, name, and lore will be for the common key. - Rarekey - Decides what the item, name, and lore will be for the rare key. - Epickey - Decides what the item, name, and lore will be for the epic key. - Legendarykey - Decides what the item, name, and lore will be for the legendary key. Pets: - Common - 70% Dog 65% Cat 60% Pig 55% Cow 50% Horse - Rare - 70% llama 65% Fox 60% Bat 55% Skeleton 50% Zombie Villager 5% (rare) Zombie Villager 5% (bad) - Epic - 70% Iron Golem 65% Witch 60% Mooshroom 55% Rabbit 50% Phantom Butterfly 3% (rare) Killer Rabbit %1 (bad) - Legendary - 70% Glow Squid 65% Axolotl 60% Moobloom 55% Iceologer 50% Warden 3% Copper Golem (rare) 1% Allay (bad) Download Here or on my Pastebin! clicks.yml Pastebin
  5. yes ik this, but when somebody else has a whole skript alr made, its just makes a lot more sense to paste it then to write a whole new one, and I never claimed credit either. The person never specified anything exact as well so the obvious option is to paste a skript that sum1 else alr made, I would give credit but I don't know where to find it. If you do then pls tell em so I can credit them. I hope this clears everything up
  6. alr: # GEN SKRIPT (go to 2300) options: bluetored: 10000000 purpletoblue: 5000000 greentopurple: 2500000 yellowtogreen: 2000000 lbtoyellow: 1500000 whitetolb: 1000000 emeraldtowhite: 750000 diamondtoemerald: 500000 goldtodiamond: 400000 irontogold: 300000 coaltoiron: 250000 melontocoal: 100000 pumpkintomelon: 50000 haytopumpkin: 10000 command /genget <text> [<player>]: permission: gen.give permission message: &cNo permission! trigger: if arg-2 is set: set {_p} to arg-2 else: set {_p} to player if arg-1 is "white": give {_p} 1 white glazed terracotta named "&6&lWhite Gen" with lore "&7(Place To Use)" if arg-1 is "lightblue": give {_p} 1 light blue glazed terracotta named "&6&lLight Blue Gen" with lore "&7(Place To Use)" if arg-1 is "yellow": give {_p} 1 yellow glazed terracotta named "&6&lYellow Gen" with lore "&7(Place To Use)" if arg-1 is "green": give {_p} 1 lime glazed terracotta named "&6&lGreen Gen" with lore "&7(Place To Use)" if arg-1 is "purple": give {_p} 1 purple glazed terracotta named "&6&lPurple Gen" with lore "&7(Place To Use)" if arg-1 is "blue": give {_p} 1 blue glazed terracotta named "&6&lBlue Gen" with lore "&7(Place To Use)" if arg-1 is "red": give {_p} 1 red glazed terracotta named "&6&lRed Gen" with lore "&7(Place To Use)" if arg-1 is "emerald": give {_p} 1 emerald block named "&6&lEmerald Gen" with lore "&7(Place To Use)" if arg-1 is "diamond": give {_p} 1 diamond block named "&6&lDiamond Gen" with lore "&7(Place To Use)" if arg-1 is "gold": give {_p} 1 gold block named "&6&lGold Gen" with lore "&7(Place To Use)" if arg-1 is "iron": give {_p} 1 iron block named "&6&lIron Gen" with lore "&7(Place To Use)" if arg-1 is "coal": give {_p} 1 coal block named "&6&lCoal Gen" with lore "&7(Place To Use)" if arg-1 is "melon": give {_p} 1 melon named "&6&lMelon Gen" with lore "&7(Place To Use)" if arg-1 is "pumpkin": give {_p} 1 pumpkin named "&6&lPumpkin Gen" with lore "&7(Place To Use)" if arg-1 is "wheat": give {_p} 1 hay block named "&6&lWheat Gen" with lore "&7(Place To Use)" on place of emerald block or diamond block or gold block or iron block or coal block or melon or pumpkin or hay block or white glazed terracotta or light blue glazed terracotta or yellow glazed terracotta or lime glazed terracotta or purple glazed terracotta or blue glazed terracotta or red glazed terracotta: set {_p} to player set {_u} to player's uuid if {gc::%{_u}%} >= {gencap::%{_u}%}: cancel event send "&f" to {_p} send "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou have reached the max generator limit" to {_p} send "&aTo upgrade this purchase a rank at &a/buy" to {_p} send "&f" to {_p} stop wait 2 ticks if event-block is a hay block: add location of event-block to {gens::%{_u}%::wheat::*} add 1 to {gc::%{_u}%} if event-block is a emerald block: add location of event-block to {gens::%{_u}%::emerald::*} add 1 to {gc::%{_u}%} if event-block is a diamond block: add location of event-block to {gens::%{_u}%::diamond::*} add 1 to {gc::%{_u}%} if event-block is a gold block: add location of event-block to {gens::%{_u}%::gold::*} add 1 to {gc::%{_u}%} if event-block is a iron block: add location of event-block to {gens::%{_u}%::iron::*} add 1 to {gc::%{_u}%} if event-block is a coal block: add location of event-block to {gens::%{_u}%::coal::*} add 1 to {gc::%{_u}%} if event-block is a melon: add location of event-block to {gens::%{_u}%::melon::*} add 1 to {gc::%{_u}%} if event-block is a pumpkin: add location of event-block to {gens::%{_u}%::pumpkin::*} add 1 to {gc::%{_u}%} if event-block is a white glazed terracotta: add location of event-block to {gens::%{_u}%::white::*} add 1 to {gc::%{_u}%} if event-block is a light blue glazed terracotta: add location of event-block to {gens::%{_u}%::lb::*} add 1 to {gc::%{_u}%} if event-block is a yellow glazed terracotta: add location of event-block to {gens::%{_u}%::yellow::*} add 1 to {gc::%{_u}%} if event-block is a lime glazed terracotta: add location of event-block to {gens::%{_u}%::lime::*} add 1 to {gc::%{_u}%} if event-block is a purple glazed terracotta: add location of event-block to {gens::%{_u}%::purple::*} add 1 to {gc::%{_u}%} if event-block is a blue glazed terracotta: add location of event-block to {gens::%{_u}%::blue::*} add 1 to {gc::%{_u}%} if event-block is a red glazed terracotta: add location of event-block to {gens::%{_u}%::red::*} add 1 to {gc::%{_u}%} on left click on emerald block or diamond block or gold block or iron block or coal block or pumpkin or hay block or melon or white glazed terracotta or light blue glazed terracotta or yellow glazed terracotta or lime glazed terracotta or purple glazed terracotta or blue glazed terracotta or red glazed terracotta: if player is not sneaking: if event-block is emerald block: if {gens::%player's uuid%::emerald::*} contains location of event-block: play sound "entity.item.pickup" with volume 3 to the player remove 1 from {gc::%player's uuid%} remove location of event-block from {gens::%player's uuid%::emerald::*} set event-block to air give player 1 emerald block named "&6&lEmerald Gen" with lore "&7(Place To Use)" send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou collected your Gen!" to player else if event-block is diamond block: if {gens::%player's uuid%::diamond::*} contains location of event-block: play sound "entity.item.pickup" with volume 3 to the player remove 1 from {gc::%player's uuid%} remove location of event-block from {gens::%player's uuid%::diamond::*} set event-block to air give player 1 diamond block named "&6&lDiamond Gen" with lore "&7(Place To Use)" send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou collected your Gen!" to player else if event-block is gold block: if {gens::%player's uuid%::gold::*} contains location of event-block: play sound "entity.item.pickup" with volume 3 to the player remove 1 from {gc::%player's uuid%} remove location of event-block from {gens::%player's uuid%::gold::*} set event-block to air give player 1 gold block named "&6&lGold Gen" with lore "&7(Place To Use)" send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou collected your Gen!" to player else if event-block is iron block: if {gens::%player's uuid%::iron::*} contains location of event-block: play sound "entity.item.pickup" with volume 3 to the player remove 1 from {gc::%player's uuid%} remove location of event-block from {gens::%player's uuid%::iron::*} set event-block to air give player 1 iron block named "&6&lIron Gen" with lore "&7(Place To Use)" send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou collected your Gen!" to player else if event-block is coal block: if {gens::%player's uuid%::coal::*} contains location of event-block: play sound "entity.item.pickup" with volume 3 to the player remove 1 from {gc::%player's uuid%} remove location of event-block from {gens::%player's uuid%::coal::*} set event-block to air give player 1 coal block named "&6&lCoal Gen" with lore "&7(Place To Use)" send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou collected your Gen!" to player else if event-block is pumpkin: if {gens::%player's uuid%::pumpkin::*} contains location of event-block: play sound "entity.item.pickup" with volume 3 to the player remove 1 from {gc::%player's uuid%} remove location of event-block from {gens::%player's uuid%::pumpkin::*} set event-block to air give player 1 pumpkin named "&6&lPumpkin Gen" with lore "&7(Place To Use)" send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou collected your Gen!" to player else if event-block is hay block: if {gens::%player's uuid%::wheat::*} contains location of event-block: play sound "entity.item.pickup" with volume 3 to the player remove 1 from {gc::%player's uuid%} remove location of event-block from {gens::%player's uuid%::wheat::*} set event-block to air give player 1 hay block named "&6&lWheat Gen" with lore "&7(Place To Use)" send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou collected your Gen!" to player else if event-block is melon: if {gens::%player's uuid%::melon::*} contains location of event-block: play sound "entity.item.pickup" with volume 3 to the player remove 1 from {gc::%player's uuid%} remove location of event-block from {gens::%player's uuid%::melon::*} set event-block to air give player 1 melon named "&6&lMelon Gen" with lore "&7(Place To Use)" send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou collected your Gen!" to player else if event-block is white glazed terracotta: if {gens::%player's uuid%::white::*} contains location of event-block: play sound "entity.item.pickup" with volume 3 to the player remove 1 from {gc::%player's uuid%} remove location of event-block from {gens::%player's uuid%::white::*} set event-block to air give player 1 white glazed terracotta named "&6&lWhite Gen" with lore "&7(Place To Use)" send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou collected your Gen!" to player else if event-block is light blue glazed terracotta: if {gens::%player's uuid%::lb::*} contains location of event-block: play sound "entity.item.pickup" with volume 3 to the player remove 1 from {gc::%player's uuid%} remove location of event-block from {gens::%player's uuid%::lb::*} set event-block to air give player 1 light blue glazed terracotta named "&6&lLight Blue Gen" with lore "&7(Place To Use)" send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou collected your Gen!" to player else if event-block is yellow glazed terracotta: if {gens::%player's uuid%::yellow::*} contains location of event-block: play sound "entity.item.pickup" with volume 3 to the player remove 1 from {gc::%player's uuid%} remove location of event-block from {gens::%player's uuid%::yellow::*} set event-block to air give player 1 yellow glazed terracotta named "&6&lYellow Gen" with lore "&7(Place To Use)" send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou collected your Gen!" to player else if event-block is lime glazed terracotta: if {gens::%player's uuid%::lime::*} contains location of event-block: play sound "entity.item.pickup" with volume 3 to the player remove 1 from {gc::%player's uuid%} remove location of event-block from {gens::%player's uuid%::lime::*} set event-block to air give player 1 lime glazed terracotta named "&6&lGreen Gen" with lore "&7(Place To Use)" send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou collected your Gen!" to player else if event-block is purple glazed terracotta: if {gens::%player's uuid%::purple::*} contains location of event-block: play sound "entity.item.pickup" with volume 3 to the player remove 1 from {gc::%player's uuid%} remove location of event-block from {gens::%player's uuid%::purple::*} set event-block to air give player 1 purple glazed terracotta named "&6&lPurple Gen" with lore "&7(Place To Use)" send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou collected your Gen!" to player else if event-block is blue glazed terracotta: if {gens::%player's uuid%::blue::*} contains location of event-block: play sound "entity.item.pickup" with volume 3 to the player remove 1 from {gc::%player's uuid%} remove location of event-block from {gens::%player's uuid%::blue::*} set event-block to air give player 1 blue glazed terracotta named "&6&lBlue Gen" with lore "&7(Place To Use)" send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou collected your Gen!" to player else if event-block is red glazed terracotta: if {gens::%player's uuid%::red::*} contains location of event-block: play sound "entity.item.pickup" with volume 3 to the player remove 1 from {gc::%player's uuid%} remove location of event-block from {gens::%player's uuid%::red::*} set event-block to air give player 1 red glazed terracotta named "&6&lRed Gen" with lore "&7(Place To Use)" send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou collected your Gen!" to player else: cancel event play sound "entity.villager.no" with volume 3 to the player send "&6&lGenerator &7» &eThis is not your generator!" on break of emerald block or diamond block or gold block or iron block or coal block or pumpkin or hay block or melon or white glazed terracotta or light blue glazed terracotta or yellow glazed terracotta or lime glazed terracotta or purple glazed terracotta or blue glazed terracotta or red glazed terracotta: cancel event command /globalbooster [<offline player>]: permission: "*" permission message: &cNo permission! trigger: set {_p} to arg-1 give {_p} 1 of nether star named "&6&lGlobal Booster" with lore "&e&o(Right-Click to Activate a Global Booster)" send "&eYou have been granted a &6&lGlobal Booster! &e&o(Right-Click to Activate a Global Booster)" to arg-1 on rightclick holding a nether star: if name of player's held item is "&6&lGlobal Booster": if {globalbooster} is false: remove held item from player's inventory set {globalbooster} to true broadcast "" broadcast "&6&lGlobal Booster &ehas been activated for 1 hour by &e%player%!" broadcast " &e&o(Drop Amount for Gens 2x)" broadcast "" set {globaltime} to 60 remove bossbar "globaloff" create bossbar title "&6&lGlobal Booster: &e%{globaltime}% &eMinutes" and id "global" for all players with progress 100 with colors yellow wait 1 hour broadcast "" broadcast "&6&lGlobal Booster &ehas expired, buy another one on &7/buy!" broadcast "" set {globalbooster} to false remove bossbar "global" else: send "&ePlease wait, there is currently a &6Global Booster &egoing on at this time!" command /globalboosteroff: permission: "*" permission message: &cNo permission! trigger: set {globalbooster} to false broadcast "" broadcast "&6&lGlobal Booster &ehas been disabled by &7%player%!" broadcast "" on load: if {globalbooster} is not set: set {globalbooster} to false every minute: if {globalbooster} is false: remove bossbar "global" create bossbar title "&6&lCheck out our server store &e&l/buy" and id "globaloff" for all players with progress 100 with colors yellow else if {globalbooster} is true: remove bossbar "global" remove 1 from {globaltime} create bossbar title "&6&lGlobal Booster: &e%{globaltime}%&e Minutes" and id "global" for all players with progress 100 with colors yellow on join: if {gencap::%player's uuid%} is not set: set {gencap::%player's uuid%} to 25 if {gc::%player's uuid%} is not set: set {gc::%player's uuid%} to 0 if {globalbooster} is false: remove bossbar "global" create bossbar title "&e&lStore &8• &e&n/buy" and id "globaloff" for all players with progress 100 with colors yellow else if {globalbooster} is true: remove bossbar "global" remove 1 from {globaltime} create bossbar title "&6&lGlobal Booster: &e%{globaltime}% &eMinutes" and id "global" for all players with progress 100 with colors yellow command /resetgen [<offline player>]: permission: op trigger: if arg-1 is set: set {_u} to arg-1's uuid send "&3&lAll gens for &b&l%arg-1% &3&lwere reset! &7(A relog for this player is recommended)" to player else: set {_u} to player's uuid send "&3&lAll gens for &b&l%player% &3&lwere reset! &7(A relog for this player is recommended)" to player loop {gens::%{_u}%::*}: loop {gens::%{_u}%::%loop-value%::*}: set block at location of loop-value-2 to air delete {gens::%{_u}%::%loop-value-1%::%loop-value-2%} delete {gens::%{_u}%::*} set {gc::%{_u}%} to 0 on left click on emerald block or diamond block or gold block or iron block or coal block or pumpkin or hay block or melon or white glazed terracotta or light blue glazed terracotta or yellow glazed terracotta or lime glazed terracotta or purple glazed terracotta or blue glazed terracotta or red glazed terracotta: if player is sneaking: set {_loc} to location of event-block if {gens::%player's uuid%::red::*} contains {_loc}: send action bar "&b&lGenerator &B» &fThis generator is already maxed out!" to player else if {gens::%player's uuid%::diamond::*} contains {_loc}: set {_price} to {@diamondtoemerald} if player's balance < {_price}: if player's held item is air: play sound "entity.villager.no" with volume 3 to player send action bar "&6&lGenerator &7» &eYou need &7$%{_price}% &eto upgrade!" to player stop else: send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou need to hold nothing in your hand to upgrade your gen!" to player stop remove {_price} from balance of player remove {_loc} from {gens::%player's uuid%::diamond::*} remove 1 from {gc::%player's uuid%} make console execute command "genget emerald %player%" set event-block to air send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou ranked up your gen!" to player else if {gens::%player's uuid%::gold::*} contains {_loc}: set {_price} to {@goldtodiamond} if player's balance < {_price}: if player's held item is air: play sound "entity.villager.no" with volume 3 to player send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou need &7$%{_price}% &eto upgrade!" to player stop else: send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou need to hold nothing in your hand to upgrade your gen!" to player stop remove {_price} from balance of player remove {_loc} from {gens::%player's uuid%::gold::*} remove 1 from {gc::%player's uuid%} make console execute command "genget diamond %player%" set event-block to air send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou ranked up your gen!" to player else if {gens::%player's uuid%::iron::*} contains {_loc}: set {_price} to {@irontogold} if player's balance < {_price}: if player's held item is air: play sound "entity.villager.no" with volume 3 to player send action bar "&6&lGenerator &7» &eYou need &7$%{_price}% &eto upgrade!" to player stop else: send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou need to hold nothing in your hand to upgrade your gen!" to player stop remove {_price} from balance of player remove {_loc} from {gens::%player's uuid%::iron::*} remove 1 from {gc::%player's uuid%} make console execute command "genget gold %player%" set event-block to air send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou ranked up your gen!" to player else if {gens::%player's uuid%::coal::*} contains {_loc}: set {_price} to {@coaltoiron} if player's balance < {_price}: if player's held item is air: play sound "entity.villager.no" with volume 3 to player send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou need &7$%{_price}% &eto upgrade!" to player stop else: send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou need to hold nothing in your hand to upgrade your gen!" to player stop remove {_price} from balance of player remove {_loc} from {gens::%player's uuid%::coal::*} remove 1 from {gc::%player's uuid%} make console execute command "genget iron %player%" set event-block to air send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou ranked up your gen!" to player else if {gens::%player's uuid%::melon::*} contains {_loc}: set {_price} to {@melontocoal} if player's balance < {_price}: if player's held item is air: play sound "entity.villager.no" with volume 3 to player send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou need &7$%{_price}% &eto upgrade!" to player stop else: send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou need to hold nothing in your hand to upgrade your gen!" to player stop remove {_price} from balance of player remove {_loc} from {gens::%player's uuid%::melon::*} remove 1 from {gc::%player's uuid%} make console execute command "genget coal %player%" set event-block to air send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou ranked up your gen!" to player else if {gens::%player's uuid%::pumpkin::*} contains {_loc}: set {_price} to {@pumpkintomelon} if player's balance < {_price}: if player's held item is air: play sound "entity.villager.no" with volume 3 to player send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou need &7$%{_price}% &eto upgrade!" to player stop else: send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou need to hold nothing in your hand to upgrade your gen!" to player stop remove {_price} from balance of player remove {_loc} from {gens::%player's uuid%::pumpkin::*} remove 1 from {gc::%player's uuid%} make console execute command "genget melon %player%" set event-block to air send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou ranked up your gen!" to player else if {gens::%player's uuid%::wheat::*} contains {_loc}: set {_price} to {@haytopumpkin} if player's balance < {_price}: if player's held item is air: play sound "entity.villager.no" with volume 3 to player send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou need &7$%{_price}% &eto upgrade!" to player stop else: send action bar "&a&lGeneratoar &7» &aYou need to hold nothing in your hand to upgrade your gen!" to player stop remove {_price} from balance of player remove {_loc} from {gens::%player's uuid%::wheat::*} remove 1 from {gc::%player's uuid%} make console execute command "genget pumpkin %player%" set event-block to air send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &eYou ranked up your gen!" to player else if {gens::%player's uuid%::emerald::*} contains {_loc}: set {_price} to {@emeraldtowhite} if player's balance < {_price}: if player's held item is air: play sound "entity.villager.no" with volume 3 to player send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou need &7$%{_price}% &eto upgrade!" to player stop else: send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou need to hold nothing in your hand to upgrade your gen!" to player stop remove {_price} from balance of player remove {_loc} from {gens::%player's uuid%::emerald::*} remove 1 from {gc::%player's uuid%} make console execute command "genget white %player%" set event-block to air send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou ranked up your gen!" to player else if {gens::%player's uuid%::white::*} contains {_loc}: set {_price} to {@whitetolb} if player's balance < {_price}: if player's held item is air: play sound "entity.villager.no" with volume 3 to player send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou need &7$%{_price}% &eto upgrade!" to player stop else: send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou need to hold nothing in your hand to upgrade your gen!" to player stop remove {_price} from balance of player remove {_loc} from {gens::%player's uuid%::white::*} remove 1 from {gc::%player's uuid%} make console execute command "genget lightblue %player%" set event-block to air send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou ranked up your gen!" to player else if {gens::%player's uuid%::lb::*} contains {_loc}: set {_price} to {@lbtoyellow} if player's balance < {_price}: if player's held item is air: play sound "entity.villager.no" with volume 3 to player send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou need &7$%{_price}% &eto upgrade!" to player stop else: send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou need to hold nothing in your hand to upgrade your gen!" to player stop remove {_price} from balance of player remove {_loc} from {gens::%player's uuid%::lb::*} remove 1 from {gc::%player's uuid%} make console execute command "genget yellow %player%" set event-block to air send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou ranked up your gen!" to player else if {gens::%player's uuid%::yellow::*} contains {_loc}: set {_price} to {@yellowtogreen} if player's balance < {_price}: if player's held item is air: play sound "entity.villager.no" with volume 3 to player send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou need &7$%{_price}% &eto upgrade!" to player stop else: send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou need to hold nothing in your hand to upgrade your gen!" to player stop remove {_price} from balance of player remove {_loc} from {gens::%player's uuid%::yellow::*} remove 1 from {gc::%player's uuid%} make console execute command "genget green %player%" set event-block to air send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou ranked up your gen!" to player else if {gens::%player's uuid%::lime::*} contains {_loc}: set {_price} to {@greentopurple} if player's balance < {_price}: if player's held item is air: play sound "entity.villager.no" with volume 3 to player send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou need &7$%{_price}% &eto upgrade!" to player stop else: send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou need to hold nothing in your hand to upgrade your gen!" to player stop remove {_price} from balance of player remove {_loc} from {gens::%player's uuid%::lime::*} remove 1 from {gc::%player's uuid%} make console execute command "genget purple %player%" set event-block to air send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou ranked up your gen!" to player else if {gens::%player's uuid%::purple::*} contains {_loc}: set {_price} to {@purpletoblue} if player's balance < {_price}: if player's held item is air: play sound "entity.villager.no" with volume 3 to player send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou need &7$%{_price}% &eto upgrade!" to player stop else: send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou need to hold nothing in your hand to upgrade your gen!" to player stop remove {_price} from balance of player remove {_loc} from {gens::%player's uuid%::purple::*} remove 1 from {gc::%player's uuid%} make console execute command "genget blue %player%" set event-block to air send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou ranked up your gen!" to player else if {gens::%player's uuid%::blue::*} contains {_loc}: set {_price} to {@bluetored} if player's balance < {_price}: if player's held item is air: play sound "entity.villager.no" with volume 3 to player send action bar "&6&lGenerator &7» &eYou need &7$%{_price}% &eto upgrade!" to player stop else: send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou need to hold nothing in your hand to upgrade your gen!" to player stop remove {_price} from balance of player remove {_loc} from {gens::%player's uuid%::blue::*} remove 1 from {gc::%player's uuid%} make console execute command "genget red %player%" set event-block to air send action bar "&6&lGenerator &7» &aYou ranked up your gen!" to player else: cancel event send "&aThis is not your generator!" every 5 seconds: loop all players: if {globalbooster} is false: drop 1 emerald above {gens::%loop-player's uuid%::emerald::*} drop 1 diamond above {gens::%loop-player's uuid%::diamond::*} drop 1 gold ingot above {gens::%loop-player's uuid%::gold::*} drop 1 iron ingot above {gens::%loop-player's uuid%::iron::*} drop 1 coal above {gens::%loop-player's uuid%::coal::*} drop 1 melon slice above {gens::%loop-player's uuid%::melon::*} drop 1 pumpkin pie above {gens::%loop-player's uuid%::pumpkin::*} drop 1 wheat above {gens::%loop-player's uuid%::wheat::*} drop 1 light gray dye above {gens::%loop-player's uuid%::white::*} drop 1 light blue dye above {gens::%loop-player's uuid%::lb::*} drop 1 yellow dye above {gens::%loop-player's uuid%::yellow::*} drop 1 lime dye above {gens::%loop-player's uuid%::lime::*} drop 1 purple dye above {gens::%loop-player's uuid%::purple::*} drop 1 blue dye above {gens::%loop-player's uuid%::blue::*} drop 1 red dye above {gens::%loop-player's uuid%::red::*} if {globalbooster} is true: drop 2 emerald above {gens::%loop-player's uuid%::emerald::*} drop 2 diamond above {gens::%loop-player's uuid%::diamond::*} drop 2 gold ingot above {gens::%loop-player's uuid%::gold::*} drop 2 iron ingot above {gens::%loop-player's uuid%::iron::*} drop 2 coal above {gens::%loop-player's uuid%::coal::*} drop 2 melon slice above {gens::%loop-player's uuid%::melon::*} drop 2 pumpkin pie above {gens::%loop-player's uuid%::pumpkin::*} drop 2 wheat above {gens::%loop-player's uuid%::wheat::*} drop 2 light gray dye above {gens::%loop-player's uuid%::white::*} drop 2 light blue dye above {gens::%loop-player's uuid%::lb::*} drop 2 yellow dye above {gens::%loop-player's uuid%::yellow::*} drop 2 lime dye above {gens::%loop-player's uuid%::lime::*} drop 2 purple dye above {gens::%loop-player's uuid%::purple::*} drop 2 blue dye above {gens::%loop-player's uuid%::blue::*} drop 2 red dye above {gens::%loop-player's uuid%::red::*} command /sell: trigger: set {_multi} to 1 + {purchased_multi} set {_e} to number of all emerald in player's inventory set {_d} to number of all diamond in player's inventory set {_g} to number of all gold ingot in player's inventory set {_i} to number of all iron ingot in player's inventory set {_c} to number of all coal in player's inventory set {_m} to number of all melon slice in player's inventory set {_p} to number of all pumpkin pie in player's inventory set {_w} to number of all wheat in player's inventory set {_d1} to number of all light gray dye in player's inventory set {_d2} to number of all light blue dye in player's inventory set {_d3} to number of all yellow dye in player's inventory set {_d4} to number of all lime dye in player's inventory set {_d5} to number of all purple dye in player's inventory set {_d6} to number of all blue dye in player's inventory set {_d7} to number of all red dye in player's inventory remove all emerald, diamond, gold ingot, iron ingot, coal, melon slice, pumpkin pie, light gray dye, light blue dye, yellow dye, lime dye, purple dye, blue dye, red dye and wheat from player's inventory set {_9} to {_d1} * 225 * {_multi} set {_10} to {_d2} * 250 * {_multi} set {_11} to {_d3} * 275 * {_multi} set {_12} to {_d4} * 300 * {_multi} set {_13} to {_d5} * 325 * {_multi} set {_14} to {_d6} * 350 * {_multi} set {_15} to {_d7} * 375 * {_multi} set {_1} to {_e} * 200 * {_multi} set {_2} to {_d} * 175 * {_multi} set {_3} to {_g} * 150 * {_multi} set {_4} to {_i} * 125 * {_multi} set {_5} to {_c} * 100 * {_multi} set {_6} to {_m} * 75 * {_multi} set {_7} to {_p} * 50 * {_multi} set {_8} to {_w} * 25 * {_multi} play sound "block.note_block.chime" with volume 5 to player set {_total} to {_1} + {_2} + {_3} + {_4} + {_5} + {_6} + {_7} + {_8} + {_9} + {_10} + {_11} + {_12} + {_13} + {_14} + {_15} if {%player's uuid%.selltitle} is true: send title "&a&LSELL ALL" with subtitle "&aYou sold all items for &7$%{_total}% &7(/selltitle to toggle this message)" to player for 3 seconds add {_total} to player's balance command /selltitle <text>: trigger: if arg-1 is set: if arg-1 is "on": set {%player's uuid%.selltitle} to true send "&a&lGenPlots &8- &7The sell title is now &aon" else if arg-1 is "off": set {%player's uuid%.selltitle} to false send "&a&lGenPlots &8- &7The sell title is now &coff" else: send "&a&lGenPlots &8- &7TIncorrect arguments. &a/selltitle (on/off)" else if arg-1 is not set: if {%player's uuid%.selltitle} is true: set {%player's uuid%.selltitle} to false send "&a&lGenPlots &8- &7The sell title is now &coff" else if {%player's uuid%.selltitle} is false: set {%player's uuid%.selltitle} to true send "&a&lGenPlots &8- &7The sell title is now &aon" command /resetallgens: permission: op trigger: if executor is not console: send "&cFor safety reasons this command can only be executed through console!" to player stop loop {gens::*}: loop {gens::%loop-value-1%::*}: loop {gens::%loop-value-1%::%loop-value-2%::*}: set block at location of loop-value-3 to air delete {gens::%loop-value-1%::%loop-value-2%::%loop-value-3%} delete {gens::%loop-value%::*} delete {gens::*} delete {gc::*} delete {gencap::*} broadcast "&c&lEverything was reset!" kick all players due to "&cRelog due to generator reset!" Command /setgenslots [<player>] [<integer>]: permission: * permission message: &cNo! trigger: if arg-1 is not set: send "&aGenPlots &8- &7You need to specify a player." to player else: if arg-2 is not set: send "&aGenPlots &8- &7You need to specify a number" to player else: set {gencap::%arg-1's uuid%} to arg-2 send "&aGenerator &7| Your gen cap has been set to &6%arg-2%&7!" to arg-1 send "&aGenerator &7| You set &7%arg-1%&7's &7gen cap to &6%arg-2%&7!" to player # requires: Vault, TusKe, Skript
  7. alr, make an infinity gauntlet with a full gui, a snap, all six power stones, and each power stone having at least TWO abilities accurately depicting it as if it was straight from the movie. (Ex: Time Stone, rewind time ect.)
  8. alr, make an infinity gauntlet with a full gui, a snap, all six power stones, and each power stone having at least TWO abilities accurately depicting it as if it was straight from the movie. (Ex: Time Stone, rewind time ect.)
  9. lol that was a fun server, although it did die it was fun while it lasted
  10. did you check console? if not then that would be a nice start to see if the server or any plugins had any internal errors, if you did check it and there was nothing its probably something with minehut. If you didn't change anything massive or something that could break a plugin I would just either report this by making a support ticket at https://minehut.com/support or by emailing support@minehut.com.
  11. epic, but here is a revised version that can be used better. No hate just helping out #Made by ButterflyBullets, remake or original skript by Patsteaks123 options: permmsg:&4{ServerName} &3| &3You cannot execute this command! command /spawn [<player>]: description: send a player to spawn permission: steaks.spawn permission message: {@permmsg} trigger: if arg has permission "troll.spawn": send "&6%player% &ajust tried to send you to spawn, what a nerd" to arg stop else: teleport arg to {global.spawn} play sound "entity.experience_orb.pickup" with volume 10 and pitch 1 at arg for arg send "&4{ServerName} &3| &aYou have been teleported to spawn" to arg command /setspawn: permission: steaks.spawn permission message: {@permmsg} trigger: set {global.spawn} to player's position send "&bSpawn &7| &7The Survival Spawn has been set." command /delspawn: permission: steaks.spawn permission message: {@permmsg} trigger: delete {global.spawn} send "&bSpawn &7| &7The Survival Spawn has been deleted."
  12. noice, ill prolly make another version of my first, or the refined, refined version of yours having the typer of the command add two people to it, just for fun yk
  13. pretty epic, im making one rn but I would want to see if your take on it. Could you make an infinity gauntlet?
  14. I added on to this, lol it was fun options: slp:&9[SleepyTime] &r| &aYour family is sleeping, we wouldnt want to disturb them now would we? (your not op lol) command /dad [<player>]: permission: family.sleep permission message: {@slp} trigger: send "&e%arg%'s Dad joined the game" to all players send "&8%arg%'s Dad: It is past your bedtime %arg%, head to bed right now!" to all players wait 3 seconds send "&e%arg%'s Dad left the game" to all players command /brother [<player>]: permission: family.sleep permission message: {@slp} trigger: send "&e%arg%'s Brother joined the game" to all players send "&8%arg%'s Brother: Yo %arg%, dad told me to tell you to go to bed, so uhh maybe do that." to all players wait 3 seconds send "&e%arg%'s Brother left the game" to all players wait 2 seconds send "&e%arg%'s Dad joined the game" to all players send "&8%arg%'s Dad: You Better listen to me son!" to all players wait 3 seconds send "&e%arg%'s Dad left the game" to all players command /sister [<player>]: permission: family.sleep permission message: {@slp} trigger: send "&e%arg%'s Sister joined the game" to all players send "&8%arg%'s Sister: %arg%, you need to sleep, like RIGHT NOW, if you dont I will tell mom" to all players wait 3 seconds send "&e%arg%'s Sister left the game" to all players wait 2 seconds send "&e%arg%'s Mom joined the game" to all players send "&8%arg%'s Mom: %arg% I need you to listen to your sister alright? Thank you, and love you sweetie!" to all players wait 3 seconds send "&e%arg%'s Mom left the game" to all players command /mom [<player>]: permission: family.sleep permission message: {@slp} trigger: send "&e%arg%'s Mom joined the game" to all players send "&8%arg%'s Mom: Hi Honey, I got you some warm milk, I think it should help you sleep." to all players give arg milk bucket named "&aWarm Milk" wait 3 seconds send "&e%arg%'s Mom left the game" to all players command /family [<player>]: permission: family.sleep permission message: {@slp} trigger: send "&e%arg%'s Dad joined the game" to all players send "&8%arg%'s Dad: You better get to sleepin before I make you %arg%!" to all players wait 1 second send "&e%arg%'s Dad left the game" to all players wait 1 second send "&e%arg%'s Mom joined the game" to all players send "&8%arg%'s Mom: Hi %arg%, I know you like to stay up, but I really need to to go to sleep alright?" to all players wait 1 second send "&e%arg%'s Mom left the game" to all players wait 1 second send "&e%arg%'s Brother joined the game" to all players send "&8%arg%'s Mom: Wassup %arg%, you need sum sleep before you die or sum idk" to all players apply blindness 2 to the arg wait 1 second send "&e%arg%'s Mom left the game" to all players
  15. SKuid Game 1.5/6 A version of the hit show on Netflix, "Squid Game", being made using Skript in Minecraft. This is the 1.5 part out of six, the first has already been made and can be seen >here<. This is the part where the headmaster calls the event of everyone to start killing each other, it's fun to use and can be mixed however you want just please give credit. Features: - 3 commands to add on to SKuid - Has a jackpot to see and that gets added to every time a player dies - Has a kill counter - Event lasts one minute and is executed by one command - Easy to use and configure Commands: /pvpevent, starts the pvp event /kills, shows you your amount of kills /jackpot or /jp, shows the current jackpot Permission: - pvp.event That's it for now but the rest is in development, we have a team of three so far. This consisting of @TheBraveSnail1(the original red light, green light creator) @Pryme(revised the original skript, making it more clean and smooth) and me! if you like this consider giving it some rep if not just leave a comment and have a good day . Download it on pastebin >here<! Part 2/6 Coming Soon...
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