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Everything posted by ButterflyBullets

  1. ButterflyBullets


    I have also encountered this error before, you will most likely able to solve it by removing some of your most recent skripts, as that is probably what caused this to happen, or you need another skript plugin, most likely being skQuery or SkBee that are also needed to run a few of those lines in your skript but I can see that you have those along with skRayFall, I can also help if you can send me the skript I can revise it and see if you have an error. The log also says to disable them one by one until the error goes away, now this method is the best way but is really annoying because it usually causes other errors with your other skripts. Just put a dash in front of your current skripts except ultra and start disabling your skript add-ons because it almost 100% likely to be one of them causing that error, then once you find out which one is causing your error you will just have to revise the syntaxes that you have for that skript addon until you find your error. As painful and slow as this can be it works around 99% of the time, with the 1% being a skript error that isnt your fault. Hope this helped
  2. I can teach you if you want but if you want to learn independently then just use these and yes there are many things to help you make Skript, its really easy and can be mastered within a year, but lets say you want something now? Well no worries within your first day you can usually get some basic stuff in and even the more advanced stuff is relatively easy but if you want/need some tutorials then here are some for you! I also recommend watching all of minehut tutorials because they are quite helpful, here are some more links for you to get started on https://skripthub.net/docs/ https://skripthub.net/tutorials/17 http://en.njol.ch/projects/skript/tutorial https://skriptlang.github.io/Skript/index.html
  3. I can help you with Skript if you are still looking And yes there are many things to help you make Skript, its really easy and can be mastered within a year, but lets say you want something now? Well no worries within your first day you can usually get some basic stuff in and even the more advanced stuff is relatively easy but if you want/need some tutorials then here are some for you! I also recommend watching all of minehut tutorials because they are quite helpful, here are some more links for you to get started on https://skripthub.net/docs/ https://skripthub.net/tutorials/17 http://en.njol.ch/projects/skript/tutorial https://skriptlang.github.io/Skript/index.html
  4. Well not all of the skripts are mine although I made some of them but if this was posted somewhere else it was prolly someone copying this and pasting it there, if you know the original owners of some of these skript lmk and I will credit them right away
  5. Thanks for the feedback, I appreciate it and if there are any errors lmk
  6. I am learning Skript and have run out of ideas for Skripts, i'm not a pro at Skript so don't give me a whole plugin to write or sum I just want something intermediate or simple
  7. Does anybody know how to blacklist items from other plugins using a /dupe command? Im currently using a /dupe command and slimefun but idk how to blacklist some slimefun items for /dupe, does anybody know what I can do to prevent people from duping certain items?

    1. Pastawithalfredo


      command / dupe: trigger: if player's tool is diamond or iron or emerald or gold or iron or netherite: send "&c[ERROR] You cannot dupe this item." to player else: give player player's tool send "&4&lYou just duped &6&l%player's tool%" This should work try it... 



  8. This is a huge amount of compiled skripts for your server, these are for all kind and can be use in whatever way you want, not all of these are mine but I do not know all of the people involved in it, if you see the original creator please lmk and tag them so they don't go unnoticed # CLEARCHAT command /clearchat: permission: minehut.clearchat permission message: &cInsufficient permission. usage: /clearchat trigger: loop 100 times: broadcast " " wait 5 ticks broadcast " &3-----------------------------------------------------" broadcast " &4&l-{Server Name}- &3&lChat cleared by &b&l%player%" broadcast " &3-----------------------------------------------------" # CLEARLAG every 5 minutes: broadcast "&4&lClearLag Alert! &f&l>> &fDropped entities will be cleared in 30 seconds!" wait 25 seconds broadcast "&4&lClearLag Alert! &f&l>> &fDropped entities will be cleared in 5 seconds!" wait 5 seconds loop all entities: loop-entity is a dropped item: clear loop-entity broadcast "&a&lClearLag &f&l>> &rDropped items cleared!" command /lagclear [<text>]: permission: minehut.lagclear trigger: if arg-1 is "force": loop all entities: loop-entity is a dropped item: clear loop-entity broadcast "&a&lClearLag &f&l>> &rDropped items cleared (Forced by %player%)" # CAKE_:D command /cake: description: Give the command sender some cake! cooldown: 1 minute cooldown message: You need to wait &l%remaining time% &rto use this command again! cooldown bypass: cake.nocooldown trigger: if the player's inventory doesn't have space for cake: send "&cYou don't have space for cake in your inventory! ;(" cancel command cooldown else: give cake to the player send "Here you go!" # CUSTOM_HELMET aliases: custom helmets = iron block, gold block, diamond block on inventory click: inventory action is place all or nothing cursor slot of player is custom helmets event-slot is helmet slot of event-player cancel the event set {_old helmet} to helmet of player set helmet of player to cursor slot of player set cursor slot of player to {_old helmet} on right click: tool of player is custom helmets helmet of player is air cancel the event set helmet of player to tool of player set tool of player to air # DISCORD command /discord: trigger: send "&bJoin our discord server:&3&l <link:{your discord server link}.>CLICK HERE<reset>" # SETHOME command /sethome <string>: description: Sets your home executable by: player's trigger: set {homes::%uuid of player%::%arg-1%} to location of player message "Set your home <cyan>%arg-1%<reset> to <orange>%location of player%<reset>" command /delhome <string>: description: Deletes your home executable by: player's trigger: clear {homes::%uuid of player%::%arg-1%} message "Deleted your home <red>%arg-1%<reset>" command /home <string>: description: Teleports yourself to your home executable by: player's trigger: if {homes::%uuid of player%::%arg-1%} is not set: message "You have not set your home <green>%arg-1%<reset> yet!" else: teleport player to {homes::%uuid of player%::%arg-1%} # KILL_COUNTER on death: attacker is a player add 1 to {kill counter::%uuid of attacker%::kills_total} add 1 to {kill counter::%uuid of attacker%::kills_session} if {kill counter::%uuid of attacker%::kills_session} > {kill counter::%uuid of attacker%::kills_session_max}: set {kill counter::%uuid of attacker%::kills_session_max} to {kill counter::%uuid of attacker%::kills_session} on death of player: set {kill counter::%uuid of player%::kills_session} to 0 command /kills: executable by: player's trigger: message "You have killed %{kill counter::%uuid of player%::kills_session}% mobs and player's in this life out of %{kill counter::%uuid of player%::kills_total}% kills in total." message "Your maximum kill streak is %{kill counter::%uuid of player%::kills_session_max}% kills in one life." # NO_ENDERMAN_GRIEF on enderman pickup: cancel event on enderman place: cancel event kill the enderman # RAINBOW_CHAT function decimalToHexadecimal(number: number) :: string: return ("00" if {_number} <= 0, else ("FF")) if {_number} is not between 0 and 255 return join (character at (mod((floor({_number} / 16)), 16) + 1) in "0123456789ABCDEF") and (character at ((mod({_number}, 16)) + 1) in "0123456789ABCDEF") function rainbow(input: string, wrapAmount: number = -1, lightness: number = 0.5) :: string: set {_delta} to 360 / ({_wrapAmount} if {_wrapAmount} > 0, else length of {_input}) set {_lightnessModifier} to (({_lightness}*2)-1) * 255 set {_angle} to 90 loop length of {_input} times: set {_character} to character at loop-value in {_input} if {_character} or (character at (loop-value - 1) in {_input}) is "§": if "abcdefklmnor0123456789" contains {_character}: set {_format} to (join {_format} and "&%{_character}%") if {_character} is not "r", else ("") continue set {_output} to join {_output}, "<##%decimalToHexadecimal((0.5 * (sin({_angle}) + 1)) * 255 + {_lightnessModifier})%%decimalToHexadecimal((0.5 * (sin({_angle} + 120) + 1)) * 255 + {_lightnessModifier})%%decimalToHexadecimal((0.5 * (sin({_angle} + 240) + 1)) * 255 + {_lightnessModifier})%>", {_format} and {_character} remove {_delta} from {_angle} return colored {_output} function gradient(input: string, startColor: numbers, endColor: numbers, wrapAmount: number = -1) :: string: set {_delta} to 180 / ({_wrapAmount} if {_wrapAmount} > 0, else (length of uncolored {_input}) - 1) set {_angle} to 90 loop length of {_input} times: set {_character} to character at loop-value in {_input} if {_character} or (character at (loop-value - 1) in {_input}) is "§": if "abcdefklmnor0123456789" contains {_character}: set {_format} to (join {_format} and "&%{_character}%") if {_character} is not "r", else ("") continue set {_startColorProportion} to (0.5 * (sin({_angle}) + 1)) set {_endColorProportion} to (0.5 * (sin({_angle} + 180) + 1)) set {_output} to join {_output}, "<##%decimalToHexadecimal(({_startColor::1} * {_startColorProportion}) + ({_endColor::1} * {_endColorProportion}))%%decimalToHexadecimal(({_startColor::2} * {_startColorProportion}) + ({_endColor::2} * {_endColorProportion}))%%decimalToHexadecimal(({_startColor::3} * {_startColorProportion}) + ({_endColor::3} * {_endColorProportion}))%>", {_format} and {_character} add {_delta} to {_angle} return colored {_output} on chat: if {rc::%player%} is true: set message to rainbow(colored message, 20, 0.7) command /rainbowchat: permission: op trigger: if {rc::%player%} is true: send "&b&lRainbowChat &8» &7Disabled RainbowChat" set {rc::%player%} to false else: send "&b&lRainbowChat &8» &7Enabled RainbowChat" set {rc::%player%} to true # SET_SPAWN command /setspawn: trigger: if player has permission "spawn.set": if {spawn} is not set: send "&4&l-{Server Name}- &r&3The spawn has been set" set {spawn} to location of player stop command /delspawn: trigger: if player has permission "spawn.delete": if {spawn} is set: send "&4&l-{Server Name}- &3The spawn has been deleted" delete {spawn} stop command /spawn: trigger: teleport player to {spawn} send "&4&l-{Server Name}- &3&lYou have been teleported to spawn" #STAFF_CHAT command /sc [<text>]: aliases: /staffchat permission: op trigger: arg-1 is not set: {sc.%player%} is set: delete {sc.%player%} send "&cStaff Chat Disabled!" else: set {sc.%player%} to true send "&aStaff Chat Enabled!" else: send "&bSC - %{suffix.%player's uuid%}% %player%&f: %colored arg-1%" to all ops chat: {sc.%player%} is set: cancel event send "&bSC - %{suffix.%player's uuid%}% %player%&f: %colored message%" to all ops # RTP command /rtp: cooldown: 3 seconds cooldown message: &4Stop! &cYou can only teleport to a random location every 3 seconds. permission: rtp.use permission message: &cYou do not have permission to use this command trigger: set {_x} to round(random number between -1000000 and 1000000) set {_z} to round(random number between -1000000 and 1000000) set {_block} to block at location at ({_x}, 0, {_z}) in world event-world loop all blocks above {_block}: if loop-block is air: block below loop-block is not water block below loop-block is not air if block above loop-block is air: teleport player to loop-block send "&aTeleported to a random location" to player #RANDOM_ITEMS every 60 seconds: loop all player's: if {%loop-player%.random} = true: give loop-player a random element of all items wait 1 tick command /toggle: trigger: if {%player%.random} = true: set {%player%.random} to false message "&c&lYou have disabled random items" to player else: set {%player%.random} to true message "&9&lYou have enabled random items" to player # FILTER_CHAT command /filter [<text>] [<text>]: permission message: {@permm} permission: staff.filter trigger: if arg-1 is not set: send "&8• <##fde82e>&l{@servername} &8☁ &7Incorrect usage! Consider using <##fdbc3f>/filter (list/add/remove) (word)" if arg-1 = "list": send "" send " <##fde82e>Increasing &8☁ &7List of blocked words" send "" send " <##fdbc3f>%{blockedwords::*}%" send "" send "" if arg-1 = "add": if arg-2 is set: if {blockedwords::*} does not contain arg-2: add arg-2 to {blockedwords::*} send "&8• <##fde82e>&l{@servername} &8☁ &7Successfully added <##fdbc3f>%arg-2%&7 to the chat filter!" else: send "&8• <##fde82e>&l{@servername} &8☁ <##fdbc3f>%arg-2% &7is already in the chat filter!" else: send "&8• <##fde82e>&l{@servername} &8☁ &7Incorrect usage! Consider using <##fdbc3f>/filter (list/add/remove) (word)" add arg-2 to {blockedwords::*} if arg-1 = "remove": if arg-2 is set: if {blockedwords::*} contains arg-2: remove arg-2 from {blockedwords::*} send "&8• <##fde82e>&l{@servername} &8☁ &7Successfully removed <##fdbc3f>%arg-2%&7 from the chat filter!" else: send "&8• <##fde82e>&l{@servername} &8☁ <##fdbc3f>%arg-2% &7is not in the chat filter!" else: send "&8• <##fde82e>&l{@servername} &8☁ &7Incorrect usage! Consider using <##fdbc3f>/filter (list/add/remove) (word)" on chat: if {mutechat} is set: if player does not have permission "staff.mc": cancel event send "&8• <##fde82e>&l{@servername} &8☁ &7You may not talk while chat is muted!" on chat: if player does not have permission "staff.filter": set {_b} to uncolored colored message set {_b::*} to {_b} split by " " size of {blockedwords::*} > 0 loop {_b::*}: if {blockedwords::*} contains loop-value: if uncolored message contains loop-value: cancel event send "&8• <##fde82e>&l{@servername} &8☁ &7Your message has been caught by the chat filter!" send "" to all player's where [input has permission "staff.filter"] send "&8• <##fde82e>&l{@servername} &8☁ &7The chatfilter has caught the following message: &8(<##fdbc3f>%message%&8)&7 this has been sent by <##fdbc3f>%player%" to all player's where [input has permission "staff.filter"] send "" to all player's where [input has permission "staff.filter"] # GOD_MODE command /godmode: aliases: /god, /gmg trigger: on damage: victim is a player victim has permission "skript.god" cancel event # DOG command /dog: aliases: /doggo /getdog /summondog /puppy /summonpuppy description: Summon a helpful ally for you! permission: dog.summon executable by: player cooldown: 1 hour cooldown message: The Doggo gods can only grant you a dog every hour, try again in %remaining time%. cooldown bypass: dog.summon trigger: give player 2 rotten flesh give player 2 bone spawn a wolf at location of player # GAPPLE command /gapple: aliases: /goldenapple, /gap description: Recieve a golden apple, but you can only do this once every hour! usage: You typed that in wrong, wanna try that again? permission: gapple.give executable by: player's cooldown: 1 hour cooldown message: One cake is enough for you today! Try again %remaining time% later. cooldown bypass: cake.eater trigger: if the player has space for a goldenapple: give a goldenapple to the player else: send "&3You do not have enough space in your inventory to hold a gapple!" cancel the cooldown # STARTER_KIT command /kitstarter: aliases: /starterkit, /kit_starter, /starter_kit executable by: player cooldown: 1 hour cooldown message: &cYou need to wait %remaining time% to use this kit again! cooldown bypass: starter.pass trigger: give player wooden sword named "&9Starter Sword" give player wooden pickaxe named "&9Starter Pickaxe" give player wooden axe named "&9Starter Axe" give player wooden shovel named "&9Starter Shovel" give player leather helmet named "&9Starter Helmet" give player leather chestplate named "&9Starter Chestplate" give player leather leggings named "&9Starter Leggings" give player leather boots named "&9Starter Boots" give player 20 cooked potato named "&9Starter Potatos" # KITS command /kits: aliases: kit description: list all available kits trigger: send "(kit name 1) (kit name 2) (kit name 3)" # DISCO command /disco: permission: player.disco permission message: You cannot execute that command! executable by: player trigger: loop 5 times: wait 1 second execute command "/title @a title {""text"":""\o>"",""color"":""gold""}" wait 1 second execute command "/title @a title {""text"":""<o/"",""color"":""gold""}" # PING command /ping [<player>]: cooldown: 30 seconds cooldown message: {@Prefix} &cYou have to wait &e%remaining time% &cbefore executing the command again ! usage: {@Prefix} &cWrite only: &c/helpop&c. permission: command.use trigger: open chest with 3 rows named "&8« &cPing stats &7%player% &8» " to player wait 2 ticks format slot 13 of player with green stained glass pane named "&cPing &7(%player%)" with lore "&7Right-click to see %player% ping !" to run [execute player command "/p %player%"] # LOGIN_COUNT command /logincount: cooldown: 30 seconds cooldown message: {@Prefix} &cYou have to wait &e%remaining time% &cbefore executing the command again ! usage: {@Prefix} &cWrite only: &c/logincount&c. permission: command.logincount description: Find out how many people have ever logged into this server trigger: message "&7&m===========================" message "&cTotal login counts&8: %{logincount}%" message "&7&m===========================" # SEE_OTHERS_COMMANDS command /cw: usage: {@Prefix} &cWrite only: &c/cw&c. cooldown: 30 seconds cooldown message: {@Prefix} &cYou have to wait &e%remaining time% &cbefore executing the command again ! permission: command.cw.use permission message: {@Prefix} &cYou do not have the required permissions to use this command. trigger: if {cw.%player%} is false: set {cw.%player%} to true message "{@Prefix} &aYou now see other player's commands !" else: set {cw.%player%} to false message "{@Prefix} &cYou now can't see other player's commands !" # CAT command /cat: permission: op permission message: "That is not for you sir!" trigger: give player 8 cooked cod spawn a cat at location of player # GUI command /headgui cooldown: 5 minutes cooldown message: Slow Down! You still need to wait &e%remaining time%. trigger: set metadata tag "headGUI" of player to chest inventory with 3 rows named "HeadGUI" set slot 13 of metadata tag "headGUI" of player to player´s skull named "&6%player%s Head" with lore "&7Click to get your head." set slot 1 of metadata tag "headGUI" of player to blue stained glass set slot 2 of metadata tag "headGUI" of player to blue stained glass set slot 3 of metadata tag "headGUI" of player to blue stained glass set slot 4 of metadata tag "headGUI" of player to blue stained glass set slot 5 of metadata tag "headGUI" of player to blue stained glass set slot 6 of metadata tag "headGUI" of player to blue stained glass set slot 7 of metadata tag "headGUI" of player to blue stained glass set slot 8 of metadata tag "headGUI" of player to blue stained glass set slot 9 of metadata tag "headGUI" of player to blue stained glass set slot 10 of metadata tag "headGUI" of player to blue stained glass set slot 17 of metadata tag "headGUI" of player to blue stained glass set slot 18 of metadata tag "headGUI" of player to blue stained glass set slot 19 of metadata tag "headGUI" of player to blue stained glass set slot 20 of metadata tag "headGUI" of player to blue stained glass set slot 21 of metadata tag "headGUI" of player to blue stained glass set slot 22 of metadata tag "headGUI" of player to blue stained glass set slot 23 of metadata tag "headGUI" of player to blue stained glass set slot 24 of metadata tag "headGUI" of player to blue stained glass set slot 25 of metadata tag "headGUI" of player to blue stained glass set slot 26 of metadata tag "headGUI" of player to blue stained glass open (metadata tag "headGUI" of player) to player on inventory click: if event inventory = (metadata tag "headGUI" of player): cancel event if index of event-slot is 13: give 1 of player's skull to player # CRATES (skip to 1095) #------------------------SETTINGS------------------------# variables: #! --- GUI BACKGROUND FRAME {frame} = gray stained glass pane options: #! --- SKRIPT PREFIX p: &7[&b&lCrates&7] #! --- CRATE DENY MESSAGE denymsg: &cYou are not holding any keys for this crate! #! --- FULL INVENTORY MESSAGE fullinvmsg: &cYour inventory is full! #! --- REGION NAME region: crates #! --- Crate Key Lore keylore: &7[&e!&7] Rightclick a crate to use. #! --- Crate Key Names iron: &f&lIron &7Crate Key gold: &6&lGold &7Crate Key diamond: &b&lDiamond &7Crate Key #------------------------SETTINGS------------------------ #------------------------WARPS------------------------ command /setcrates: permission: op trigger: set {crates.loc} to location of block at location of player set {crates.loc}'s yaw to player's yaw set {crates.loc}'s pitch to player's pitch send "{@p}: &fCrate location has been set to &6%{crates.loc}%" to player command /crates: trigger: send "{@p}: &fTeleporting to Crates..." to player teleport player to {crates.loc} #------------------------WARPS------------------------ #------------------------VIEW CRATES------------------------ on leftclick: if event-block is iron block: cancel event viewCrate(player, "iron") if event-block is gold block: cancel event viewCrate(player, "gold") if event-block is diamond block: cancel event viewCrate(player, "diamond") function viewCrate(p: player, crate: text): if {_crate} is "iron": open virtual chest inventory with size 3 named "&f&lIron&7 Crate" to {_p} format gui slot 0 and 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and 5 and 6 and 7 and 8 and 9 and 17 and 18 and 19 and 20 and 21 and 23 and 24 and 25 and 26 of {_p} with {frame} named "&6" format gui slot 10 of {_p} with paper named "&a&l$500" with lore "" and "&7Chance:" and "&7[&a33%%&7]" format gui slot 11 of {_p} with paper named "&a&l$1000" with lore "" and "&7Chance:" and "&7[&a25%%&7]" format gui slot 12 of {_p} with iron ingot named "&r&l1 Iron Ingot" with lore "" and "&7Chance:" and "&7[&e20%%&7]" format gui slot 13 of {_p} with paper named "&a&l$3000" with lore "" and "&7Chance:" and "&7[&e15%%&7]" format gui slot 14 of {_p} with tripwire hook named "&72x {@iron}" with lore "" and "&7Chance:" and "&7[&c5%%&7]" format gui slot 15 of {_p} with tripwire hook named "{@gold}" with lore "" and "&7Chance:" and "&7[&c1.99%%&7]" format gui slot 16 of {_p} with nametag named "&f&lIron &7Rank" with lore "" and "&7Chance:" and "&7[&c0.01%%&7]" format gui slot 22 of {_p} with barrier named "&4Close" to run: close {_p}'s inventory if {_crate} is "gold": open virtual chest inventory with size 3 named "&6&lGold&7 Crate" to {_p} format gui slot 0 and 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and 5 and 6 and 7 and 8 and 9 and 17 and 18 and 19 and 20 and 21 and 23 and 24 and 25 and 26 of {_p} with {frame} named "&6" format gui slot 10 of {_p} with paper named "&a&l$3500" with lore "" and "&7Chance:" and "&7[&a33%%&7]" format gui slot 11 of {_p} with paper named "&a&l$4000" with lore "" and "&7Chance:" and "&7[&a25%%&7]" format gui slot 12 of {_p} with paper named "&a&l$6500" with lore "" and "&7Chance:" and "&7[&e20%%&7]" format gui slot 13 of {_p} with gold ingot named "&6&l1 Gold Ingot" with lore "" and "&7Chance:" and "&7[&e15%%&7]" format gui slot 14 of {_p} with tripwire hook named "&72x {@gold}" with lore "" and "&7Chance:" and "&7[&c5%%&7]" format gui slot 15 of {_p} with tripwire hook named "{@diamond}" with lore "" and "&7Chance:" and "&7[&c1.99%%&7]" format gui slot 16 of {_p} with nametag named "&6&lGold &7Rank" with lore "" and "&7Chance:" and "&7[&c0.01%%&7]" format gui slot 22 of {_p} with barrier named "&4Close" to run: close {_p}'s inventory if {_crate} is "diamond": open virtual chest inventory with size 3 named "&b&lDiamond&7 Crate" to {_p} format gui slot 0 and 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and 5 and 6 and 7 and 8 and 9 and 17 and 18 and 19 and 20 and 21 and 23 and 24 and 25 and 26 of {_p} with {frame} named "&6" format gui slot 10 of {_p} with paper named "&a&l$6000" with lore "" and "&7Chance:" and "&7[&a33%%&7]" format gui slot 11 of {_p} with paper named "&a&l$7000" with lore "" and "&7Chance:" and "&7[&a25%%&7]" format gui slot 12 of {_p} with diamond named "&b&l1 Diamond" with lore "" and "&7Chance:" and "&7[&e20%%&7]" format gui slot 13 of {_p} with paper named "&a&l$9000" with lore "" and "&7Chance:" and "&7[&e15%%&7]" format gui slot 14 of {_p} with tripwire hook named "&72x {@diamond}" with lore "" and "&7Chance:" and "&7[&c5%%&7]" format gui slot 15 of {_p} with diamond block named "&b&l1 Diamond Block" with lore "" and "&7Chance:" and "&7[&c1.99%%&7]" format gui slot 16 of {_p} with nametag named "&b&lDiamond &7Rank" with lore "" and "&7Chance:" and "&7[&c0.01%%&7]" format gui slot 22 of {_p} with barrier named "&4Close" to run: close {_p}'s inventory #------------------------VIEW CRATES------------------------ #------------------------OPEN CRATES------------------------ on rightclick: if "%region at clicked block%" contains "{@region}": if clicked block is iron block: if player is holding tripwire hook named "{@iron}" with lore "" and "{@keylore}": if inventory of player doesn't have enough space for 1 of blue shulker box: send "{@p}: {@fullinvmsg}" to player play sound "ENTITY_VILLAGER_NO" at volume 100 and pitch 1 for player else: cancel event remove 1 of tripwire hook named "{@iron}" with lore "" and "{@keylore}" from player's inventory openCrate(player, "iron") else: send "{@p}: {@denymsg}" to player play sound "ENTITY_VILLAGER_NO" at volume 100 and pitch 1 for player if clicked block is gold block: if player is holding tripwire hook named "{@gold}" with lore "" and "{@keylore}": if inventory of player doesn't have enough space for 1 of blue shulker box: send "{@p}: {@fullinvmsg}" to player play sound "ENTITY_VILLAGER_NO" at volume 100 and pitch 1 for player else: cancel event remove 1 of tripwire hook named "{@gold}" with lore "" and "{@keylore}" from player's inventory openCrate(player, "gold") else: send "{@p}: {@denymsg}" to player play sound "ENTITY_VILLAGER_NO" at volume 100 and pitch 1 for player if clicked block is diamond block: if player is holding tripwire hook named "{@diamond}" with lore "" and "{@keylore}": if inventory of player doesn't have enough space for 1 of blue shulker box: send "{@p}: {@fullinvmsg}" to player play sound "ENTITY_VILLAGER_NO" at volume 100 and pitch 1 for player else: cancel event remove 1 of tripwire hook named "{@diamond}" with lore "" and "{@keylore}" from player's inventory openCrate(player, "diamond") else: send "{@p}: {@denymsg}" to player play sound "ENTITY_VILLAGER_NO" at volume 100 and pitch 1 for player function openCrate(p: player, crate: text): if {_crate} is "iron": wait 5 ticks set {_random} to a random integer from 0 to 10000 if {_random} is 0: send "" to {_p} send "{@p}: &aYou won the &f&lIron &7Rank&a!" to {_p} send "" to {_p} play sound "UI_TOAST_CHALLENGE_COMPLETE" at volume 50 and pitch 1 for {_p} broadcast "{@p}: &a%{_p}% got &f&lIron &7Rank&a in a crate!" if {_p} has permission "group.iron": send "" to {_p} send "{@p}: &cYou already have this rank!" to {_p} send "{@p}: &7You have been awarded &a$10000&7 instead!" to {_p} send "" to {_p} add 10000 to {balance.tot::%{_p}%} else: make console execute command "/lp user %{_p}% permission set group.iron true" if {_random} is between 1 and 200: send "" to {_p} send "{@p}: &aYou won a {@gold}&a!" to {_p} send "" to {_p} give {_p} 1 of tripwire hook named "{@gold}" with lore "" and "{@keylore}" play sound "ENTITY_PLAYER_LEVELUP" at volume 100 and pitch 1 for {_p} if {_random} is between 201 and 700: send "" to {_p} send "{@p}: &aYou won 2x {@iron}&a!" to {_p} send "" to {_p} give {_p} 2 of tripwire hook named "{@iron}" with lore "" and "{@keylore}" play sound "ENTITY_PLAYER_LEVELUP" at volume 100 and pitch 1 for {_p} if {_random} is between 701 and 2200: send "" to {_p} send "{@p}: &aYou won $3000!" to {_p} send "" to {_p} add 3000 to {balance.tot::%{_p}%} play sound "ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP" at volume 100 and pitch 1 for {_p} if {_random} is between 2201 and 4200: send "" to {_p} send "{@p}: &aYou won &f1 Iron Ingot&a!" to {_p} send "" to {_p} give {_p} 1 iron ingot play sound "ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP" at volume 100 and pitch 1 for {_p} if {_random} is between 4201 and 6700: send "" to {_p} send "{@p}: &aYou won $1000!" to {_p} send "" to {_p} add 1000 to {balance.tot::%{_p}%} play sound "ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP" at volume 100 and pitch 1 for {_p} if {_random} is between 6701 and 10000: send "" to {_p} send "{@p}: &aYou won $500!" to {_p} send "" to {_p} add 500 to {balance.tot::%{_p}%} play sound "ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP" at volume 100 and pitch 1 for {_p} if {_crate} is "gold": wait 5 ticks set {_random} to a random integer from 0 to 10000 if {_random} is 0: send "" to {_p} send "{@p}: &aYou won the &6&lGold &7Rank&a!" to {_p} send "" to {_p} play sound "UI_TOAST_CHALLENGE_COMPLETE" at volume 50 and pitch 1 for {_p} broadcast "{@p}: &a%{_p}% got &6&lGold &7Rank&a in a crate!" if {_p} has permission "group.gold": send "" to {_p} send "{@p}: &cYou already have this tag!" to {_p} send "{@p}: &7You have been awarded &a$50000&7 instead!" to {_p} send "" to {_p} add 50000 to {balance.tot::%{_p}%} else: make console execute command "/lp user %{_p}% permission set group.gold true" if {_random} is between 1 and 200: send "" to {_p} send "{@p}: &aYou won a {@diamond}&a!" to {_p} send "" to {_p} give {_p} 1 of tripwire hook named "{@diamond}" with lore "" and "{@keylore}" play sound "ENTITY_PLAYER_LEVELUP" at volume 100 and pitch 1 for {_p} if {_random} is between 201 and 700: send "" to {_p} send "{@p}: &aYou won 2x {@gold}&a!" to {_p} send "" to {_p} give {_p} 2 of tripwire hook named "{@gold}" with lore "" and "{@keylore}" play sound "ENTITY_PLAYER_LEVELUP" at volume 100 and pitch 1 for {_p} if {_random} is between 701 and 2200: send "" to {_p} send "{@p}: &aYou won &61 Gold Ingot&a!" to {_p} send "" to {_p} give {_p} 1 of gold ingot play sound "ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP" at volume 100 and pitch 1 for {_p} if {_random} is between 2201 and 4200: send "" to {_p} send "{@p}: &aYou won $6500!" to {_p} send "" to {_p} add 6500 to {balance.tot::%{_p}%} play sound "ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP" at volume 100 and pitch 1 for {_p} if {_random} is between 4201 and 6700: send "" to {_p} send "{@p}: &aYou won $4000!" to {_p} send "" to {_p} add 4000 to {balance.tot::%{_p}%} play sound "ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP" at volume 100 and pitch 1 for {_p} if {_random} is between 6701 and 10000: send "" to {_p} send "{@p}: &aYou won $3500!" to {_p} send "" to {_p} add 3500 to {balance.tot::%{_p}%} play sound "ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP" at volume 100 and pitch 1 for {_p} if {_crate} is "diamond": wait 5 ticks set {_random} to a random integer from 0 to 10000 if {_random} is 0: send "" to {_p} send "{@p}: &aYou won the &b&lDiamond &7Rank&a!" to {_p} send "" to {_p} play sound "UI_TOAST_CHALLENGE_COMPLETE" at volume 50 and pitch 1 for {_p} broadcast "{@p}: &a%{_p}% got &b&lDiamond &7Rank&a in a crate!" if {_p} has permission "group.diamond": send "" to {_p} send "{@p}: &cYou already have this tag!" to {_p} send "{@p}: &7You have been awarded &a$75000&7 instead!" to {_p} send "" to {_p} add 75000 to {balance.tot::%{_p}%} else: make console execute command "/lp user %{_p}% permission set group.diamond true" if {_random} is between 1 and 200: send "" to {_p} send "{@p}: &aYou won a &b1 Diamond Block&a!" to {_p} send "" to {_p} give {_p} 1 diamond block play sound "ENTITY_PLAYER_LEVELUP" at volume 100 and pitch 1 for {_p} if {_random} is between 201 and 700: send "" to {_p} send "{@p}: &aYou won 2x {@diamond}&a!" to {_p} send "" to {_p} give {_p} 2 of tripwire hook named "{@diamond}" with lore "" and "{@keylore}" play sound "ENTITY_PLAYER_LEVELUP" at volume 100 and pitch 1 for {_p} if {_random} is between 701 and 2200: send "" to {_p} send "{@p}: &aYou won $9000!" to {_p} send "" to {_p} add 9000 to {balance.tot::%{_p}%} play sound "ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP" at volume 100 and pitch 1 for {_p} if {_random} is between 2201 and 4200: send "" to {_p} send "{@p}: &aYou won &b1 diamond&a!" to {_p} send "" to {_p} give {_p} 1 diamond play sound "ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP" at volume 100 and pitch 1 for {_p} if {_random} is between 4201 and 6700: send "" to {_p} send "{@p}: &aYou won $7000!" to {_p} send "" to {_p} add 7000 to {balance.tot::%{_p}%} play sound "ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP" at volume 100 and pitch 1 for {_p} if {_random} is between 6701 and 10000: send "" to {_p} send "{@p}: &aYou won $6000!" to {_p} send "" to {_p} add 6000 to {balance.tot::%{_p}%} play sound "ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP" at volume 100 and pitch 1 for {_p} #------------------------OPEN CRATES------------------------ #------------------------GIVE KEY COMMAND------------------------ command /key [<text>] [<player>] [<text>] [<number>]: permission: key.give permission message: "&7[&bKEYS&7]: &cYou don't have permission to do this!" trigger: if arg 1 is "list": send "" to player send "&7-------[&b&lKeys&7]-------" to player send " &7» &fIron" to player send " &7» &6Gold" to player send " &7» &bDiamond" to player send "" to player send "&7 /key give <player> <key> <amount>" to player send "&7-------[&b&lKeys&7]-------" to player send "" to player if arg 1 is not set: send "" to player send "{@p}: &c/key [list/give] <player> <key> <amount>" to player send "" to player if arg 1 is "give": if arg 2 is set: if arg 3 is "iron": if arg 4 is set: give arg-2 arg-4 of tripwire hook named "{@iron}" with lore "" and "{@keylore}" send "{@p}: &a%player% &7gave you &b%arg-4%&7 of {@iron}!" to arg-2 send "{@p}: &7You gave &b%arg-4%&7 of {@iron} to &a%arg-2%&7!" to player play sound "ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP" at volume 100 and pitch 1 for player play sound "ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP" at volume 100 and pitch 1 for arg-2 if arg 4 is not set: make player execute "key" if arg 3 is "gold": if arg 4 is set: give arg-2 arg-4 of tripwire hook named "{@gold}" with lore "" and "{@keylore}" send "{@p}: &a%player% &7gave you &b%arg-4%&7 of {@gold}!" to arg-2 send "{@p}: &7You gave &b%arg-4%&7 of {@gold} to &a%arg-2%&7!" to player play sound "ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP" at volume 100 and pitch 1 for player play sound "ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP" at volume 100 and pitch 1 for arg-2 if arg 4 is not set: make player execute "key" if arg 3 is "diamond": if arg 4 is set: give arg-2 arg-4 of tripwire hook named "{@diamond}" with lore "" and "{@keylore}" send "{@p}: &a%player% &7gave you &b%arg-4%&7 of {@diamond}!" to arg-2 send "{@p}: &7You gave &b%arg-4%&7 of {@diamond} to &a%arg-2%&7!" to player play sound "ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP" at volume 100 and pitch 1 for player play sound "ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP" at volume 100 and pitch 1 for arg-2 if arg 4 is not set: make player execute "key" if arg 3 is not set: make player execute "key" if arg 2 is not set: make player execute "key" command /keyall [<text>] [<number>]: permission: key.all permission message: "&7[&bKEYS&7]: &cYou don't have permission to do this!" trigger: if arg 1 is "list": send "" to player send "&7-------[&b&lKeys&7]-------" to player send " &7» &f&lIron" to player send " &7» &6&lGold" to player send " &7» &b&lDiamond" to player send "" to player send "&7 /keyall <key> <amount>" to player send "&7-------[&b&lKeys&7]-------" to player send "" to player if arg 1 is not set: send "" to player send "{@p}: &c/keyall <key> <amount>" to player send "" to player if arg 1 is "iron": if arg 2 is set: send "{@p}: &7You gave &b%arg-2%&7 of {@iron} to &aall player's&7!" to player loop all player's: give loop-player arg-2 of tripwire hook named "{@iron}" with lore "" and "{@keylore}" send "{@p}: &a%player% &7gave you &b%arg-2%&7 of {@iron}!" to loop-player play sound "ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP" at volume 100 and pitch 1 for player play sound "ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP" at volume 100 and pitch 1 for loop-player if arg 2 is not set: make player execute "keyall" if arg 1 is "gold": if arg 2 is set: send "{@p}: &7You gave &b%arg-2%&7 of {@gold} to &aall player's&7!" to player loop all player's: give loop-player arg-2 of tripwire hook named "{@gold}" with lore "" and "{@keylore}" send "{@p}: &a%player% &7gave you &b%arg-2%&7 of {@gold}!" to loop-player play sound "ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP" at volume 100 and pitch 1 for player play sound "ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP" at volume 100 and pitch 1 for loop-player if arg 2 is not set: make player execute "keyall" if arg 1 is "diamond": if arg 2 is set: send "{@p}: &7You gave &b%arg-2%&7 of {@diamond} to &aall player's&7!" to player loop all player's: give loop-player arg-2 of tripwire hook named "{@diamond}" with lore "" and "{@keylore}" send "{@p}: &a%player% &7gave you &b%arg-2%&7 of {@diamond}!" to loop-player play sound "ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP" at volume 100 and pitch 1 for player play sound "ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP" at volume 100 and pitch 1 for loop-player if arg 2 is not set: make player execute "keyall" #------------------------GIVE KEY COMMAND------------------------ #TAB (skip to 1288) command /tab <text> [<text>] [<string>]: permission: skript.tab permission message: &fUnknown command. description: Skript made command to color your tablist! usage: &c/tab {action} {set} {string} &7&oUse /help for more help. trigger: if arg-1 is "help", "template", "name", "line_2", "last_line", "primary_color" or "secondary_color" or "temp" or "header" or "title" or "line2" or "second_line" or "2line" or "color" or "maincolor" or "primarycolor" or "main_color": if arg-1 is "help": sendHelp(player) if arg-1 is "template", "name", "line_2", "last_line", "primary_color" or "secondary_color" or "temp" or "header" or "title" or "line2" or "second_line" or "2line" or "color" or "maincolor" or "primarycolor" or "main_color": if arg-2 is set: if arg-3 is set: if arg-1 is "template" or "temp": if arg-2 is "set": if (arg-3 parsed as number) is a number: if (arg-3 parsed as number) is 1, 2 or 3: set {tab-template-number} to arg-3 send "&aSuccessfully set template number to %{tab-template-number}%" else: send "&cPlease choose a number from 1 to 3" else: send "&cThe third argument must be an integer." else: send "&c/tab {action} {set} {string} &7&oUse /tab help for more help." if arg-1 is "name" or "header" or "title": if arg-2 is "set": if arg-3 is a text: set {tab-server-name} to uncolored arg-3 send "&aSuccessfully set tab name to '%uncolored arg-3%&a'" else: send "&cThe third argument must be a text" else: send "&c/tab {action} {set} {string} &7&oUse /tab help for more help." if arg-1 is "line_2" or "line2" or "second_line" or "2line": if arg-2 is "set": if arg-3 is a text: set {tab-line-2} to uncolored arg-3 send "&aSuccessfully set tab name to '%uncolored arg-3%&a'" else: send "&cThe third argument must be a text" else: send "&c/tab {action} {set} {string} &7&oUse /tab help for more help." if arg-1 is "last_line" or "final_line" or "lastline": if arg-2 is "set": if arg-3 is a text: set {tab-last-line} to uncolored arg-3 send "&aSuccessfully set tab name to '%uncolored arg-3%&a'" else: send "&cThe third argument must be a text." else: send "&c/tab {action} {set} {string} &7&oUse /tab help for more help." if arg-1 is "primary_color" or "color" or "maincolor" or "primarycolor" or "main_color": if arg-2 is "set": if arg-3 is a text: if arg-3 starts with "&": if length of arg-3 is 2: set {tab-primary-color} to arg-3 send formatted "&aSuccessfully set color to ' %{tab-primary-color}%▶&r&a '" else: send "&cThe lenght must be 2 characters." else: send "&cA minecraft color code starts with a '&'" else: send "&cThe third argument must be a text" else: send "&c/tab {action} {set} {string} &7&oUse /tab help for more help." if arg-1 is "secondary_color": if arg-2 is "set": if arg-3 is a text: if arg-3 starts with "&": if length of arg-3 is 2: set {tab-secondary-color} to arg-3 send formatted "&aSuccessfully set color to ' %{tab-secondary-color}%▶&r&a '" else: send "&cThe lenght must be 2 characters." else: send "&cA minecraft color code starts with a '&'" else: send "&cThe third argument must be a text" else: send "&c/tab {action} {set} {string} &7&oUse /tab help for more help." else: send "&c/tab {action} {set} {string} &7&oUse /tab help for more help." else: send "&c/tab {action} {set} {string} &7&oUse /tab help for more help." else: send "&c/tab {action} {set} {string} &7&oUse /tab help for more help." function sendHelp(p:player): send " &2&lTAB ", "", "&2List of commands:", "&2- &a<tooltip:&2Changes the current template number.>/tab template set {number}", "&2- &a<tooltip:&2Changes the tab list name>/tab name set {name}", "&2- &a<tooltip:&2Changes line 2 of the tab list>/tab line_2 set {text}", "&2- &a<tooltip:&2Changes the last line of the tab list>/tab last_line set {name}", "&2- &a<tooltip:&2Changes the primary(main) color>/tab primary_color set {minecraft_color_code}", "&2- &a<tooltip:&2Changes the secondary color>/tab secondary_color set {minecraft_color_code}", "", "&7&oHover over texts for explanation." and "" to {_p} on tab complete for "/tab": set tab completions for position 2 to "set" set tab completions for position 1 to "help", "template", "name", "line_2", "last_line", "primary_color" and "secondary_color" # Please remove the ' # ' if discord control is true! discord command tab <text> [<text>] [<string>]: prefixes: ! executable in: guild trigger: if arg-1 is "help", "template", "name", "line_2", "last_line", "primary_color" or "secondary_color" or "temp" or "header" or "title" or "line2" or "second_line" or "2line" or "color" or "maincolor" or "primarycolor" or "main_color": if arg-1 is "template", "name", "line_2", "last_line", "primary_color" or "secondary_color" or "temp" or "header" or "title" or "line2" or "second_line" or "2line" or "color" or "maincolor" or "primarycolor" or "main_color": if arg-2 is set: if arg-3 is set: if arg-1 is "template" or "temp": if arg-2 is "set": if (arg-3 parsed as number) is a number: if (arg-3 parsed as number) is 1, 2 or 3: set {tab-template-number} to arg-3 reply with "Successfully set template number to %{tab-template-number}%" else: reply with "Please choose a number from 1 to 3" else: reply with "The third argument must be an integer." else: reply with "!tab {action} {set} {string} &7&oUse /tab help for more help." if arg-1 is "name" or "header" or "title": if arg-2 is "set": if arg-3 is a text: set {tab-server-name} to uncolored arg-3 reply with "Successfully set tab name to '%uncolored arg-3%&a'" else: reply with "The third argument must be a text" else: reply with "!tab {action} {set} {string} &7&oUse /tab help for more help." if arg-1 is "line_2" or "line2" or "second_line" or "2line": if arg-2 is "set": if arg-3 is a text: set {tab-line-2} to uncolored arg-3 reply with "Successfully set tab name to '%uncolored arg-3%&a'" else: reply with "The third argument must be a text" else: reply with "!tab {action} {set} {string} &7&oUse /tab help for more help." if arg-1 is "last_line" or "final_line" or "lastline": if arg-2 is "set": if arg-3 is a text: set {tab-last-line} to uncolored arg-3 reply with "Successfully set tab name to '%uncolored arg-3%&a'" else: reply with "The third argument must be a text." else: reply with "!tab {action} {set} {string} &7&oUse /tab help for more help." if arg-1 is "primary_color" or "color" or "maincolor" or "primarycolor" or "main_color": if arg-2 is "set": if arg-3 is a text: if arg-3 starts with "&": if length of arg-3 is 2: set {tab-primary-color} to arg-3 reply with "Successfully set color to ' %{tab-primary-color}%▶&r&a '" else: reply with "The lenght must be 2 characters." else: reply with "A minecraft color code starts with a '&'" else: reply with "The third argument must be a text" else: reply with "!tab {action} {set} {string} &7&oUse /tab help for more help." if arg-1 is "secondary_color": if arg-2 is "set": if arg-3 is a text: if arg-3 starts with "&": if length of arg-3 is 2: set {tab-secondary-color} to arg-3 reply with formatted "Successfully set color to ' %{tab-secondary-color}%▶&r&a '" else: reply with "The lenght must be 2 characters." else: reply with "A minecraft color code starts with a '&'" else: reply with "The third argument must be a text" else: reply with "!tab {action} {set} {string} &7&oUse /tab help for more help." else: reply with "!tab {action} {set} {string} &7&oUse /tab help for more help." else: reply with "!tab {action} {set} {string} &7&oUse /tab help for more help." else: reply with "!tab {action} {set} {string} &7&oUse /tab help for more help." #SLOTS options: #cost of using the machine slots-cost: 500 #prize if first 2 reels match slots-small-win: 5000 #prize if all 3 reels match slots-jackpot: 20000 on sign change: line 1 of event-block is "[Slots]" if player has permission "slots.sk": set line 1 of event-block to "&9[Slots]" set line 2 of event-block to "&d-Ready-" else: cancel event on right click on sign: line 1 of event-block is "&9[Slots]" line 2 of event-block is "&d-Ready-" if player's balance is less than {@slots-cost}: send "&9Insufficient funds! You need &e500© &9to play!" else if player's balance is more than {@slots-cost}: remove {@slots-cost} from player's balance set line 2 of event-block to "&f-Playing-" loop 25 times: set {_reel1} to a random integer between 1 and 10 set {_reel2} to a random integer between 1 and 10 set {_reel3} to a random integer between 1 and 10 if {_reel1} is 1: set {_reel1} to "■" if {_reel1} is 2: set {_reel1} to "♥" if {_reel1} is 3: set {_reel1} to "♦" if {_reel1} is 4: set {_reel1} to "♣" if {_reel1} is 5: set {_reel1} to "♠" if {_reel1} is 6: set {_reel1} to "●" if {_reel1} is 7: set {_reel1} to "✢" if {_reel1} is 8: set {_reel1} to "✠" if {_reel1} is 9: set {_reel1} to "▲" if {_reel1} is 10: set {_reel1} to "▼" if {_reel2} is 1: set {_reel2} to "■" if {_reel2} is 2: set {_reel2} to "♥" if {_reel2} is 3: set {_reel2} to "♦" if {_reel2} is 4: set {_reel2} to "♣" if {_reel2} is 5: set {_reel2} to "♠" if {_reel2} is 6: set {_reel2} to "●" if {_reel2} is 7: set {_reel2} to "✢" if {_reel2} is 8: set {_reel2} to "✠" if {_reel2} is 9: set {_reel2} to "▲" if {_reel2} is 10: set {_reel2} to "▼" if {_reel3} is 1: set {_reel3} to "■" if {_reel3} is 2: set {_reel3} to "♥" if {_reel3} is 3: set {_reel3} to "♦" if {_reel3} is 4: set {_reel3} to "♣" if {_reel3} is 5: set {_reel3} to "♠" if {_reel3} is 6: set {_reel3} to "●" if {_reel3} is 7: set {_reel3} to "✢" if {_reel3} is 8: set {_reel3} to "✠" if {_reel3} is 9: set {_reel3} to "▲" if {_reel3} is 10: set {_reel3} to "▼" set line 3 of event-block to "%{_reel1}% %{_reel2}% %{_reel3}%" wait 1 tick if {_reel1} is {_reel2}: if {_reel1} is {_reel3}: give player diamond block 64 named "&4&lJ&5&lA&a&lC&6&lK&1&lP&8&lO&d&lT &bDiamonds" give player netherite block 8 named "&4&lJ&5&lA&a&lC&6&lK&1&lP&8&lO&d&lT &8Netherite" give player golden apple 32 named "&4&lJ&5&lA&a&lC&6&lK&1&lP&8&lO&d&lT &6Gapples" give player enchanted golden apple named "&4&lJ&5&lA&a&lC&6&lK&1&lP&8&lO&d&lT &a&lN&b&lO&c&lT&d&lC&e&lH &dApple" broadcast "&d%player% &9won the slots jackpot at the Casino!" else: give player diamond block 16 named "&cMediocre &bDiamonds" give player netherite block 1 named "&cMediocre &8Netherite give player golden apple 5 named "&cMediocre &eGapples" send "&9You won the small prize" else: send "&9You did not win a prize this time." wait 30 ticks set line 2 of event-block to "&d-Ready-"" set line 3 of event-block to # KILLSTREAK (every 5 kills) mod(divider, number) on death: mod({kills::%attacker's uuid%}, 5) = 0 {kills::%attacker's uuid%} isn't 0 send "%attacker% is on a kill streak of {kills::%attacker's uuid%}" # CUSTOM RECIPE(s) on load: register new shapless recipe for 4 string using white wool, air, air, air, air, air, air, air, air broadcast "&aCustom recipies loaded!" # CUSTOM SHOP options: cobblePrice: 2 command /sell: trigger: if player's inventory contains cobblestone: set {_amount} to amount of cobblestone in player's inventory set {_profit} to {@cobblePrice}*{_amount} send "%{_profit}%" else: send "Sorry, but you dont have any cobble stone in your inventory."
  9. im not sure how to help, sorry
  10. I think I can help, reply if you want help
  11. just copy this, its your skript but will only input the command every 2 seconds on rightclick with blaze rod: if name of tool of player is "&6Fire": set {_waited} to difference between {col.%player%.lastused} and now if {_waited} is less than a minute: message "&cYou have to wait %difference between a minute and {_waited}% before you can use this command again!" stop set {col.%player%.lastused} to now shoot an fire ball at speed 1.0 wait 1 tick play sound "entity.dragon_fireball.explode" to player wait 40 ticks
  12. I know other people have made a skript like this one: command /rename [<text>]: permission: rename.sk permission message: &cInsufficient Permission trigger: if arg 1 isn't set: send "&aUsage: &b/rename &f<text>" to player else: if player's tool is air: send "&bYou Need To Hold An Item To Rename!" to player else: set name of player's tool to colored arg 1 send "&bYour Item Has Been Renamed To: %colored arg-1%" to player But I have a new and better one that looks like this: command /ie <text> [<text>]: aliases: /itemeditor permission: itemeditor.sk permission message: &cInsufficient Perms trigger: if arg 1 isn't set: send "&aUsage: &b/rename &f<text>" to player else: if player's tool is air: send "&bYou Need To Hold An Item To Rename!" to player if arg-1 is "name": set name of player's held item to colored arg 2 if arg-1 is "lore": set lore of player's held item to colored arg 2 if arg-1 is "clearenchants": disenchant player's tool Now this one has lore and can also disenchant the players tool, more helpful than the last
  13. HI! I have a solution for your problem, it is definitely possible and really easy to make, so here is a Item Editor Skript for you to use that would be like that except you would have to write it in instead of being able to use one command for a specific name and you will need to type /ie name (itemname), color codes are supported so without further ado here you go command /ie <text> [<text>]: aliases: /itemeditor permission: itemeditor.sk permission message: &cInsufficient Perms trigger: if arg-1 is "name": set name of player's held item to colored arg 2 if arg-1 is "lore": set lore of player's held item to colored arg 2 if arg-1 is "clearenchants": disenchant player's tool
  14. I like your Skript and it all is very well put together but, there's an error on line 63 you have "on any move:" written and Skript doesn't recognize that, so a simple fix for that is to replace the any with player, making the Skript look like this "on player move:" and that's all other than that great job
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