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Everything posted by ButterflyBullets

  1. also, im working on the next squid game, itll be a game where you have to craft a certain block instead of cutting an item out cause idk how u could do that
  2. great job on this, the only thing i think should be changed is the time limit the headers are on screen, ex: on right click with lime wool: player is op send title "&aGreen Light" with subtitle "&aYou can move now" to all players for 2 seconds play sound "block.amethyst_block.break" with volume 1000 and pitch 8 to all players set {check.move} to false on right click with red wool: player is op send title "&4Red light" with subtitle "&4You better stop moving" to all players for 2 seconds play sound "block.anvil.place" with volume 1000 and pitch -4 to all players wait 0.5 seconds set {check.move} to true i would just change send title "&aGreen Light" with subtitle "&aYou can move now" to all players for 2 seconds send title "&4Red light" with subtitle "&4You better stop moving" to all players for 2 seconds to send title "&aGreen Light" with subtitle "&aYou can move now" to all players for 1 second send title "&4Red light" with subtitle "&4You better stop moving" to all players for 1 second so you can use them a lot faster, idk just an idea
  3. same, idk wtf is happening but its very annoying
  4. i gotchu, this should work although I havnt tested it yet lol on right click on stone with wooden pickaxe named "&eStarter Pickaxe &7(Right click stone with this)": set event-block to air chance of 10%: give 1 clay ball named "&7Pebble" to player
  5. yo i have one options: bluetored: 10000000 purpletoblue: 5000000 greentopurple: 2500000 yellowtogreen: 2000000 lbtoyellow: 1500000 whitetolb: 1000000 emeraldtowhite: 750000 diamondtoemerald: 500000 goldtodiamond: 400000 irontogold: 300000 coaltoiron: 250000 melontocoal: 100000 pumpkintomelon: 50000 haytopumpkin: 10000 command /genget <text> [<player>]: permission: gen.give permission message: &cNo permission! trigger: if arg-2 is set: set {_p} to arg-2 else: set {_p} to player if arg-1 is "white": give {_p} 1 white glazed terracotta named "&6&lWhite Gen" with lore "&7(Place To Use)" if arg-1 is "lightblue": give {_p} 1 light blue glazed terracotta named "&6&lLight Blue Gen" with lore "&7(Place To Use)" if arg-1 is "yellow": give {_p} 1 yellow glazed terracotta named "&6&lYellow Gen" with lore "&7(Place To Use)" if arg-1 is "green": give {_p} 1 lime glazed terracotta named "&6&lGreen Gen" with lore "&7(Place To Use)" if arg-1 is "purple": give {_p} 1 purple glazed terracotta named "&6&lPurple Gen" with lore "&7(Place To Use)" if arg-1 is "blue": give {_p} 1 blue glazed terracotta named "&6&lBlue Gen" with lore "&7(Place To Use)" if arg-1 is "red": give {_p} 1 red glazed terracotta named "&6&lRed Gen" with lore "&7(Place To Use)" if arg-1 is "emerald": give {_p} 1 emerald block named "&6&lEmerald Gen" with lore "&7(Place To Use)" if arg-1 is "diamond": give {_p} 1 diamond block named "&6&lDiamond Gen" with lore "&7(Place To Use)" if arg-1 is "gold": give {_p} 1 gold block named "&6&lGold Gen" with lore "&7(Place To Use)" if arg-1 is "iron": give {_p} 1 iron block named "&6&lIron Gen" with lore "&7(Place To Use)" if arg-1 is "coal": give {_p} 1 coal block named "&6&lCoal Gen" with lore "&7(Place To Use)" if arg-1 is "melon": give {_p} 1 melon named "&6&lMelon Gen" with lore "&7(Place To Use)" if arg-1 is "pumpkin": give {_p} 1 pumpkin named "&6&lPumpkin Gen" with lore "&7(Place To Use)" if arg-1 is "wheat": give {_p} 1 hay block named "&6&lWheat Gen" with lore "&7(Place To Use)" on place of emerald block or diamond block or gold block or iron block or coal block or melon or pumpkin or hay block or white glazed terracotta or light blue glazed terracotta or yellow glazed terracotta or lime glazed terracotta or purple glazed terracotta or blue glazed terracotta or red glazed terracotta: set {_p} to player set {_u} to player's uuid if {gc::%{_u}%} >= {gencap::%{_u}%}: cancel event send "&f" to {_p} send "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou have reached the max generator limit" to {_p} send "&aTo upgrade this purchase a rank at &a/buy" to {_p} send "&f" to {_p} stop wait 2 ticks if event-block is a hay block: add location of event-block to {gens::%{_u}%::wheat::*} add 1 to {gc::%{_u}%} if event-block is a emerald block: add location of event-block to {gens::%{_u}%::emerald::*} add 1 to {gc::%{_u}%} if event-block is a diamond block: add location of event-block to {gens::%{_u}%::diamond::*} add 1 to {gc::%{_u}%} if event-block is a gold block: add location of event-block to {gens::%{_u}%::gold::*} add 1 to {gc::%{_u}%} if event-block is a iron block: add location of event-block to {gens::%{_u}%::iron::*} add 1 to {gc::%{_u}%} if event-block is a coal block: add location of event-block to {gens::%{_u}%::coal::*} add 1 to {gc::%{_u}%} if event-block is a melon: add location of event-block to {gens::%{_u}%::melon::*} add 1 to {gc::%{_u}%} if event-block is a pumpkin: add location of event-block to {gens::%{_u}%::pumpkin::*} add 1 to {gc::%{_u}%} if event-block is a white glazed terracotta: add location of event-block to {gens::%{_u}%::white::*} add 1 to {gc::%{_u}%} if event-block is a light blue glazed terracotta: add location of event-block to {gens::%{_u}%::lb::*} add 1 to {gc::%{_u}%} if event-block is a yellow glazed terracotta: add location of event-block to {gens::%{_u}%::yellow::*} add 1 to {gc::%{_u}%} if event-block is a lime glazed terracotta: add location of event-block to {gens::%{_u}%::lime::*} add 1 to {gc::%{_u}%} if event-block is a purple glazed terracotta: add location of event-block to {gens::%{_u}%::purple::*} add 1 to {gc::%{_u}%} if event-block is a blue glazed terracotta: add location of event-block to {gens::%{_u}%::blue::*} add 1 to {gc::%{_u}%} if event-block is a red glazed terracotta: add location of event-block to {gens::%{_u}%::red::*} add 1 to {gc::%{_u}%} on left click on emerald block or diamond block or gold block or iron block or coal block or pumpkin or hay block or melon or white glazed terracotta or light blue glazed terracotta or yellow glazed terracotta or lime glazed terracotta or purple glazed terracotta or blue glazed terracotta or red glazed terracotta: if player is not sneaking: if event-block is emerald block: if {gens::%player's uuid%::emerald::*} contains location of event-block: play sound "entity.item.pickup" with volume 3 to the player remove 1 from {gc::%player's uuid%} remove location of event-block from {gens::%player's uuid%::emerald::*} set event-block to air give player 1 emerald block named "&6&lEmerald Gen" with lore "&7(Place To Use)" send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou collected your Gen!" to player else if event-block is diamond block: if {gens::%player's uuid%::diamond::*} contains location of event-block: play sound "entity.item.pickup" with volume 3 to the player remove 1 from {gc::%player's uuid%} remove location of event-block from {gens::%player's uuid%::diamond::*} set event-block to air give player 1 diamond block named "&6&lDiamond Gen" with lore "&7(Place To Use)" send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou collected your Gen!" to player else if event-block is gold block: if {gens::%player's uuid%::gold::*} contains location of event-block: play sound "entity.item.pickup" with volume 3 to the player remove 1 from {gc::%player's uuid%} remove location of event-block from {gens::%player's uuid%::gold::*} set event-block to air give player 1 gold block named "&6&lGold Gen" with lore "&7(Place To Use)" send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou collected your Gen!" to player else if event-block is iron block: if {gens::%player's uuid%::iron::*} contains location of event-block: play sound "entity.item.pickup" with volume 3 to the player remove 1 from {gc::%player's uuid%} remove location of event-block from {gens::%player's uuid%::iron::*} set event-block to air give player 1 iron block named "&6&lIron Gen" with lore "&7(Place To Use)" send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou collected your Gen!" to player else if event-block is coal block: if {gens::%player's uuid%::coal::*} contains location of event-block: play sound "entity.item.pickup" with volume 3 to the player remove 1 from {gc::%player's uuid%} remove location of event-block from {gens::%player's uuid%::coal::*} set event-block to air give player 1 coal block named "&6&lCoal Gen" with lore "&7(Place To Use)" send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou collected your Gen!" to player else if event-block is pumpkin: if {gens::%player's uuid%::pumpkin::*} contains location of event-block: play sound "entity.item.pickup" with volume 3 to the player remove 1 from {gc::%player's uuid%} remove location of event-block from {gens::%player's uuid%::pumpkin::*} set event-block to air give player 1 pumpkin named "&6&lPumpkin Gen" with lore "&7(Place To Use)" send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou collected your Gen!" to player else if event-block is hay block: if {gens::%player's uuid%::wheat::*} contains location of event-block: play sound "entity.item.pickup" with volume 3 to the player remove 1 from {gc::%player's uuid%} remove location of event-block from {gens::%player's uuid%::wheat::*} set event-block to air give player 1 hay block named "&6&lWheat Gen" with lore "&7(Place To Use)" send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou collected your Gen!" to player else if event-block is melon: if {gens::%player's uuid%::melon::*} contains location of event-block: play sound "entity.item.pickup" with volume 3 to the player remove 1 from {gc::%player's uuid%} remove location of event-block from {gens::%player's uuid%::melon::*} set event-block to air give player 1 melon named "&6&lMelon Gen" with lore "&7(Place To Use)" send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou collected your Gen!" to player else if event-block is white glazed terracotta: if {gens::%player's uuid%::white::*} contains location of event-block: play sound "entity.item.pickup" with volume 3 to the player remove 1 from {gc::%player's uuid%} remove location of event-block from {gens::%player's uuid%::white::*} set event-block to air give player 1 white glazed terracotta named "&6&lWhite Gen" with lore "&7(Place To Use)" send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou collected your Gen!" to player else if event-block is light blue glazed terracotta: if {gens::%player's uuid%::lb::*} contains location of event-block: play sound "entity.item.pickup" with volume 3 to the player remove 1 from {gc::%player's uuid%} remove location of event-block from {gens::%player's uuid%::lb::*} set event-block to air give player 1 light blue glazed terracotta named "&6&lLight Blue Gen" with lore "&7(Place To Use)" send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou collected your Gen!" to player else if event-block is yellow glazed terracotta: if {gens::%player's uuid%::yellow::*} contains location of event-block: play sound "entity.item.pickup" with volume 3 to the player remove 1 from {gc::%player's uuid%} remove location of event-block from {gens::%player's uuid%::yellow::*} set event-block to air give player 1 yellow glazed terracotta named "&6&lYellow Gen" with lore "&7(Place To Use)" send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou collected your Gen!" to player else if event-block is lime glazed terracotta: if {gens::%player's uuid%::lime::*} contains location of event-block: play sound "entity.item.pickup" with volume 3 to the player remove 1 from {gc::%player's uuid%} remove location of event-block from {gens::%player's uuid%::lime::*} set event-block to air give player 1 lime glazed terracotta named "&6&lGreen Gen" with lore "&7(Place To Use)" send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou collected your Gen!" to player else if event-block is purple glazed terracotta: if {gens::%player's uuid%::purple::*} contains location of event-block: play sound "entity.item.pickup" with volume 3 to the player remove 1 from {gc::%player's uuid%} remove location of event-block from {gens::%player's uuid%::purple::*} set event-block to air give player 1 purple glazed terracotta named "&6&lPurple Gen" with lore "&7(Place To Use)" send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou collected your Gen!" to player else if event-block is blue glazed terracotta: if {gens::%player's uuid%::blue::*} contains location of event-block: play sound "entity.item.pickup" with volume 3 to the player remove 1 from {gc::%player's uuid%} remove location of event-block from {gens::%player's uuid%::blue::*} set event-block to air give player 1 blue glazed terracotta named "&6&lBlue Gen" with lore "&7(Place To Use)" send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou collected your Gen!" to player else if event-block is red glazed terracotta: if {gens::%player's uuid%::red::*} contains location of event-block: play sound "entity.item.pickup" with volume 3 to the player remove 1 from {gc::%player's uuid%} remove location of event-block from {gens::%player's uuid%::red::*} set event-block to air give player 1 red glazed terracotta named "&6&lRed Gen" with lore "&7(Place To Use)" send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou collected your Gen!" to player else: cancel event play sound "entity.villager.no" with volume 3 to the player send "&6&lGenerator &7» &eThis is not your generator!" on break of emerald block or diamond block or gold block or iron block or coal block or pumpkin or hay block or melon or white glazed terracotta or light blue glazed terracotta or yellow glazed terracotta or lime glazed terracotta or purple glazed terracotta or blue glazed terracotta or red glazed terracotta: cancel event command /globalbooster [<offline player>]: permission: "*" permission message: &cNo permission! trigger: set {_p} to arg-1 give {_p} 1 of nether star named "&6&lGlobal Booster" with lore "&e&o(Right-Click to Activate a Global Booster)" send "&eYou have been granted a &6&lGlobal Booster! &e&o(Right-Click to Activate a Global Booster)" to arg-1 on rightclick holding a nether star: if name of player's held item is "&6&lGlobal Booster": if {globalbooster} is false: remove held item from player's inventory set {globalbooster} to true broadcast "" broadcast "&6&lGlobal Booster &ehas been activated for 1 hour by &e%player%!" broadcast " &e&o(Drop Amount for Gens 2x)" broadcast "" set {globaltime} to 60 remove bossbar "globaloff" create bossbar title "&6&lGlobal Booster: &e%{globaltime}% &eMinutes" and id "global" for all players with progress 100 with colors yellow wait 1 hour broadcast "" broadcast "&6&lGlobal Booster &ehas expired, buy another one on &7/buy!" broadcast "" set {globalbooster} to false remove bossbar "global" else: send "&ePlease wait, there is currently a &6Global Booster &egoing on at this time!" command /globalboosteroff: permission: "*" permission message: &cNo permission! trigger: set {globalbooster} to false broadcast "" broadcast "&6&lGlobal Booster &ehas been disabled by &7%player%!" broadcast "" on load: if {globalbooster} is not set: set {globalbooster} to false every minute: if {globalbooster} is false: remove bossbar "global" create bossbar title "&6&lCheck out our server store &e&l/buy" and id "globaloff" for all players with progress 100 with colors yellow else if {globalbooster} is true: remove bossbar "global" remove 1 from {globaltime} create bossbar title "&6&lGlobal Booster: &e%{globaltime}%&e Minutes" and id "global" for all players with progress 100 with colors yellow on join: if {gencap::%player's uuid%} is not set: set {gencap::%player's uuid%} to 25 if {gc::%player's uuid%} is not set: set {gc::%player's uuid%} to 0 if {globalbooster} is false: remove bossbar "global" create bossbar title "&e&lStore &8• &e&n/buy" and id "globaloff" for all players with progress 100 with colors yellow else if {globalbooster} is true: remove bossbar "global" remove 1 from {globaltime} create bossbar title "&6&lGlobal Booster: &e%{globaltime}% &eMinutes" and id "global" for all players with progress 100 with colors yellow command /resetgen [<offline player>]: permission: op trigger: if arg-1 is set: set {_u} to arg-1's uuid send "&3&lAll gens for &b&l%arg-1% &3&lwere reset! &7(A relog for this player is recommended)" to player else: set {_u} to player's uuid send "&3&lAll gens for &b&l%player% &3&lwere reset! &7(A relog for this player is recommended)" to player loop {gens::%{_u}%::*}: loop {gens::%{_u}%::%loop-value%::*}: set block at location of loop-value-2 to air delete {gens::%{_u}%::%loop-value-1%::%loop-value-2%} delete {gens::%{_u}%::*} set {gc::%{_u}%} to 0 on left click on emerald block or diamond block or gold block or iron block or coal block or pumpkin or hay block or melon or white glazed terracotta or light blue glazed terracotta or yellow glazed terracotta or lime glazed terracotta or purple glazed terracotta or blue glazed terracotta or red glazed terracotta: if player is sneaking: set {_loc} to location of event-block if {gens::%player's uuid%::red::*} contains {_loc}: send action bar "&b&lGenerator &B» &fThis generator is already maxed out!" to player else if {gens::%player's uuid%::diamond::*} contains {_loc}: set {_price} to {@diamondtoemerald} if player's balance < {_price}: if player's held item is air: play sound "entity.villager.no" with volume 3 to player send action bar "&6&lGenerator &7» &eYou need &7$%{_price}% &eto upgrade!" to player stop else: send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou need to hold nothing in your hand to upgrade your gen!" to player stop remove {_price} from balance of player remove {_loc} from {gens::%player's uuid%::diamond::*} remove 1 from {gc::%player's uuid%} make console execute command "genget emerald %player%" set event-block to air send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou ranked up your gen!" to player else if {gens::%player's uuid%::gold::*} contains {_loc}: set {_price} to {@goldtodiamond} if player's balance < {_price}: if player's held item is air: play sound "entity.villager.no" with volume 3 to player send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou need &7$%{_price}% &eto upgrade!" to player stop else: send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou need to hold nothing in your hand to upgrade your gen!" to player stop remove {_price} from balance of player remove {_loc} from {gens::%player's uuid%::gold::*} remove 1 from {gc::%player's uuid%} make console execute command "genget diamond %player%" set event-block to air send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou ranked up your gen!" to player else if {gens::%player's uuid%::iron::*} contains {_loc}: set {_price} to {@irontogold} if player's balance < {_price}: if player's held item is air: play sound "entity.villager.no" with volume 3 to player send action bar "&6&lGenerator &7» &eYou need &7$%{_price}% &eto upgrade!" to player stop else: send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou need to hold nothing in your hand to upgrade your gen!" to player stop remove {_price} from balance of player remove {_loc} from {gens::%player's uuid%::iron::*} remove 1 from {gc::%player's uuid%} make console execute command "genget gold %player%" set event-block to air send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou ranked up your gen!" to player else if {gens::%player's uuid%::coal::*} contains {_loc}: set {_price} to {@coaltoiron} if player's balance < {_price}: if player's held item is air: play sound "entity.villager.no" with volume 3 to player send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou need &7$%{_price}% &eto upgrade!" to player stop else: send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou need to hold nothing in your hand to upgrade your gen!" to player stop remove {_price} from balance of player remove {_loc} from {gens::%player's uuid%::coal::*} remove 1 from {gc::%player's uuid%} make console execute command "genget iron %player%" set event-block to air send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou ranked up your gen!" to player else if {gens::%player's uuid%::melon::*} contains {_loc}: set {_price} to {@melontocoal} if player's balance < {_price}: if player's held item is air: play sound "entity.villager.no" with volume 3 to player send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou need &7$%{_price}% &eto upgrade!" to player stop else: send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou need to hold nothing in your hand to upgrade your gen!" to player stop remove {_price} from balance of player remove {_loc} from {gens::%player's uuid%::melon::*} remove 1 from {gc::%player's uuid%} make console execute command "genget coal %player%" set event-block to air send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou ranked up your gen!" to player else if {gens::%player's uuid%::pumpkin::*} contains {_loc}: set {_price} to {@pumpkintomelon} if player's balance < {_price}: if player's held item is air: play sound "entity.villager.no" with volume 3 to player send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou need &7$%{_price}% &eto upgrade!" to player stop else: send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou need to hold nothing in your hand to upgrade your gen!" to player stop remove {_price} from balance of player remove {_loc} from {gens::%player's uuid%::pumpkin::*} remove 1 from {gc::%player's uuid%} make console execute command "genget melon %player%" set event-block to air send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou ranked up your gen!" to player else if {gens::%player's uuid%::wheat::*} contains {_loc}: set {_price} to {@haytopumpkin} if player's balance < {_price}: if player's held item is air: play sound "entity.villager.no" with volume 3 to player send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou need &7$%{_price}% &eto upgrade!" to player stop else: send action bar "&a&lGeneratoar &7» &aYou need to hold nothing in your hand to upgrade your gen!" to player stop remove {_price} from balance of player remove {_loc} from {gens::%player's uuid%::wheat::*} remove 1 from {gc::%player's uuid%} make console execute command "genget pumpkin %player%" set event-block to air send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &eYou ranked up your gen!" to player else if {gens::%player's uuid%::emerald::*} contains {_loc}: set {_price} to {@emeraldtowhite} if player's balance < {_price}: if player's held item is air: play sound "entity.villager.no" with volume 3 to player send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou need &7$%{_price}% &eto upgrade!" to player stop else: send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou need to hold nothing in your hand to upgrade your gen!" to player stop remove {_price} from balance of player remove {_loc} from {gens::%player's uuid%::emerald::*} remove 1 from {gc::%player's uuid%} make console execute command "genget white %player%" set event-block to air send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou ranked up your gen!" to player else if {gens::%player's uuid%::white::*} contains {_loc}: set {_price} to {@whitetolb} if player's balance < {_price}: if player's held item is air: play sound "entity.villager.no" with volume 3 to player send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou need &7$%{_price}% &eto upgrade!" to player stop else: send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou need to hold nothing in your hand to upgrade your gen!" to player stop remove {_price} from balance of player remove {_loc} from {gens::%player's uuid%::white::*} remove 1 from {gc::%player's uuid%} make console execute command "genget lightblue %player%" set event-block to air send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou ranked up your gen!" to player else if {gens::%player's uuid%::lb::*} contains {_loc}: set {_price} to {@lbtoyellow} if player's balance < {_price}: if player's held item is air: play sound "entity.villager.no" with volume 3 to player send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou need &7$%{_price}% &eto upgrade!" to player stop else: send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou need to hold nothing in your hand to upgrade your gen!" to player stop remove {_price} from balance of player remove {_loc} from {gens::%player's uuid%::lb::*} remove 1 from {gc::%player's uuid%} make console execute command "genget yellow %player%" set event-block to air send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou ranked up your gen!" to player else if {gens::%player's uuid%::yellow::*} contains {_loc}: set {_price} to {@yellowtogreen} if player's balance < {_price}: if player's held item is air: play sound "entity.villager.no" with volume 3 to player send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou need &7$%{_price}% &eto upgrade!" to player stop else: send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou need to hold nothing in your hand to upgrade your gen!" to player stop remove {_price} from balance of player remove {_loc} from {gens::%player's uuid%::yellow::*} remove 1 from {gc::%player's uuid%} make console execute command "genget green %player%" set event-block to air send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou ranked up your gen!" to player else if {gens::%player's uuid%::lime::*} contains {_loc}: set {_price} to {@greentopurple} if player's balance < {_price}: if player's held item is air: play sound "entity.villager.no" with volume 3 to player send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou need &7$%{_price}% &eto upgrade!" to player stop else: send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou need to hold nothing in your hand to upgrade your gen!" to player stop remove {_price} from balance of player remove {_loc} from {gens::%player's uuid%::lime::*} remove 1 from {gc::%player's uuid%} make console execute command "genget purple %player%" set event-block to air send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou ranked up your gen!" to player else if {gens::%player's uuid%::purple::*} contains {_loc}: set {_price} to {@purpletoblue} if player's balance < {_price}: if player's held item is air: play sound "entity.villager.no" with volume 3 to player send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou need &7$%{_price}% &eto upgrade!" to player stop else: send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou need to hold nothing in your hand to upgrade your gen!" to player stop remove {_price} from balance of player remove {_loc} from {gens::%player's uuid%::purple::*} remove 1 from {gc::%player's uuid%} make console execute command "genget blue %player%" set event-block to air send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou ranked up your gen!" to player else if {gens::%player's uuid%::blue::*} contains {_loc}: set {_price} to {@bluetored} if player's balance < {_price}: if player's held item is air: play sound "entity.villager.no" with volume 3 to player send action bar "&6&lGenerator &7» &eYou need &7$%{_price}% &eto upgrade!" to player stop else: send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou need to hold nothing in your hand to upgrade your gen!" to player stop remove {_price} from balance of player remove {_loc} from {gens::%player's uuid%::blue::*} remove 1 from {gc::%player's uuid%} make console execute command "genget red %player%" set event-block to air send action bar "&6&lGenerator &7» &aYou ranked up your gen!" to player else: cancel event send "&aThis is not your generator!" every 5 seconds: loop all players: if {globalbooster} is false: drop 1 emerald above {gens::%loop-player's uuid%::emerald::*} drop 1 diamond above {gens::%loop-player's uuid%::diamond::*} drop 1 gold ingot above {gens::%loop-player's uuid%::gold::*} drop 1 iron ingot above {gens::%loop-player's uuid%::iron::*} drop 1 coal above {gens::%loop-player's uuid%::coal::*} drop 1 melon slice above {gens::%loop-player's uuid%::melon::*} drop 1 pumpkin pie above {gens::%loop-player's uuid%::pumpkin::*} drop 1 wheat above {gens::%loop-player's uuid%::wheat::*} drop 1 light gray dye above {gens::%loop-player's uuid%::white::*} drop 1 light blue dye above {gens::%loop-player's uuid%::lb::*} drop 1 yellow dye above {gens::%loop-player's uuid%::yellow::*} drop 1 lime dye above {gens::%loop-player's uuid%::lime::*} drop 1 purple dye above {gens::%loop-player's uuid%::purple::*} drop 1 blue dye above {gens::%loop-player's uuid%::blue::*} drop 1 red dye above {gens::%loop-player's uuid%::red::*} if {globalbooster} is true: drop 2 emerald above {gens::%loop-player's uuid%::emerald::*} drop 2 diamond above {gens::%loop-player's uuid%::diamond::*} drop 2 gold ingot above {gens::%loop-player's uuid%::gold::*} drop 2 iron ingot above {gens::%loop-player's uuid%::iron::*} drop 2 coal above {gens::%loop-player's uuid%::coal::*} drop 2 melon slice above {gens::%loop-player's uuid%::melon::*} drop 2 pumpkin pie above {gens::%loop-player's uuid%::pumpkin::*} drop 2 wheat above {gens::%loop-player's uuid%::wheat::*} drop 2 light gray dye above {gens::%loop-player's uuid%::white::*} drop 2 light blue dye above {gens::%loop-player's uuid%::lb::*} drop 2 yellow dye above {gens::%loop-player's uuid%::yellow::*} drop 2 lime dye above {gens::%loop-player's uuid%::lime::*} drop 2 purple dye above {gens::%loop-player's uuid%::purple::*} drop 2 blue dye above {gens::%loop-player's uuid%::blue::*} drop 2 red dye above {gens::%loop-player's uuid%::red::*} command /sell: trigger: set {_multi} to 1 + {purchased_multi} set {_e} to number of all emerald in player's inventory set {_d} to number of all diamond in player's inventory set {_g} to number of all gold ingot in player's inventory set {_i} to number of all iron ingot in player's inventory set {_c} to number of all coal in player's inventory set {_m} to number of all melon slice in player's inventory set {_p} to number of all pumpkin pie in player's inventory set {_w} to number of all wheat in player's inventory set {_d1} to number of all light gray dye in player's inventory set {_d2} to number of all light blue dye in player's inventory set {_d3} to number of all yellow dye in player's inventory set {_d4} to number of all lime dye in player's inventory set {_d5} to number of all purple dye in player's inventory set {_d6} to number of all blue dye in player's inventory set {_d7} to number of all red dye in player's inventory remove all emerald, diamond, gold ingot, iron ingot, coal, melon slice, pumpkin pie, light gray dye, light blue dye, yellow dye, lime dye, purple dye, blue dye, red dye and wheat from player's inventory set {_9} to {_d1} * 225 * {_multi} set {_10} to {_d2} * 250 * {_multi} set {_11} to {_d3} * 275 * {_multi} set {_12} to {_d4} * 300 * {_multi} set {_13} to {_d5} * 325 * {_multi} set {_14} to {_d6} * 350 * {_multi} set {_15} to {_d7} * 375 * {_multi} set {_1} to {_e} * 200 * {_multi} set {_2} to {_d} * 175 * {_multi} set {_3} to {_g} * 150 * {_multi} set {_4} to {_i} * 125 * {_multi} set {_5} to {_c} * 100 * {_multi} set {_6} to {_m} * 75 * {_multi} set {_7} to {_p} * 50 * {_multi} set {_8} to {_w} * 25 * {_multi} play sound "block.note_block.chime" with volume 5 to player set {_total} to {_1} + {_2} + {_3} + {_4} + {_5} + {_6} + {_7} + {_8} + {_9} + {_10} + {_11} + {_12} + {_13} + {_14} + {_15} if {%player's uuid%.selltitle} is true: send title "&a&LSELL ALL" with subtitle "&aYou sold all items for &7$%{_total}% &7(/selltitle to toggle this message)" to player for 3 seconds add {_total} to player's balance command /selltitle <text>: trigger: if arg-1 is set: if arg-1 is "on": set {%player's uuid%.selltitle} to true send "&a&lGenPlots &8- &7The sell title is now &aon" else if arg-1 is "off": set {%player's uuid%.selltitle} to false send "&a&lGenPlots &8- &7The sell title is now &coff" else: send "&a&lGenPlots &8- &7TIncorrect arguments. &a/selltitle (on/off)" else if arg-1 is not set: if {%player's uuid%.selltitle} is true: set {%player's uuid%.selltitle} to false send "&a&lGenPlots &8- &7The sell title is now &coff" else if {%player's uuid%.selltitle} is false: set {%player's uuid%.selltitle} to true send "&a&lGenPlots &8- &7The sell title is now &aon" command /resetallgens: permission: op trigger: if executor is not console: send "&cFor safety reasons this command can only be executed through console!" to player stop loop {gens::*}: loop {gens::%loop-value-1%::*}: loop {gens::%loop-value-1%::%loop-value-2%::*}: set block at location of loop-value-3 to air delete {gens::%loop-value-1%::%loop-value-2%::%loop-value-3%} delete {gens::%loop-value%::*} delete {gens::*} delete {gc::*} delete {gencap::*} broadcast "&c&lEverything was reset!" kick all players due to "&cRelog due to generator reset!" Command /setgenslots [<player>] [<integer>]: permission: * permission message: &cNo! trigger: if arg-1 is not set: send "&aGenPlots &8- &7You need to specify a player." to player else: if arg-2 is not set: send "&aGenPlots &8- &7You need to specify a number" to player else: set {gencap::%arg-1's uuid%} to arg-2 send "&aGenerator &7| Your gen cap has been set to &6%arg-2%&7!" to arg-1 send "&aGenerator &7| You set &7%arg-1%&7's &7gen cap to &6%arg-2%&7!" to player # requires: Vault, TusKe, Skript
  6. I have ran out of ideas for skript projects, if you have any ideas u want me to create pleasssse tell me, my boredom is immense
  7. on right click: player's tool is compass set {nearest::%player%} to first element of {t::*} loop {t::*}: if distance between loop-value and player is less than distance between player and {nearest::%player%}: set {nearest::%player%} to loop-value set the compass target of player to {nearest::%player%} send action bar "&c&lTarget: &6%{nearest::%player%}%" to player command /addrunner <player>: trigger: add arg-1 to {t::*} message "&6Added target &c%arg-1% &6to Compass Targets" to all players set {Rfreeze::%uuid of player%} to true set {RStart} to true command /addhunter <player>: trigger: add arg-1 to {h::*} message "&6Added target &c%arg-1% &6to Hunters" to all players set {Rfreeze::%uuid of player%} to true set {HStart} to true command /resetplayers: trigger: loop {t::*}: remove loop-value from {t::*} message "&6Removed all Compass Targets" to all players on right click on any bed: event-block is not any boat message "Set Spawn" on command "/setworldspawn": set {spawn} to player's location message "SPAWN SET" to player on left click: player's tool is compass message "&lActive Targets:" loop {t::*}: set {dist} to the distance between loop-value and player wait 3 ticks if {dist} is greater than 1000: set {distext} to "&4Very Far" if {dist} is greater than 500: if {dist} is less than 1000: set {distext} to "&cFar" if {dist} is greater than 250: if {dist} is less than 500: set {distext} to "&7Distant" if {dist} is greater than 75: if {dist} is less than 250: set {distext} to "&bNearby" if {dist} is greater than 25: if {dist} is less than 75: set {distext} to "&2Close" if {dist} is greater than 0: if {dist} is less than 75: set {distext} to "&aVery Close" message "%loop-value% : &c%loop-value's world% : %{distext}%" # optional v on load: set {_ironpack} to 8 iron ingots named "Iron Ingot" register new shaped recipe for {_ironpack} named "Iron Ingot" using raw iron, raw iron, raw iron, raw iron, coal, raw iron, raw iron, raw iron and raw iron with id "iron_pack" set {_goldpack} to 8 gold ingots named "Gold Ingot" register new shaped recipe for {_goldpack} named "Gold Ingot" using raw gold, raw gold, raw gold, raw gold, coal, raw gold, raw gold, raw gold and raw gold with id "gold_pack" set {_em} to emerald named "Emerald" register new shaped recipe for {_em} named "Emerald" using diamond, diamond, diamond, diamond, iron block, diamond, diamond, diamond and diamond with id "synthetic_emerald" set {_instagrade1} to yellow dye named "Instant Upgrade T1" register new shaped recipe for {_instagrade1} named "Instant Upgrade T1" with lore "Put this in your offhand then hold an axe or pickaxe in your main hand, right click to recieve the enchants" using iron ingot, gold ingot, iron ingot, gold ingot, redstone dust, gold ingot, iron ingot, gold ingot and iron ingot with id "instant_upgrade_1" set {_instagrade2} to orange dye named "Instant Upgrade T2" register new shaped recipe for {_instagrade2} named "Instant Upgrade T2" with lore "Put this in your offhand then hold an axe or pickaxe in your main hand, right click to recieve the enchants" using iron block, gold ingot, iron block, gold ingot, diamond, gold ingot, iron block, gold ingot and iron block with id "instant_upgrade_2" set {_instagrade3} to red dye named "Instant Upgrade T3" register new shaped recipe for {_instagrade3} named "Instant Upgrade T3" with lore "Put this in your offhand then hold an axe or pickaxe in your main hand, right click to recieve the enchants" using iron block, gold block, iron block, gold block, emerald, gold block, iron block, gold block and iron block with id "instant_upgrade_3" set {_instagrade4} to grey dye named "Instant Upgrade T4" register new shaped recipe for {_instagrade4} named "Instant Upgrade T4" with lore "Put this in your offhand then hold an axe or pickaxe in your main hand, right click to recieve the enchants" using emerald, gold block, emerald, gold block, diamond block, gold block, emerald, gold block and emerald with id "instant_upgrade_4" set {_instagrade5} to black dye named "Instant Upgrade T5" register new shaped recipe for {_instagrade5} named "Instant Upgrade T5" with lore "Put this in your offhand then hold an axe or pickaxe in your main hand, right click to recieve the enchants" using emerald block, diamond block, emerald block, diamond block, emerald, diamond block, emerald block, diamond block and emerald block with id "instant_upgrade_5" on right click: player's tool is any pickaxe or any axe player's off hand tool is yellow dye named "Instant Upgrade T1" player's tool isn't enchanted enchant player's tool with efficiency 1 enchant player's tool with unbreaking 1 on right click: player's tool is any pickaxe or any axe player's off hand tool is orange dye named "Instant Upgrade T2" player's tool isn't enchanted enchant player's tool with efficiency 3 enchant player's tool with unbreaking 3 enchant player's tool with sharpness 3 on right click: player's tool is any pickaxe or any axe player's off hand tool is red dye named "Instant Upgrade T3" player's tool isn't enchanted enchant player's tool with efficiency 5 enchant player's tool with unbreaking 5 enchant player's tool with sharpness 5 enchant player's tool with fire aspect 1 on right click: player's tool is any pickaxe or any axe player's off hand tool is red dye named "Instant Upgrade T4" player's tool isn't enchanted enchant player's tool with efficiency 7 enchant player's tool with unbreaking 7 enchant player's tool with sharpness 7 enchant player's tool with fire aspect 3 enchant player's tool with knockback 1 on right click: player's tool is any pickaxe or any axe player's off hand tool is red dye named "Instant Upgrade T5" player's tool isn't enchanted enchant player's tool with efficiency 10 enchant player's tool with unbreaking 10 enchant player's tool with sharpness 10 enchant player's tool with fire aspect 5 enchant player's tool with knockback 3 on left click: player's tool is any pickaxe or any axe player's tool isn't enchanted enchant player's tool with efficiency 3 enchant player's tool with unbreaking 3 on death: if attacker is a player: if victim is an enderman: give attacker 1 ender pearls if victim is an blaze: give attacker 1 blaze rod command /resethunters: trigger: loop {h::*}: remove loop-value from {h::*} message "&6Reset Hunters List" command /resetgame: trigger: loop {h::*}: remove loop-value from {h::*} loop {t::*}: remove loop-value from {t::*} message "&6Reset Players and Hunters List" to all players on spawn of a husk: set {loc} to location of last spawned husk kill the last spawned husk spawn an enderman at location at {loc} On any movement: {Rfreeze::%uuid of player%} is true send "&6You need to wait until the game starts before you can move!" cancel event wait 1 second On any movement: {Hfreeze::%uuid of player%} is true send "&6You need to wait until the game starts before you can move!" cancel event wait 1 second every second in "world": loop all players: if {HStart} is true: if {RStart} is true: set {Rfreeze::%uuid of player%} to false broadcast "The game has started, &6&l%{t::*}% &rnow has &a&l10 &rseconds to gather materials before the hunters are released" wait 10 seconds set {Hfreeze::%uuid of player%} to false broadcast "&7The hunters have been released, and are chasing &6&l%{t::*}%" wait 5 tick heal all players feed all players execute console command "/clear @a" execute console command "/advancment @a revoke all" broadcast "All stats have been reset!" command /start: permission: start.minehut trigger: set {Rfreeze::%uuid of player%} to false broadcast "The game has started, &6&l%{t::*}% &rnow has &a&l10 &rseconds to gather materials before the hunters are released" wait 10 seconds set {Hfreeze::%uuid of player%} to false broadcast "&7The hunters have been released, and are chasing &6&l%{t::*}%" wait 5 tick heal all players feed all players execute console command "/clear @a" execute console command "/advancment @a revoke all" broadcast "All stats have been reset!" Just a manhunt skript with a few custom things ;), for example there are iron and gold packs, which can be crafted by surrounding 1 coal with 8 raw iron or gold (can change to ore for 1.16 if wanted) and some upgraders that when crafted and right clicked in your offhand, and you have a axe or pickaxe equipped in your main hand it will enchant the tool depending on the Tier (there is 5 total). With each tier gaining more difficulty to obtain. There is also an synthetic emerald that can be made because some recipes require emeralds and they aren't that common so I made em more common, they can be crafted by surrounding an iron block with diamonds. This one is better and a lot more revised the the last one I made and works 10x better. Anyways if you enjoy please leave a review and tell me if you like it, also consider giving some rep
  8. mk, here ya go # STICK INCREMENTAL GAME: on right click: if player is holding stick named "&8Coal Stick": if event-block is air: wait 50 ticks drop 1 coal on right click: if player is holding stick named "&7Iron Stick": if event-block is air: wait 50 ticks drop 1 iron ingot on right click: if player is holding stick named "&6Gold Stick": if event-block is air: wait 50 ticks drop 1 gold ingot on right click: if player is holding stick named "&bDiamond Stick": if event-block is air: wait 50 ticks drop 1 diamond on right click: if player is holding stick named "&2Emerald Stick": if event-block is air: wait 50 ticks drop 1 emerald on right click: if player is holding stick named "&8&lSuper Coal Stick": if event-block is air: wait 40 ticks drop 1 coal block named "&7&lCompressed &8Coal" on right click: if player is holding stick named "&7&lSuper Iron Stick": if event-block is air: wait 40 ticks drop 1 iron block named "&7&lCompressed Iron" on right click: if player is holding stick named "&6&lSuper Gold Stick": if event-block is air: wait 40 ticks drop 1 gold block named "&7&lCompressed &6Gold" on right click: if player is holding stick named "&b&lSuper Diamond Stick": if event-block is air: wait 40 ticks drop 1 diamond block named "&7&lCompressed &bDiamonds" on right click: if player is holding stick named "&2&lSuper Emerald Stick": if event-block is air: wait 40 ticks drop 1 emerald block named "&7&lCompressed &2Emeralds" was ez, hope this is what you want
  9. I made a manhunt skript # Manhunt command /hunter [<player>]: trigger: give arg-1 compass named "&e&lPlayer &6&lTracker" send "&aYou are now a &chunter&a! The game will start momentarily" to arg-1 set {Hfreeze::%uuid of player%} to true command /runner [<player>]: trigger: set {Target} to arg-1 send "&7You are now a runner, the hunters can track you! The game will start momentarily" to arg-1 set {Rfreeze::%uuid of player%} to true command /start: trigger: set {Rfreeze::%uuid of player%} to false broadcast "The game has started, &6&l%{Target}% &rnow has &a&l10 &rseconds to gather materials before the hunters are released" wait 10 seconds set {Hfreeze::%uuid of player%} to false broadcast "&7The hunters have been released, and are chasing &6&l%{Target}%" wait 1 tick heal all players feed all players broadcast "All players have been replenished and ready for the chase!" on right click: player's held item is compass named "&e&lPlayer &6&lTracker" {Target} is in "world" send "&aYou are now tracking &6&l%{Target}%" to player loop all players: set the loop-player's compass target to location of {Target} on right click: player's held item is compass named "&e&lPlayer &6&lTracker" {Target} is in "world_nether" send "Unable to track the target, &6&l%{Target}% &ris in the &lNether!" to player on right click: player's held item is compass named "&e&lPlayer &6&lTracker" {Target} is in "world_the_end" send "&7Unable to track the target, &6&l%{Target}% &ris in &lThe End!" to player On any movement: {Hfreeze::%uuid of player%} is true {Rfreeze::%uuid of player%} is true send "&6You need to wait until the game starts before you can move!" cancel event wait 1 second EDIT: made the runner freeze until the game starts too
  10. command /bal [<player>]: aliases: /balance trigger: if {balance::%player%} is not set: set {balance::%player%} to 0 if arg-1 is not set: message "Your current balance is &a$%{balance::%player%}%.00" else: message "%arg-1%'s current balance is &a$%{balance::%arg-1%}%.00" command /cc <text> [<player>] [<integer>]: aliases: /customcurrency trigger: if arg-1 is "pay": arg-2 is set arg-3 is set if {balance::%player%} is greater than or equal to arg-3: if arg-3 is greater than 0: subtract arg-3 from {balance::%player%} add arg-3 to {balance::%arg-2%} message "You paid %arg-2% &a$%arg-3%" message "You recieved &a$%arg-3% from %player%" to arg-2 else: message "&cYou cannot pay someone less than $1" else: message "&cYou do not have enough money to do that!" else if arg-1 is "add": if player is op: if arg-3 is greater than 0: add arg-3 to {balance::%arg-2%} message "You paid %arg-2% &a$%arg-3%" message "You recieved &a$%arg-3% from %player%" to arg-2 else if arg-1 is "remove": if player is op: if arg-3 is greater than 0: if arg-3 is less than or equal to {balance::%arg-2%}: subtract arg-3 from {balance::%arg-2%} message "You removed &a$%arg-3% &rfrom %arg-2%'s bank account!" message "&a$%arg-2% &rhas been removed from your account!" to arg-2 else: message "&cYou cannot remove more money than the account has!" else: message "&cYou cannot remove less than $1" else if arg-1 is "clear": if player is op: delete {balance::%arg-2%} message "You have deleted %arg-2%'s account!" else if arg-1 is "clearall": if player is op: delete {balance::*} message "&aAll accounts have been deleted!" else: message "Sorry, but you entered that wrong. Please try again."
  11. pls tell me a skript you want made and I will try my best to make it, I am very bored
  12. command /sethome [<string>]: permission: homes.set trigger: if arg is not set: set {homes::%player's uuid%::home} to player's location send "&aDefault home set to your location" else: set {homes::%player's uuid%::%arg%} to player's location send "&aHome &2&o%arg% &aset to your location" command /homes: permission: homes.list trigger: if {homes::%player's uuid%::*} is set: send "&aListing your homes" loop {homes::%player's uuid%::*}: send "&7- %loop-index%" else: send "&cYou have no homes set!" command /delhome [<string>]: permission: homes.delete trigger: if arg is set: if {homes::%player's uuid%::%arg%} is set: delete {homes::%player's uuid%::%arg%} send "&aHome &2&o%arg% &adeleted" else: send "&cThis home doesn't exist!" else: send "&aWhich home would you like to delete? Use &2&o/homes &ato list your homes" command /home [<string>]: permission: homes.home trigger: if arg is set: if {homes::%player's uuid%::%arg%} is set: teleport player to {homes::%player's uuid%::%arg%} send "&aTeleported to &2&o%arg%" else: send "&cThis home doesn't exist!" else: if {homes::%player's uuid%::home} is set: teleport player to {homes::%player's uuid%::home} send "&aTeleported to &2&ohome" else: send "&cYou do not have a default home set" boom, done
  13. Yoooo, this was fun to make, it was also quite a nice learning experience for me, in arguments mainly. Anyways I hope this is what you wanted and if it isn't then tell me what it is that you want in detail (FYI: you'll need Luckperms for this to work) command /ranknon <player>: permission: non.rank trigger: execute console command "/lp user %arg-1% parent set ""&8[Non] " command /rankvip <player>: permission: vip.rank trigger: execute console command "/lp user %arg-1% parent set ""&a[VIP] " command /rankmvp <player>: permission: mvp.rank trigger: execute console command "/lp user %arg-1% parent set ""&b[MVP] " command /rankgod <player>: permission: god.rank trigger: execute console command "/lp user %arg-1% parent set ""&e[God] " command /rankhelper <player>: permission: helper.rank trigger: execute console command "/lp user %arg-1% parent set ""&5[Helper] " command /rankmod <player>: permission: mod.rank trigger: execute console command "/lp user %arg-1% parent set ""&6[Mod] " command /randowner <player>: permission: owner.rank trigger: execute console command "/lp user %arg-1% parent set ""&4[Owner] "
  14. So I have been bored recently any have decided to try and make an Infinity Gauntlet from Avengers using Skript, gonna be pretty fun msg me for updates!
  15. well... yea it is and I alr have it done for the most part BUT you have been learning Skript for over a year and I have only been for 1 month sooooo... yea, and im just trying to find the right syntax for an enchanted item but this is what I have, if you have any tips for me then it would be much appreciated EDIT: btw I was just trying to clarify what he wanted so I would have a better idea on what he was saying to make on break of diamond ore: if player is holding a diamond pickaxe: give diamond to player cancel the drops of items
  16. A pickaxe that gives you the item you mine automatically in your inventory without dropping it, with fortune as well. Correct?
  17. yeah np, here is a nice one command /sethome [<string>]: permission: homes.set trigger: if arg is not set: set {homes::%player's uuid%::home} to player's location send "&aDefault home set to your location" else: set {homes::%player's uuid%::%arg%} to player's location send "&aHome &2&o%arg% &aset to your location" command /homes: permission: homes.list trigger: if {homes::%player's uuid%::*} is set: send "&aListing your homes" loop {homes::%player's uuid%::*}: send "&7- %loop-index%" else: send "&cYou have no homes set!" command /delhome [<string>]: permission: homes.delete trigger: if arg is set: if {homes::%player's uuid%::%arg%} is set: delete {homes::%player's uuid%::%arg%} send "&aHome &2&o%arg% &adeleted" else: send "&cThis home doesn't exist!" else: send "&aWhich home would you like to delete? Use &2&o/homes &ato list your homes" command /home [<string>]: permission: homes.home trigger: if arg is set: if {homes::%player's uuid%::%arg%} is set: teleport player to {homes::%player's uuid%::%arg%} send "&aTeleported to &2&o%arg%" else: send "&cThis home doesn't exist!" else: if {homes::%player's uuid%::home} is set: teleport player to {homes::%player's uuid%::home} send "&aTeleported to &2&ohome" else: send "&cYou do not have a default home set"
  18. I am bored and have run out of ideas for a skript so please enlighten me on what you want, but don't ask for me to make all of hypixel or sum, i'm just at intermediate level of skripting so make it somewhat easy
  19. you can just op someone, or if you don't want to do that then just get their discord username and they can make the skript and send them to you, then you paste their skripts into a new file named whatever you want like example.sk which has your friend skript inside of it, it would look a bit like this: # KILL_COUNTER on death: attacker is a player add 1 to {kill counter::%uuid of attacker%::kills_total} add 1 to {kill counter::%uuid of attacker%::kills_session} if {kill counter::%uuid of attacker%::kills_session} > {kill counter::%uuid of attacker%::kills_session_max}: set {kill counter::%uuid of attacker%::kills_session_max} to {kill counter::%uuid of attacker%::kills_session} on death of player: set {kill counter::%uuid of player%::kills_session} to 0 command /kills: executable by: player's trigger: message "You have killed %{kill counter::%uuid of player%::kills_session}% mobs and player's in this life out of %{kill counter::%uuid of player%::kills_total}% kills in total." message "Your maximum kill streak is %{kill counter::%uuid of player%::kills_session_max}% kills in one life." or whatever you friend wrote, just make a new document inside the skripts folder and paste it in, easy!
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