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Everything posted by Spiderlogical

  1. You can contact support at http://minehut.com/support
  2. Then try and restart your server
  3. Can you try to repair files again?
  4. You can create an appeal in the Player Appeals section, but make sure to follow the Player Appeal format.
  5. Can you provide the server logs?
  6. Players are able to with /join <servername> to start it up from the lobby.
  7. Moved to Community Support. There are multiple ways you could do this, as mentioned above you can use Skript, there are also other ways you could create custom commands to display the discord link. DiscordSRV also includes this if you want to link your chat to the discord and vice versa.
  8. To create an appeal You can make an appeal at https://forums.minehut.com/forum/24-player-appeals/. Make sure to read the appeal format that can be found here
  9. Great that you've gotten this solved. Thread Locked
  10. It's most likely EssentialsSpawn, I'm not sure if there is a config option to disable respawning there or something like that but you could check.
  11. You might want to check the config file to see if there is anything that might need to be changed, there might be some permissions that you'll need which can be found on this page https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/gravy.45288/
  12. Spiderlogical

    Buycraft Help

    You may be able to add another server for that webstore, Go to the Integrations > Servers > Create Server. I haven't tested if it works but I would think it would
  13. Can you provide a list of plugins you have installed?
  14. Do you have any plugins installed?
  15. Hi! Welcome to the forums, again possibly?
  16. Going to lock this to prevent further drama.
  17. If you have essentials installed doing /rules will generate a rules.txt file. After that if you go to the file manager you can edit that file to change what it will say. Moved to Community Support.
  18. Please do not post on a thread that has been inactive for over a month (necropost). Thread Locked.
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