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Everything posted by Wyndexx

  1. command /freerank: trigger: make console execute command "/lp user %player% parent set coal"
  2. I'm on mobile sorry for the non coded code loop 16 times: spawn a chicken at player's location set name of last spawned entity to "&f%player%'s Chicken"
  3. I had this problem when I tried to install BuyCraft. It seems to be a random issue on server startup. It sucks, but all you have to do is force hibernate, wait a few hours, and then try to start up the server again. I have yet to find a better way to do this.
  4. My Server, Farcade, currently has two games: - SMP (with graves on death, /sethome, & /home commands) - The Pit (with gold, events, and shops) Also, I have two games that are a work-in-progress: - Duels (1v1 another player with randomly set items) - Wizards (Intense 3v3v3v3 player battle where you try to destroy the other teams' crystals using staffs and magic) I am looking for more games that the community wants. Please answer the poll, and come check the server out sometime!
  5. You need to check how you set the boogeyman variable. I see you sending messages like it represents a player, but it is set to a number and even to a per-player variable.
  6. # line 6 and line 7 else if event-block is gold ore: give gold ingot to player You typed 'iron ore' again into the second 'if' statement earlier, so I just set it to gold ore
  7. set {gummybeardropper::seedLocation} to location(0, 65, 0, world("gbworld")) then use a preiodic event to spawn the seeds at {gummybeardropper::seedLocation}
  8. make sure the command is for.atted exactly how the plugin's command is
  9. It looks like you have this: if {gummybeardroppersetup::*} does not contain player: if {gummybeardroppersetup::*} contains player: If it succeeds the first check, it will ALWAYS fail the second check. You do not need the second check.
  10. Oh cool. Didn't know that
  11. The event is 'on walk on pressure plate' not 'on pressure plate'
  12. I will have to test it later and fix it. Meanwhile, you could try remove 32 cobblestone named "&fCobblestone" from player's inventory I don't really know how to fix this right now, so this is my best guess
  13. No, it would not. The only command that would work is the normal syntax, so replace what I put for the command with what the normal syntax is.
  14. @AgentGamerProI thought they asked for the actual command help, not the 1000 players check.
  15. player head with nbt "{display:{Name:""{\""text\"":\""&eGold Block\""}""},SkullOwner:{Id:[I;1135988143,146229473,-1306560434,749472720],Properties:{textures:[{Value:""eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZjE0ZWZjZTQ0MzFlMmFmYzYzNjQwYjUwZjc3ZmNlMWRmODYxNzU1N2U0ZGJkNmE2MWNkOTAyOTIyY2Q4OWQwNiJ9fX0=""}]}}}" NBT needs the skript addon SkBee to work
  16. You need skRayFall for the 'shiny' item effect Just copy and paste the if statement and what is below and replace cobblestone with your item This is not tested, but it should work on pickup: if player's inventory contains 32 cobblestone: remove 32 cobblestone from player's inventory give player shiny cobblestone named "&eCompacted Cobblestone"
  17. Does 'on vehicle move on:' exist?
  18. You need nbt tags for this, and so you need the skbee addon Then do an 'on pickup' event and detect the item
  19. Here. You had a few errors. First, trigger only comes after a command argument, and second, putting the if statement in the join trigger, doesn't allow the player to get the reward until they rejoin. Here is what I would do: (sorry this is on mobile there is no insert code option -_-) on break: add 1 to {blocks.broken.%player%} if {blocks.broken.%player%} is greater than 999: make console execute command "/lp user set group miners" #fix this to be your actual luckperms command command /blocks: trigger: send "&eTotal Blocks Broken &4» &6%{blocks.broken.%player%}%" to player on join: if {blocks.broken.%player%} is not set: set {blocks.broken.%player%} to 0
  20. @ryzerI think I could do this I started on it because it looked like a neat challenge, and I have a question: do you want the player islands to be individual or have only one main island? Don't pay though, if you insist the only thing I'll take in return is a rank on the server. My best try:
  21. Custom mob ai is the hardest thing here Otherwise this is definitely possible
  22. #I added a few fixes: #But beware, this is untested command /dupe: cooldown: 0 seconds #<-- Why is this needed? cooldown message: &7&d&lDupeX&e&lSmpSF&5&lS1 Said > You can use this command in &d%remaining time%! trigger: if player's held item is air: send "&4&lHfc&3&o&lX&f&lDupe > &4[!]&7&d&lDupeX&e&lSmpSF&5&lS1 SAID NO DUPING AIR ! " cancel the cooldown stop else: if type of player's held item is bedrock : #<-- example of what AgentGamerPro said send "&7&d&lDupeX&e&lSmpSF&5&lS1 Said > This item is &0&l&oblacklisted ! " cancel the cooldown stop if player's held item is end portal frame: send "&7&d&lDupeX&e&lSmpSF&5&lS1 Said > This item is &0&l&oblacklisted ! " cancel the cooldown stop #give player player's tool #unnecessary, already stopped before this set {_amount} to amount of player's held item give player {_amount} of player's held item send "&7&d&lDupeX&e&lSmpSF&5&lS1 Said > Duplicated &e&l%player's tool%&6&l!" to player I tried to give an example above.
  23. What content is expected for makers to create?
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