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Everything posted by Wyndexx

  1. First thing first, have you received an email saying someone else logged into your Minehut account? If you have, SuperLeague has a system where it automatically logs you out after a few weeks. Hopefully, this will happen soon, and the hacker will not know the new password. I suggest changing the password every day, and using a strong password that is a random jumble of characters, numbers, and symbols.
  2. Read carefully what @MrTibo said above. Use the Console tab in your Minehut server page, not the in-game-chat.
  3. No problem! I am looking for things to add to my server, and this would be great if you made this for me
  4. Wyndexx

    How do I OP myself

    Type this into console, but replace [YOUR PLAYER NAME] with the player you want to op. op [YOUR PLAYER NAME]
  5. Here is my challenge : Use Skript and any addons to make a functional game of solo SkyWars, complete with kits, spawn locations, block protection, kills, deaths, & wins tracker, and custom kill effects/messages. Good Luck! (If you actually attempt this, good for you. I would be interested in seeing it in action. If you want credit, that's perfect! If you want to use it on your server, great! If you don't want to attempt this at all, that's ok too.)
  6. Yes! You need the plugin SkBee by ShaneBee, and this adds the use of nbt data to skript. Then, you need to add onto your item by saying: #not tested but should work set {_guiItem} to golden shovel named "example" with lore "line" and "line 2" and "line (3)" add "{HideFlags:1}" to nbt of {_guiItem}
  7. No problem! Here are some helpful tips: Put these after the trigger: in the command line To set all slots to the same thing: set {_slot} to 0 loop 45 times: set slot {_slot} of {_gui} to [item] add 1 to {_slot} To create a blank space: set slot [number] to air Put this instead of the inventory click event I had earlier. To stop the player from taking an item from the GUI: on inventory click: if name of event-inventory is "&f&lSMP &b&lGuide": cancel event if event-slot is 12: #code here
  8. They are probably in gamemode creative.
  9. Mod moved the topic VERY custom scoreboards are probably best made by someone with Java programming experience. You can Skript them as well, but I don't know how well placeholders work through Skript. My suggestion is to use &[0-9, a-g, l, k, o] for rank colors and fonts in your LuckPerms prefixes. Examples: "&f[&4Owner&f] &4" should look like [Owner] Playername in chat. "&f[&bMVP&l+&f] &b" should look like [MVP+] Playername in chat. "&f[&aVIP&f] &a" should look like [VIP] Playername in chat.
  10. Wyndexx

    how do i op

    Go into console, and on the command line type: op [player] Replace [player] with the person you want to give op to. They will now have all permissions on your server.
  11. Look here at https://luckperms.net/wiki/Placeholders for the LuckPerms placeholders supported by PlaceholderAPI. I am pretty sure the placeholder for LuckPerms prefix is %luckperms_prefix% however.
  12. # I do not use Tuske # This is just skript # not tested command /guide: permission: survival.guide trigger: set {_gui} to a new chest inventory with 5 row named "&f&lSMP &b&lGuide" set slot 12 of {_gui} to grass block named "&e&l/Spawn" with lore "&7Teleport to Spawn using /spawn" and "Or Click here" open {_gui} to player on inventory click: if name of event-inventory is "&f&lSMP &b&lGuide": if event-slot is 12: make player execute command "/spawn" My bad... I forgot to open the gui to the player.
  13. # I do not use Tuske # This is just skript # not tested command /guide: permission: survival.guide trigger: set {_gui} to a new chest inventory with 5 row named "&f&lSMP &b&lGuide" set slot 12 of {_gui} to grass block named "&e&l/Spawn" with lore "&7Teleport to Spawn using /spawn" and "Or Click here" on inventory click: if name of event-inventory is "&f&lSMP &b&lGuide": if event-slot is 12: make player execute command "/spawn"
  14. Please move this topic out of Skript discussion, it is not related to the Skript plugin Just don't use hex codes, or do not put the player's rank in the scoreboard. It is easy to see in chat or in the tablist. It is a lot of extra work to make a custom scoreboard for this purpose.
  15. Yes. Try this again, but after uninstalling, delete all skript plugin files (after saving the scripts to your own files, of course). Then reinstall the plugin.
  16. Please move this topic out of Skript Discussion, it is not related to the Skript plugin Make sure KiteBoard can support hex codes before using them in your ranks.
  17. on right click on chest: if block under event-block is bedrock: wait 10 ticks set {_chest} to a new chest inventory with 6 row named "&7Chestw" set slot 0 of {_chest} to dirt open {_chest} to player Above is the code I would use (not tested). It uses Skript's built-in gui creator.
  18. Please move this topic out of Skript Discussion, it is not related to the Skript plugin Try getting the PlacholderAPI plugin. Link is below: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/placeholderapi.6245/ Once you have PlaceholderAPI: Type /papi ecloud download LuckPerms Then, type /papi reload .
  19. @ReassemblyI just want to add something that I also feel needs to be mentioned. Chapter Five: The online content As a player who only started Minehut 7 months ago, I don't know how good Minehut was before I joined. But while I feel that the server list in the main Minehut lobby is good, most if not all of the top servers are Gen/Box/Dupe servers. There are a few SMPs here and there, and occasionally a minigame one, but sadly I think that the community is stuck playing the same type of server over and over. Anyone else with a different idea for their server cannot get a strong player base due to the server list being filled with these Gen/Box/Dupe servers, and advertisers for these servers flooding the main lobby chat.
  20. I am guessing this problem is related to a plugin error. I am not sure how to fix it if it is not, but if you have just added a new plugin, try uninstalling it.
  21. I have been looking around the plugin suggestions tab in the forums, and I have noticed that at least 20% of the topics have been requests to update plugins already in the panel. I also have a few plugins that ask me to update them. I feel (do not take offense) that just because Minehut allows you to install your own plugins now, they don't have to update the plugins in their panel anymore. Has anyone else noticed this problem? Can a staff person please notify developers about this?
  22. Welcome!! What programming language do you enjoy?
  23. No, but speaking from experience, you just have to force hibernate, wait a few hours (sadly), and then start it up again. Or wait a day if that doesn't work. It should work then.
  24. try if damage cause is lava: I'm not sure if this will work though. You should also try looking for a similar example on the web
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