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  1. so you basicly ask for much... here it is: (i wont be implementing the forcefield one) on join: if {spawn} is set: teleport player to {spawn} command /setspawn: permission: spawn.set trigger: set {spawn} to location of player send "&7You have set the spawn to &6%{spawn}%" to player command /delspawn: permission: spawn.set trigger: if {spawn} is set: delete {spawn} send "&7You have deleted spawn" to player command /spawn: trigger: if {spawn} is set: if {combat::%player%} is false: send "&7Please wait 5 seconds..." set {spawntp::%player%} to true wait 5 seconds if {spawntp::%player%} is true: teleport player to {spawn} send "&7You have been teleported to spawn" to player else: send "&7You are in combat!" to player else: send "&7spawn doesn't exist!" to player on damage: if victim is player: set {spawntp::%victim%} to false set {combat::%victim%} to true wait 5 seconds set {combat::%victim%} to false on any movement: if {spawntp::%player%} is true: set {spawntp::%player%} to false send "&7You have moved. teleport canceled" to player
  2. if you have luckperms you can give them permissions for only specific worlds
  3. when i try to set a variable to an event slot it set it to the name of the event slot and not the number is their a way to do this? on inventory click: if clicked type is right mouse button: if name of event-inventory is "{@reportsgui}": cancel event set {guiclick} to clicked slot set {punishnow::%player%} to {%player%::%{_guiclick}%} wait a tick punish(player)
  4. on death: victim is a player attacker is a player set {_profit} to victims balance * 0.75 remove {_profit} from victims balance add {_profit to attackers balance #not tested yet
  5. I dont know what do do, send some idea's for skripts you want
  6. when i started up my server it said something to like please relogin i did that and when i came back i couldn't start or restart my server and console is completly empty is their a way to like force stop it??? i tried waiting so it would shut down on its own but it has been over an hour
  7. am i stupid or what? isn't that exactly what i coded lol. it just doesn't work
  8. on chat: if first character of message is "#": if player has permission "staff.see": replace "#" with "/sc " in message so it gives no errors for "if first character of message is "#":" but are their any other ways so do it like this?
  9. so i coun't really find anything on the discordsrv wiki but im pretty sure this is a thing: i want when a player links with his discord account that it gives them the "linked" role. i also want it to give them all roles that they purchased on store given to them when the are liked for example: a player bought diamong rank on my server, and if they link their discord after that i want that they are given the diamond rank in discord.
  10. i already maybe something for /ranknote not finished with /moneysheet tho if you want /ranknot already here it is: command /ranksheet [<player>] [<text>]: permission: ranksheet.give permission message: You don't have permission to use this command trigger: if arg-1 is set: if arg-2 is set: if arg-2 is "default": give arg-1 paper named "ranksheet" with lore "This Ranksheet will give you rank: default" else: send "please specify a rank:" send "(ranks here)" else: send "please specify a player!" on rightclick: loop all players: if loop-player is holding a paper named "ranksheet" with lore "This Ranksheet will give you rank: default": remove paper named "ranksheet" from loop-player make console execute command "/lp user %loop-player% parent add default" not fully tested if their are any bugs just tell me
  11. this plugin maybe works: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/minecraft-but-blocks-you-walk-on-become-random.75255/ not tested tho you have to find out yourself
  12. command /test: #you prob forgot the colon trigger: send "test"
  13. okay this is kinda a request and since you say you can make pretty much anything i ran into a problem with my owner skript wich i cant solve myself i want a skript where console sends a player to a specific world, if the player has every joined that specific world it would do something and i the player has NEVER joined the world before it does something else.
  14. hey, i made a cool report skript. you can edit it as much as you want but please give me credit ty options: p: &7[&c&lReports&7] command /report [<player>] [<text>]: trigger: if arg-1 is set: if arg-2 is set: loop all players: if loop-player has permission "reports.read": send "{@p} %player% reported player %arg-1% for reason: &f%arg-2%" send "{@p} You succesfully reported %arg-1% for reason: &f%arg-2%!" send "{@p} &7Staff will look into this as soon as possible!" stop else: send "{@p} please give a reason why you want to report %arg-1%" else: send "{@p} please specify a player you want to report"
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