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Everything posted by NoutLost_

  1. so you basicly ask for much... here it is: (i wont be implementing the forcefield one) on join: if {spawn} is set: teleport player to {spawn} command /setspawn: permission: spawn.set trigger: set {spawn} to location of player send "&7You have set the spawn to &6%{spawn}%" to player command /delspawn: permission: spawn.set trigger: if {spawn} is set: delete {spawn} send "&7You have deleted spawn" to player command /spawn: trigger: if {spawn} is set: if {combat::%player%} is false: send "&7Please wait 5 seconds..." set {spawntp::%player%} to true wait 5 seconds if {spawntp::%player%} is true: teleport player to {spawn} send "&7You have been teleported to spawn" to player else: send "&7You are in combat!" to player else: send "&7spawn doesn't exist!" to player on damage: if victim is player: set {spawntp::%victim%} to false set {combat::%victim%} to true wait 5 seconds set {combat::%victim%} to false on any movement: if {spawntp::%player%} is true: set {spawntp::%player%} to false send "&7You have moved. teleport canceled" to player
  2. if you have luckperms you can give them permissions for only specific worlds
  3. when i try to set a variable to an event slot it set it to the name of the event slot and not the number is their a way to do this? on inventory click: if clicked type is right mouse button: if name of event-inventory is "{@reportsgui}": cancel event set {guiclick} to clicked slot set {punishnow::%player%} to {%player%::%{_guiclick}%} wait a tick punish(player)
  4. on death: victim is a player attacker is a player set {_profit} to victims balance * 0.75 remove {_profit} from victims balance add {_profit to attackers balance #not tested yet
  5. I dont know what do do, send some idea's for skripts you want
  6. when i started up my server it said something to like please relogin i did that and when i came back i couldn't start or restart my server and console is completly empty is their a way to like force stop it??? i tried waiting so it would shut down on its own but it has been over an hour
  7. am i stupid or what? isn't that exactly what i coded lol. it just doesn't work
  8. on chat: if first character of message is "#": if player has permission "staff.see": replace "#" with "/sc " in message so it gives no errors for "if first character of message is "#":" but are their any other ways so do it like this?
  9. so i coun't really find anything on the discordsrv wiki but im pretty sure this is a thing: i want when a player links with his discord account that it gives them the "linked" role. i also want it to give them all roles that they purchased on store given to them when the are liked for example: a player bought diamong rank on my server, and if they link their discord after that i want that they are given the diamond rank in discord.
  10. i already maybe something for /ranknote not finished with /moneysheet tho if you want /ranknot already here it is: command /ranksheet [<player>] [<text>]: permission: ranksheet.give permission message: You don't have permission to use this command trigger: if arg-1 is set: if arg-2 is set: if arg-2 is "default": give arg-1 paper named "ranksheet" with lore "This Ranksheet will give you rank: default" else: send "please specify a rank:" send "(ranks here)" else: send "please specify a player!" on rightclick: loop all players: if loop-player is holding a paper named "ranksheet" with lore "This Ranksheet will give you rank: default": remove paper named "ranksheet" from loop-player make console execute command "/lp user %loop-player% parent add default" not fully tested if their are any bugs just tell me
  11. this plugin maybe works: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/minecraft-but-blocks-you-walk-on-become-random.75255/ not tested tho you have to find out yourself
  12. command /test: #you prob forgot the colon trigger: send "test"
  13. okay this is kinda a request and since you say you can make pretty much anything i ran into a problem with my owner skript wich i cant solve myself i want a skript where console sends a player to a specific world, if the player has every joined that specific world it would do something and i the player has NEVER joined the world before it does something else.
  14. hey, i made a cool report skript. you can edit it as much as you want but please give me credit ty options: p: &7[&c&lReports&7] command /report [<player>] [<text>]: trigger: if arg-1 is set: if arg-2 is set: loop all players: if loop-player has permission "reports.read": send "{@p} %player% reported player %arg-1% for reason: &f%arg-2%" send "{@p} You succesfully reported %arg-1% for reason: &f%arg-2%!" send "{@p} &7Staff will look into this as soon as possible!" stop else: send "{@p} please give a reason why you want to report %arg-1%" else: send "{@p} please specify a player you want to report"
  15. hey, i made a cool report skript. you can edit it as much as you want but please give me credit ty options: p: &7[&c&lReports&7] command /report [<player>] [<text>]: trigger: if arg-1 is set: if arg-2 is set: loop all players: if loop-player has permission "reports.read": send "{@p} %player% reported player %arg-1% for reason: &f%arg-2%" send "{@p} You succesfully reported %arg-1% for reason: &f%arg-2%!" send "{@p} &7Staff will look into this as soon as possible!" stop else: send "{@p} please give a reason why you want to report %arg-1%" else: send "{@p} please specify a player you want to report"
  16. on left click: if event-block is hay block: #here i want an action bar but idk how
  17. okay so i knada know how it works but i dont think i typed it tight... this is what i want:\ command /joinsurvival [<player>]: permission: op trigger: if player has joined world survival before: mvtp %arg-1% survival else: rtp player %arg-1% survival
  18. #okay so i wanna make a code but i dont know where #i have a plugin with a server selector wich executes: #/mvtp %player% survival #and i want a command that it executes too so it searches for if the player has ever joined that world before. #and if the player has never bheen in world survival "let player execute command /rtp" idk if this is possible but idk where to start either
  19. i want to use aliases but it doesn't work??? did i type something wrong? command /guide: aliases: /help permission: survival.guide trigger:
  20. not sure if im doing it right but the first one doesn't work... and when i tried added named "" it didn't work either (this is so it doesn't show any text)
  21. i solved it myself (but i could do it without you bc i didn know what to search for: " set slot 13 of {_gui} to golden shovel named "&e&l/claimkit" with lore "&7This will give you all tools to claim a land" with nbt "{HideFlags:63}""
  22. this is what i coded but it still show the nbt (click here)
  23. I doesn't work?? like shoudn't you add like a slot too??
  24. if your running minehut 1.18.... minehut did update that so you have to download that plugin from the internet and upload it to you plugins folden in file manager
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