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Everything posted by Wyndexx

  1. you could try something like this: on damage: if attacker is player: set {_life} to player's damage heal player by {_life} hearts
  2. Gui!

    command /lol <player>:
    	permission: op
    		set {_p} to player
    		set {_gui} to a new chest inventory with 6 row named "HAHAHAHA"
    		set {_s} to 0
    		loop 54 times:
    			set slot {_s} of {_gui} to grey stained glass pane named " "
    		set slot 13 of {_gui} to red stained glass pane named "&cCLICK ME"
    on inventory click:
    	cancel event
    	if index of event-slot is 13:
    		kill player


  3. I do not see an option in the MultiVerse config to turn PVP off. Where would it be located?
  4. Skript: spawncommand.sk

    command /spawn:
    		teleport sender to world "[INSERT YOUR WORLD NAME HERE]"'s spawn

    Delete the brackets and the message, and then put your world name inside

    I'm also not sure if you need SkQuery for this

  5. Title Does anyone know how to fix this? My plugins are: BetterMessages Essentials HolographicDisplays LibsDisguises Matrix Multiverse Multiverse Inventories Mythicmobs Player Server Plugin Metrics PowerRanks ProtocolLib skRayFall Skript update Updater ViaVersion VoidGen Thanks! -Gam3rBoi
  6. Yes, /mvtp works best for this if you have multiverse. I suggest getting Multiverse anyway if you want to make a world-based server.
  7. !!THIS IS MEANT AS A TUTORIAL, AND NOT A FREE SKRIPT!! !!NOT ALL VARIABLES WILL BE SKRIPTED FOR YOU!! (Just to let you know, it would be way easier if you didn't make a LuckPerms group for every level, and instead you used a skript variable) Alright. So step 1 would be to make variables for each player. Like this: on join: if {kills.%UUID of player%} is not set: set {kills.%UUID of player%} to 0 #and so on for your other variables Step 2 is to make all of the conditions for the variables, like tracking kills and how to level up the player. You can do this like this: #kills on death: if attacker is player: if victim is player: add 1 to {kills.%UUID of attacker%} add 1 to {deaths.%UUID of victim%} #gold add 5 to {gold.%UUID of player%} #level if {kills.%UUID of attacker%} is (10 + (5 * {level.%UUID of attacker%})): add 1 to {level.%UUID of player%} #playtime on join: while player is online: wait 1 minute add 1 to {playtimeMinutes.%UUID of player%} And step 3 is to implement this into a scoreboard. I'm not really sure how to do this without using SkRayFall, as I know that that scoreboard system is not the best. Here is an skRayFall half-example anyway, and if anyone has a better option PLEASE POST IT BELOW. on join: while player is online: wipe player's sidebar set name of sidebar of player to "&aThe Pvp Arena" set score "Kills: &b{kills.%UUID of player%}" in sidebar of player to 5 set score "Deaths: &c{deaths.%UUID of player%}" in sidebar of player to 4 set score "Gold: &6{gold.%UUID of player%}" in sidebar of player to 3 set score "Playtime: &3{playtimeMinutes.%UUID of player%} &3minutes" in sidebar of player to 2 ect... wait 1 second I hope by following this, you not only figured out your problem but learned something from it. -Gam3rBoi
  8. subtract 1 from the item amount of player's tool This might work?
  9. First, check WHY it won't start in the error logs. Remove or reset all problematic plugins/scripts if any shown in the error logs OR Restore a server backup that you know worked If those don't work, I guess you might have to reset your server entirely AFTER copying over the files you want to save to a text file or something After that I don't know what to do
  10. probably an error somewhere in your plugins I know skript crashes for me sometimes when I loop a while loop xD
  11. I am not really sure why your server is doing this. My server addresses are working just fine even though I put in the server address before the minehut update. Maybe try renaming your server and then putting it into the old format?
  12. Gotta be Michael He is just so gamer
  13. My first server is a land claiming survival world with custom mobs. I have not been too good at continuing it though, since all I pretty much do to update it is to add more mobs. I think it would be cool to see more custom survival/RPG game server combos out there though! (And if you want to join, do /join MobRevamp in the Minehut lobby.)
  14. Heyo! I'm Gam3rBoi, and relatively new to minehut. I am currently working on a minigame server, and am getting decent at skript. You can join my (ok) survival server at MobRevamp.minehut.gg or /join MobRevamp in the lobby. I hope to see you around my servers! -Gam3rBoi
  15. Wyndexx

    Pet Skript

    Basically, I want to create a pet system where ranked players can spawn tamed mobs like a wolf or a neutral creeper into the lobby. I came up with maybe spawning a mythicmob using the mythicmobs plugin that has the player as it's owner, but then there is no way to specifically set the player owner in the mob's config itself, and to do that externally I have to use the skript addon, MythicMobs Skript Addon. Anyone know how to do spawn neutral tamed mobs that can act as pets? #gui click detection stuff if player has permission ranks.pro: #spawn spider pet
  16. You could set the player's display name in skript, but I'm not sure how this works with essentials and TAB command /nick <text>: permission: ranks.VIP permission message: "&cYou do not have VIP! You cannot preform this command!" trigger: set {_nickname} to arg-1 set sender's display name to "%{_nickname}%" set sender's tablist name to "%{_nickname}%" command /realname: permission: ranks.VIP permission message: "&cYou do not have VIP! You cannot preform this command!" trigger: set sender's display name to sender's name set sender's tablist name to sender's name I don't think there is any way to change the player's "hologram" name (the name you see above their head). This script should work for the rest of the names (chat, tab) though, I just haven't tested it yet...
  17. You might want to indent like this: command /setgenslots [<player>] [<number>]: permission: * trigger: [insert code here] use 4 spaces or tab to indent
  18. Use this! https://skriptlang.github.io/Skript/index.html This really helped my get on my way with Skript. I have learned a lot, and this is just a generally helpful resource.
  19. You can use the 'on ban:' or 'on kick:' event
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