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Everything posted by SuperOrca

  1. You can also make this all entities if u want
  2. damage all players in radius 3 of player where [input is not player] by 2 This will damage all the players (that aren't the player) in a radius of 3 blocks by 1 heart.
  3. Nice, skript! However, you can save storage instead of doing join: if {suffix::%player's uuid%} is not set: set {suffix::%player's uuid%} to "/suffix" do this to your suffix thingy &8[&7%{suffix::%player's uuid%} ? "/suffix"%&8] You may need to double up your quotes tho
  4. Pretty good! But u could shorten these lines. on command: wait 2 ticks send "%executor% has issued command: /%command% %arguments% ? """"%" to all players where [{SocialSpy::%input%} is true] and these... command /SocialSpy: aliases: /ss permission: Skript.SocialSpy trigger: if {SocialSpy::%player%} is not set: set {SocialSpy::%player%} to true send "enabled social spy" else: delete {SocialSpy::%player%} send "disabled social spy" I would have also used metadata cause it doesn't really matter if server restarts!
  5. You can always configure it yourself!
  6. You don't have to... if loop-player has permission "core.staff": send "&b[S] &3[%world of player%&3] &r%player's display name%&7: &r%message%" to loop-player You can do... send "&b[S] &3[%world of player%&3] &r%player's display name%&7: &r%message%" to all players where [input has permission "core.staff"]
  7. SuperOrca

    help me

    please post this in a help discussion
  8. Hullo, I am a pwerson. The Moderators of Minehut greifed lobby #1 of minehut today. Here are swome wotos: It started like this: and then the weal damage happened. After this fact the minehut lobby gwave up and cawashed. As u know minehut has no tolewance of these actions and very unacceptable. I am diswappointed that the minehut modewators would do this. Thwem modewators should be punwished. I believe the modewator Hazry was the main cause of these actions.
  9. Next time you need help with a script please use Skript Discussion
  10. because i wanted to add a reseting thing for some reason
  11. pls give me rep i need command /game: trigger: open virtual chest with 4 rows named "&3&lREACTION" to player set {_start} to now set {_t} to random integer between 0 and 35 format gui slot {_t} of player with green glass pane named "&a&lCLICK" to run: set {_now} to difference between now and {_start} send "&a&lREACTION&7 Your time was %{_now}%." make player execute command "game"
  12. I do this for rep... pls give rep function format(n: number) :: text: set {_data} to "QT,18|Q,15|T,12|B,9|M,6|k,3" loop split {_data} at "|": set {_s::*} to split loop-value at "," {_n} >= 10 ^ {_s::2} parsed as number return "%{_n} / 10 ^ {_s::2} parsed as number%%{_s::1}%" return "%{_n}%" Need help using this? Ask the comments.
  13. I am doing this for rep... pls give rep function t(r: text) :: text: set {_r} to regex replace "(?<=\d)(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))" with "," in {_r} return {_r} Need help using it? Ask the comments.
  14. i did this for rep... pls give me rep on sign change: set line 1 of event-block to "%colored line 1 of event-block%" set line 2 of event-block to "%colored line 2 of event-block%" set line 3 of event-block to "%colored line 3 of event-block%" set line 4 of event-block to "%colored line 4 of event-block%" You can use color codes on signs such as: &0 = BLACK &1 = DARK BLUE &2 = DARK GREEN &3 = DARK AQUA/CYAN &4 = DARK RED &5 = DARK PURPLE &6 = GOLD &7 = LIGHT GRAY &8 = DARK GRAY &9 = INDIGO &A = LIME GREEN &B = AQUA/CYAN &C = RED &D = PINK &E = YELLOW &F = WHITE &L = BOLD &M = STRIKETHROUGH &N = UNDERLINED &O = ITALIC
  15. i did this for rep.. pls gie rep # Customization options: BroadcastPerm: <insert permission here> BroadcastPermm: <insert permission message here> # Command command /broadcast <text>: permission: {@BroadcastPerm} permission message: {@BroadcastPermm} aliases: /bc trigger: send "" send "&6&lBROADCAST&f %arg 1%" send ""
  16. I did this for rep... pls gie rep # Customization options: JoinResetPerm: <insert permission here> JoinResetPermm: <insert permission message here> # Join event with counter on join: if {joins::*} does not contain player's uuid: add player's uuid to {joins::*} broadcast "&b%player%&r joined for the first time. &8[&b##%size of {joins::*}%&8]" # Reset join counter command /resetJoins: permission: {@JoinResetPerm} permission message: {@JoinResetPermm} trigger: delete {joins::*} send "&cDeleted all unique joins."
  17. I did this for rep... pls gie me rep command /dupe: trigger: give player's tool to player
  18. Remember to stick to only using tabs or only using spaces. Here is fixed copy. command /pp: #No perms needed trigger: open chest with 3 rows named "&e&lSettings" to player format slot 10 of player with player head named "&ePlot Settings" with lore "&dEdit The Plot Chat" to close then run [send "&c/Plot &aOn/&cOff"] # Don't have MultiVerse so can't show you guys! format slot 12 of player with player head named "&eGo To Plot World" with lore "&dEvery Week" to close then run [execute console command "sudo %player% warp plots"] format slot 14 of player with player head named "&eToggle Scoreboard &cOff" with lore "&dToggle Scoreboard" to close then run [execute console command "kb off %player%"] format slot 16 of player with player head named "&eToggle Scoreboard &aOn" with lore "&dToggle Scoreboard" to close then run [execute console command "kb on %player%"]
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