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Everything posted by ChunkerDunkers

  1. First of all, you need Holographic Displays or Holograms. For the hologram, change it to create new holo object "&6&lMoney Leaderboard" and store in {money_lbs::*} Hope this helps!
  2. Would you like it so if you crouch, it upgrades the generator?
  3. Hey, I can make you one. Could you please tell me the 5 generators you would like? Also, the needed addons are skQuery, Skript and Skellet
  4. ChunkerDunkers


    go to minehut.com, click the server you want to access the console for, then boom
  5. It is completely legal not to give out payouts, it is your server, so you can do whatever you want.
  6. You do not seem to be making Skripts and this post is not active so please dont necropost.
  7. This is a Minecraft bug, even though they don't infinitely spawn, they still spawn a lot. I would recommend just putting a wall around the portal.
  8. Make sure to restart your server. If this is still bugged, relaunch your game.
  9. ChunkerDunkers

    Windows 10

    Make sure you join using the ip bedrock.minehut.gg and the port 19132. Please note that you cannon directly connect to a minehut server on the server list, so you will need to do /join <servername>. Hope this helps!
  10. Here ya go! Command /gmc [<player>]: permission: gm.sut trigger: if arg-1 is not set: make console execute command "gamemode creative %player%" stop else: make console execute command "gamemode creative %arg-1%" Command /gms [<player>]: permission: gm.sut trigger: if arg-1 is not set: make console execute command "gamemode survival %player%" stop else: make console execute command "gamemode survival %arg-1%" Command /gma [<player>]: permission: gm.sut trigger: if arg-1 is not set: make console execute command "gamemode adventure %player%" stop else: make console execute command "gamemode adventure %arg-1%" Command /gmsp [<player>]: permission: gm.sut trigger: if arg-1 is not set: make console execute command "gamemode spectator %player%" stop else: make console execute command "gamemode spectator %arg-1%"
  11. Please don't reply on month old threads. - Necroposting
  12. ChunkerDunkers

    False banned

    command /spawnloc: trigger: if player is op: set {spawnloc} to player's location send "&aSet spawn loc to %player's location%&a." make sure to change {spawnloc} to {spawn}
  13. Please appeal here. https://forums.minehut.com/application/form/5-player-appeals/
  14. Please don't reply on posts over 1-month-old. - Necroposting
  15. What plugins/Skripts do you have?
  16. Please do not reply on month old threads. - Necroposting
  17. Please do not reply on month old posts unless it is still relevent. - Necropost
  18. It's a good idea, but if Minehut would like to add this plugin, we would need permission from the plugin developer because it is premium plugin.
  19. I have made a vanish Skript where on your actionbar, it has a message saying that you are vanished. command /vanish: aliases: /v permission: Staff.vanish trigger: if {v.%player%} is true: set {v.%player%} to false set {vanish::%player%} to false reveal player to all players message "&8[&3Staff&8] &aVanish is now disabled" broadcast "&8[&a+&8] &7%player%" else: set {v.%player%} to true set {vanish::%player%} to true hide player from all players message "&8[&3Staff&8] &aVanish is now enabled." broadcast "&8[&4-&8] &7%player%" every 1 seconds: loop all players: if {vanish::%loop-player%} is true: send action bar from "&a&lYou are in Vanish" to loop-player every 30 seconds: loop all players: if {vanish::%loop-player%} is true: send "&8[&3Staff&8] &aPlease note you are vanished" to loop-player on quit: delete {vanish::%player%}
  20. It doesn't say the server was saved. I believe it saves anyway.
  21. Can you send a screenshot please?
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