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Everything posted by filr

  1. We are looking for a new Developer to join the Foundation Development Team! Candidates should be prepared to work both independently and with others to produce a variety of content ranging from new games and updates to existing ones to the creation of marketing tools and events. Requirements: Be at least 14 years of age, no exceptions. Minimum of 2 years experience in Skript. Experience with every Minehut Skript Addon. Knowledge of Skript Functions. Experience in Minecraft Server Administration Anything else the Development Manager feels necessary Please DM _C02#9999 on Discord with examples of your work and a CV style application.
  2. Please copy and paste this format into your punishment appeal. Note that you cannot appeal a punishment if it contains [Blacklist] in the reason. If the punishment is a mute and contains [Blacklist], you cannot appeal. What is your IGN? What is the punishment type? Why do you feel you should be unpunished? Anything else we should know? Please take a screenshot of the punishment. Do not not contact staff regarding your appeal. It will not be accepted if you do so.
  3. I highly disagree. I think that everyone is the best staff. joking im clearly the best.
  4. filr

    DDos Protected xD

    The host was not a victim of that yesterday. From my knowledge it was an API issue. Thread Locked.
  5. filr

    Spawn Protection

    (Moved to Community Support) The best thing you can do for this, if you have EssentialsSpawn, is do /setworldspawn further way than /setspawn is. Players will teleport to /setspawn rather than /setworldspawn and not be affected by the spawn protection.
  6. Also, moving this thread to Skript since that's what it's become pretty much
  7. To send a link, Skript JSON is not required. command /link: trigger: send "<link:https://www.minehut.com>Minehut!<reset>"
  8. filr

    OI OI

    Going to go ahead and lock this thread as the concern has been addressed. In case you missed it, here is the solution. Follow this format and appeal. I'm sorry to hear about your ban. I'd recommend mentioning in the appeal the reasoning behind your name and the meaning to clear up any misconceptions. Best of luck! Thread Locked If you have any questions or concerns, PM me here or on Discord (_C02#9999) and let's get it resolved!
  9. Concern has been addressed. Thread Locked If you have any questions or concerns, PM me here or on Discord (_C02#9999) and let's get it resolved!
  10. filr

    Starting Map

    If you mean uploading a world, On Minehut, we offer the ability to upload your very own world (or one you found online, we don't judge!) to your server. As long as the world size is under 500MB you're good to go! Uploading the World To begin the world must not contain spaces or uppercase letters. If the world is not already in a zip file, drag the folder of the world into an empty zip file (you can title it whatever you want!) Afterwards you can choose between two methods. First Method 1. Upload the world zip to a file uploader like Mediafire, File.io, or Dropbox 2. Get the direct link to the upload, which ALWAYS ends in .zip (this is important, it won't work if you skip this step!) You can do this in most file uploaders by right-clicking on the download button and clicking copy link 3. Run the command /ul world <worldname> <direct link> in your server. (ex: '/ul world myworld https://www.file.io/%60) Second Method 1. Go to the https://minehut.com/panel/minecraft/world section of the panel 2. Under Upload World click onChoose File, 3. Select the .zip file from your computer and then click on Open After uploading you will be able to do /worlds (requires op) and click on the name of the uploaded world Note: if it was uploaded using /ul world the world will be called ul_NAME where NAME is what you called the uploaded world. If you want to view a video on how to watch this: https://youtu.be/AeJ71A3-6pg Thread locked, question answered. If you have any questions regarding this, feel free to message myself or any other Staff Member here or on the Discord.
  11. Thread locked as the question above has solved this. If you have any questions regarding this, you can feel free to message me or any other Staff Member here or on Discord. Locked
  12. Where do you think the staff come from? We're all programmed in there and released into households to live "normal lives." In reality we're all Artificial Intelligence. Silly humans!
  13. filr


    Gonna go ahead and move this to off topic.
  14. filr

    Nobody can join My server

    Moved to Community Support. Please do what @PyroDellz said and get back in touch with us.
  15. You cannot change the version of the server (they are 1.14.4.) You can install ProtocolSupport if you'd like to allow users with 1.8+ to join. Thread locked.
  16. filr

    How Do I Get Credit

    You can get free credits by linking your Minecraft account to your Minehut account then voting for Minehut! To link your account, go to https://minehut.com/profile and click the "Link Account" button. After that, vote using this link: https://minecraftservers.org/vote/443456 Thread Locked Concern addressed. PM me if you have any more questions, or feel free to DM me on Discord, at _C02#9999
  17. You can use Multiverse for this, and use a basic on join via Skript to automatically teleport them to the world you want. If you want a default world, change 'level name' in world settings in the panel to the world you wish to be default. on join: execute console command "mvtp %player% (world)"
  18. You need to be a server operator.
  19. filr

    Someone... anyone

    Moved to community support. This link can help you out. https://github.com/PEXPlugins/PermissionsEx/wiki/Commands
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