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Player open a menu.


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Ok, so I made a shop command because players don't like to have items in their inventory, so I made this skript:

command /shop:
        execute console command "/menu open @p MShop"


But when I test it, it doesn't work, so I tired:

command /shop:
        execute console command "/menu open %player% MShop"


But even that doesn't work.

When a player types this command, its supposed to open the Menu MShop {CreateYourOwnMenus plugin}. but its not. Can someone help please?


Playing Minehut since January 8th, 2018

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Ok I did what you said but the command still doesn't work.

I am useing CreateYourOwnMenus, does it not work with Skript???


Playing Minehut since January 8th, 2018

Became a Pro on February 20th, 3029

Owner of SurvioPC

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On 6/22/2019 at 1:03 AM, vip2kea said:

Ok, so I made a shop command because players don't like to have items in their inventory, so I made this skript:

command /shop:
        execute console command "/menu open @p MShop"


But when I test it, it doesn't work, so I tired:

command /shop:
        execute console command "/menu open %player% MShop"


But even that doesn't work.

When a player types this command, its supposed to open the Menu MShop {CreateYourOwnMenus plugin}. but its not. Can someone help please?

Here we go:
CYOM can be force opped so I recommend you don't use it, however as an alternative I recommend TuSKe GUIs which require a plugin called TuSKe on your server which can't be force opped unless you make it to be: here is a link to a guide on how to make a TuSKe GUI using Skript and TuSKe. Also, please use TABs instead of spaces as they make your code easier to read and understand.


16 hours ago, DoomMode said:

How do I add commands to items

If you're using TuSKe GUIs, again, use this link to get a wiki or use this:

format gui slot <integer> with <item> named "<string>" with lore "<string>" to close: #this will run the commands but make your menu close
	#stuff you wanna do


format gui slot <integer> with <item> named "<string>" with lore "<string>" to run: #this will run the commands but make your menu stay open
	#stuff you wanna do

Always happy to help! 😁

A person.

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the problem with your code is that it has no player to go to. When your executing with console. There's no player. I suggest making a player argument to make it easier.


If this doesn't work, I don't know then:

command /shop <player>:
  		make console execute command "/menu open %arg-1% MShop"


Hello! I'm SoloStrafe!


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  • 3 months later...
3 hours ago, iAmAdRevenue said:

this doesnt work can u help this is what i have

command /games:
          make console execute command "/warp"

i use ONLY skript and when i do this it says 1 error 

First of all, don't necropost

Second, make a new topic

Third, what is the error?

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