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Everything posted by SoloStrafe

  1. You don't have an if statement to check if the player has 8 diamonds, try out this code on inventory click: if index of event-slot = 11: cancel event if player's inventory contains 8 diamonds: remove 8 diamonds from player's inventory give player 1 dirt else: send "&cYou Don't Have Enough Diamonds" to player
  2. SoloStrafe

    Item Edit

    command /name <text>: trigger: set name of player's held item to arg-1 command /lore <text>: trigger: set lore of player's held item to arg-1 I don't really know how to make the player's held item to be unbreakable but those two should work for the name and lore. However it is still untested.
  3. Since loop-player's uuid is not a variable, you do not need to put it in brackets. Instead, try %{deaths::%loop-player's uuid%}%
  4. This has not been tested yet, but I believe it should work options: key: tripwire hook named "&7Key" errormessage: &cYou need to use a key to get into this area! successmessage: &aYou can now access the area whenever you want! # You should only edit the messages above, change the key: variable to whatever item, replace "tripwire hook named "&7Key"" with anything you like like # You can also change the success messages and error messages above. on right click: player's held item is 1 of {@key} remove 1 of {@key} from player's inventory add player's uuid to {allowedPlayers::*} send "{@successmessage}" to player on region enter: if "%region at player%" contains "place": if {allowedPlayers::*} does not contain player's uuid: cancel event send "{@errormessage}" to player
  5. I'm not really sure if you can add lore while your dropping the item, so you can try what Boxmonkey said and do this code: set {_DropType} to dirt named "Name" with lore "Lore" drop {_DropType} at {_DropLocation}
  6. Hello! I would very much like to join this team. I am a Skript Developer and know Skript pretty well. I tried DM'ing you, however we are not friends nor do we share a server. If you still need Skript Developers. Hit me up on discord SoloStrafe#0949
  7. SoloStrafe


    SharpSK is just a good skript addon https://forums.skunity.com/resources/sharpsk-1-8-1-12.72/
  8. you forgot to add a name, that could be a problem. command /updatesidebar: trigger: loop all players: wipe loop-player's sidebar set name of sidebar of loop-player to "Scoreboard Name" set score "%loop-player%" in sidebar of loop-player to 1
  9. Do you have world edit, because if you do, thats whats causing the issue. To fix this go inside the world edit config.yml and find the teleport place and it should say that the item is a compass, change the compass to something else
  10. What does the compass do currently?
  11. I don't know if you can, but you can check if they are in an exact block, every 1 tick: loop all players: if loop-player's location is "0, 0, 0": do something I am not sure if this works, I'm just guessing its going to be something along those lines
  12. The scoreboard code is wrong. on join: set name of sidebar of player to "&CNAME" #this will set the name of the scoreboard set score "&CTEXT" in sidebar of player to 0 #change 0 to whatever value to make the scoreboard appear in the right order
  13. options: moneylostperkill: 100 #change 100 to anything for the different amount of money per kill on death: if victim is a player: if attacker is a player: send "&cYou have lost &7${@moneylostperkill} &cfrom dying by %attacker%" remove {@moneylostperkill} from victim's balance Dependencies: Skript SkQuery
  14. the problem with your code is that it has no player to go to. When your executing with console. There's no player. I suggest making a player argument to make it easier. If this doesn't work, I don't know then: command /shop <player>: trigger: make console execute command "/menu open %arg-1% MShop"
  15. Do you have multiverse? if so you can give the default rank the permission for multiverse world teleport and do this: on join: make player execute command "/mv tp <world>"
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