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1.17 Servers Available Now!

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Normally, when Minecraft updates, we update all of our servers to the latest version at once, but this time, we've got something special for you! Minehut now supports both 1.17 AND 1.16.5. You'll now see a new setting under the appearance tab where you can select your server's type and version. The default version is Paper 1.16.5, so you will have to opt into 1.17 by selecting Spigot as the Server Type and 1.17 as the Server Version. After updating your server version, you'll need to restart your server.


Currently, we are only supporting 1.17 and 1.16.5, but we will be expanding our version support in the future. Look out for some exciting new updates on the horizon!

Warning: Changing server versions can cause world corruption and plugin compatibility issues. We suggest using our backups feature to ensure that you have a way of recovering your server if something goes wrong.

As per the Spigot 1.17 announcement, we have added the "--illegal-access=permit" flag to the server launch options. This is used to increase plugin compatibility across Java versions. If you are having trouble with a plugin after switching to 1.17, force hibernate your server from the Danger Zone to get the updated launch options.

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6 minutes ago, -gge said:

why aren't you making it so servers automatically update to 1.17

the creator of a server i play on is inactive so the server won't update to 1.17


Because some people may not want to update to 1.17 as it can break stuff so they made it optional. 

Discord - tarna256

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Some of the plugins weren't working so I force hibernated but still no luck with the plugins. The plugins I'm having trouble with are mcmmo and slimefun. Is the issue on the server or are the plugins just not updated?

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3 minutes ago, Snixk said:

Some of the plugins weren't working so I force hibernated but still no luck with the plugins. The plugins I'm having trouble with are mcmmo and slimefun. Is the issue on the server or are the plugins just not updated?

Plugins have to be updated

I used to play Minehut I guess?
Yeah, I still watch the forums for some reason. (15/5/2023)
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I bet minehut did this because 1. Too many people were asking for minehut to update to 1.17 2. People have wanted to change there server version for so long without using via version plugin and 3. spigot just updated to 1.17 and paper hasn't and minehut could not wait any more longer. Other than that it is a really good update.

Edited by Toch
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7 minutes ago, Manzana said:

Im hoping you guys consider adding all versions!

Hopefully soon. They said they need to update the Plugins Panel first to make it download plugins depending on the server's version before adding more versions. 

Discord - tarna256

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13 minutes ago, hardblock191 said:

when will mcmmo work on 1.17? it doesnt seem to be working on my server anymore since i updated


It's probably outdated on Minehut but when I checked its spigot page, they updated it yesterday. You can suggest it to be updated in the plugins category.



Discord - tarna256

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[VIP] - 7/27/2020

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Guest Eric Thao

I played it but when I place it down it’ll turn into stone. I went into creative and got the glow lichen but when I placed it down it turned into stone. I need help.

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