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Everything posted by Centrect

  1. ah the good old days of skript. python in gcse comp sci lessons is boring me, although making a machine learn how to recognise me with a creeper hat on is pretty entertaining
  2. im sure he would love it MilkDerpp
  3. IGN: Centrect I would heart it but my forum permissions literally stop me
  4. might have been because others were spamming it, usually if you participate in spam, you might get muted for it, but still: #GetWellSoonTechno
  5. I've always thought that a themed server, like a star wars battlefront remake or something like that would be cool (credit to ImperialWZ for the dope idea :))
  6. should go in help, but anyways if im not mistaken simply delete the jar and folder called "ViaVersion" in your plugins folder inside file manager.
  7. Here are the rules: Has to be about Minehut You may only comment 1 word to contribute to the song. If you want to start a new line for the song, put a period after your word. Don't post twice unless someone else has put a word after yours. Lets see what Minehut can make
  8. hey look its another script that i made so this script is a chat filter, you can add it to your server with no addons needed and it will work! script is fully customisable and can work without causing lag options: #CONFIG prefix: &a✔ no-prefix: &8✖ permission: staff on chat: loop {filterswear::*}: if message contains loop-value: cancel event send "{@no-prefix} &cYou cannot send that here" send "&7[FILTER] &8%player% &7%message%" to all players where [input has permission "{@permission}"] command /filter [<text>] [<text>]: permission: op trigger: if arg-1 is "add": if arg-2 is set: if {filterswear::*} does not contain arg-2: add arg-2 to {filterswear::*} send "{@prefix} &7Added %arg-2% &7to the swear filter." stop else: send "{@no-prefix} &cThat word is already blocked!" stop else: send "{@no-prefix} &cSupply a word to filter!" stop if arg-1 is "remove": if arg-2 is set: if {filterswear::*} contains arg-2: remove arg-2 from {filterswear::*} send "{@prefix} &7Removed %arg-2% &7from the swear filter." stop else: send "{@no-prefix} &cThat word is not blocked!" stop else: send "{@no-prefix} &cSupply a word to unfilter!" stop if arg-1 is "list": send "&cThe filtered words are: &7%{filterswear::*}%" stop else: send "{@no-prefix} &cUnknown argument" stop Enjoy!
  9. right... welcome to minehut, dont join any gen servers or else you will find your belief will go into overload
  10. where can i get this? asking for a friend
  11. I dont want to be interfering but you are being quite rude to this person who has just made you a skript, instead of saying "smh" and blaming it on them why don't you try to investigate the errors yourself?
  12. AntiNerd: Bringing False Bans into the 21st Century
  13. Minehut does not support custom plugins yet due to security issues.
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