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I was just fooling around with Skript and seeing if it was possible to reload the server without ever doing /reload.

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It's been possible with Essentials before they added a confirmation of the decision. So I figured it'll work with Skript.

command /reboot:
		execute console command "/reload"
		wait a tick
		execute console command "/reload confirm"

And yup. It works. I do not recommend doing this, it's merely for experimenting.

I added "wait a tick" just incase "/reload confirm" doesn't interfere with the original reload command.

[June 2016 - May 2021]


Thank you Minehut for years of fun.

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oh cool

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On 3/26/2021 at 1:14 AM, ForestHunters said:

It's been possible with Essentials before they added a confirmation of the decision. So I figured it'll work with Skript.

command /reboot:
		execute console command "/reload"
		wait a tick
		execute console command "/reload confirm"

And yup. It works. I do not recommend doing this, it's merely for experimenting.

I added "wait a tick" just incase "/reload confirm" doesn't interfere with the original reload command.

you can also just 

!command "rl confirm"

if you have effect commands enabled

Discord: MrScopes#5548

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Yea, It looks pretty cool! You could make a gui where players can reload the server by tapping on a block in the gui:

command /admin:

      open chest with 1 row named “admin gui”

      format gui slot 1 of player with commandblock named “&cReload the server” to run:

          make player execute command “reboot”

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