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Everything posted by Edb

  1. Edb

    Free Skripting!

    Ladies and gentlemen, we broke the post. RIP post. 6/14/19 - 6/15/19 Cause: Page Separators Offspring: Post #2
  2. Edb

    is your pfp an anime character or your own drawing... or both? lol

    1. Swayl


      its an anime character.

    2. Edb


      ok johnsvideos was correct xD

  3. Edb

    Free Skripting!

    @GrayGrayCow has gotten a GGCK (GrayGrayCowKicker.sk) It doesn't really ban, but in the same way it does. GrayGrayCowKicker.sk
  4. Edb

    Free Skripting!

    Banning yourself... okay.
  5. I have the entire thing copied, and I'm ready to post it in a different post. RIP this post. 6/14/19 - 6/15/19 Cause of death: Page Separators, random Insert key presses. actionbar_broadcast.sk ReItem.sk GrayGrayCowKicker.sk
  6. luckyperms Did you mean LuckPerms? P.S: EW! COMIC SANS, EW!
  7. Edb

    Do you remember...

    oh wait i thought the surge of new players was actually recent.
  8. Edb

    Do you remember...

    I remember the time where the portals were first introduced. The map was kind of exotic at the time.
  9. Okay, thanks, but what about the Skript?
  10. Ohmigosh, that's so true!

  11. I'll do some forking to the skript. I'll update the post once it's done. Update! The fork is now complete! Download it by clicking on ReItem.sk.
  12. I could use a follower.
  13. Edb

    Club created/accepted.

    AAA Rebedded club is now open! AAAAAAAA
  14. Play that Crab Rave and shout from your rooftops (metaphorically) that the Rebedded club is now open!
  15. Omigosh, I accidentally did my BCA skript.

  16. But are you Farwl?

  17. BCA (Broadcast Actionbar) BCA is a simple skript I made for both my servers, but I thought about releasing it to the world. There is also a Spigot page below. You can alternatively click here, but make sure to read the post. Source Code This is a copy of the entire skript. When forking[1] it, make sure to... Give me credit. At the bottom of the file, you'll see a little reminder to credit me. Not claim it as your own. I'd like credit for my own work that you forked[1]. Do not use this for your own benefit, like monetizing it. I'm not making money off of this, so neither should you. Modify at least something. An unmodified file that you "forked[1]" isn't okay to release. Sure, you can use this with your own server, but if you plan on releasing this as a fork[1], modify something. Download BCA To download this skript, you can copy the source code or click on actionbar_broadcast.sk. Dependencies An (at least) Bukkit / Spigot server. Skript 1 server restart, a way to move a file in, and to run "/sk reload scripts" Other notes The 3 options at the top are the only things you need to mess around with unless you plan on forking[1]. The defaults? prefix: &6BCA &8| sound: block.note_block.pling permission: bca.use Vocabulary [1] | Fork: To modify a file made by someone else. Spigot Page I have released the Spigot page. You can access the page by clicking on this link. Please note that I will not be responding to anything on it (the page). End of page/post, made by _Edb.
  18. Make a chat skript with broadcasting. Here are some ideas: You can choose what kind of broadcast you want. You can (un)mute the chat. You can clear the chat. -s tag for when you want to be anonymous. A way to reload the skript. I hope you like the idea of this skript. I already forked[1] something like this from another skript I found, but I won't say which one. [1]: Fork: To get a project (usually open-source) and make tweaks.
  19. oh hey i made it

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