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Everything posted by Ramina__

  1. So when i did the permission message it wont work and shows the default one ;-; #Made by: Ramina__ #DON'T USE! command /rank [<offline player>] [<text>]: permission: core.rank permission message: "&fUnknown command. Type "/help" for help." usage: &4&lVelvetSurv>> &r&c/grant [player]. trigger: if arg-1 is not set: send "&4&lVelvetSurv>> &cSpecify A Player" else: loop all players: if loop-player has permission "core.rank": send "&4&lVelvetSurv>> &c%player% &cHas Used /Rank" to loop-player open chest with 6 rows named "&7Ranks: &a%arg-1%" to player wait 1 tick format slot 0 of player with red dye named "&7[&0Ow&7n&fer&7]" with lore "&7Grant &a%arg-1% &7[&0Ow&7n&fer&7] &7rank." to run [make player execute command "systemgrant %arg-1% Owner"] format slot 9 of player with red dye named "&7[&cCo&7-&0Ow&7n&fer&7]" with lore "&7Grant &a%arg-1% &7[&cCo&7-&0Ow&7n&fer&7] &7rank." to run [make player execute command "systemgrant %arg-1% Co-Owner"] format slot 10 of player with yellow dye named "&l&4&k1&c&lADMINSr&4&l&k1" with lore "&7Grant &a%arg-1% &l&4&k1&c&lADMINSr&4&l&k1 &7rank." to run [make player execute command "systemgrant %arg-1% Admin.Sr"] format slot 1 of player with yellow dye named "&l&4&k1&c&lADMIN&4&l&k1" with lore "&7Grant &a%arg-1% &l&4&k1&c&lADMIN&4&l&k1 &7rank." to run [make player execute command "systemgrant %arg-1% Admin"] format slot 11 of player with light blue dye named "&f[&bModerator.Sr&f]" with lore "&7Grant &a%arg-1% &f[&bModerator.Sr&f] &7rank." to run [make player execute command "systemgrant %arg-1% Mod.Sr"] format slot 2 of player with light blue dye named "&f[&bModerator&f]" with lore "&7Grant &a%arg-1% &f[&bModerator&f] &7rank." to run [make player execute command "systemgrant %arg-1% Mod"] format slot 3 of player with blue dye named "&7[&9Helper&7]" with lore "&7Grant &a%arg-1% &7[&9Helper&7] &7rank." to run [make player execute command "systemgrant %arg-1% Helper"] format slot 12 of player with blue dye named "&7[&9Helper.Sr&7]" with lore "&7Grant &a%arg-1% &7[&9Helper.Sr&7] &7 rank." to run [make player execute command "systemgrant %arg-1% Helper.Sr"] format slot 4 of player with purple dye named "&5[&dBuilder&5]" with lore "&7Grant &a%arg-1% &5[&dBuilder&5] &7rank." to run [make player execute command "systemgrant %arg-1% Builder"] format slot 13 of player with purple dye named "&5[&dBuilder.Sr&5]" with lore "&7Grant &a%arg-1% &5[&dBuilder.Sr&5] &7rank ." to run [make player execute command "systemgrant %arg-1% Builder.Sr"] format slot 26 of player with red dye named "&4[&cDumbass++&4]" with lore "&7Grant &a%arg-1% &4[&cDumbass++&4] &7rank." to run [make player execute command "systemgrant %arg-1% Dumbass++"] format slot 25 of player with red dye named "&4[&cDumbass+++&4]" with lore "&7Grant &a%arg-1% &4[&cDumbass+++&4] &7rank." to run [make player execute command "systemgrant %arg-1% Dumbass+++"] format slot 7 of player with grey dye named "&7&l[Member]" with lore "&7Grant &a%arg-1% &7&l[Member] &7rank." to run [make player execute command "systemgrant %arg-1% Default"] format slot 8 of player with black dye named "&4[&cWARNED&4]" with lore "&7Grant &a%arg-1% &4[&cWARNED&4] &7rank." to run [make player execute command "systemgrant %arg-1% Warned"] format slot 24 of player with red dye named "&4[&cDumbass.Dum&4]" with lore "&7Grant &a%arg-1% &4[&cDumbass.Dum&4] &7 rank." to run [make player execute command "systemgrant %arg-1% Dumbass.dum"] format slot 53 of player with barrier named "&c&lCancel" to close format slot 18 of player with red dye named "&f[&b&lOwner&f]" with lore "&7Grant &a%arg-1% &f[&b&lOwner&f] &7rank." to run [make player execute command "systemgrant %arg-1% Owner-Blue"] format slot 19 of player with lime dye named "&a[VIP]" with lore "&7Grant &a%arg-1% &a[VIP] &7rank." to run [make player execute command "systemgrant %arg-1% Vip"] format slot 20 of player with green dye named "&a[VIP&6+&a]" with lore "&7Grant &a%arg-1% &a[VIP&6+&a] &7rank." to run [make player execute command "systemgrant %arg-1% Vip+"] format slot 21 of player with cyan dye named "&b[MVP]" with lore "&7Grant &a%arg-1% &b[MVP] &7rank." to run [make player execute command "systemgrant %arg-1% Mvp"] format slot 22 of player with red dye named "&b[MVP&4+&b]" with lore "&7Grant &a%arg-1% &b[MVP&4+&b] &7rank." to run [make player execute command "systemgrant %arg-1% Mvp+"]->[send "&4&lVelvetSurv>> &cNow you are &b[MVP&c+&b]&c Do /rankcolor To see all the awesome rank colors that come with &b[MVP&c+&b]" to arg-1] format slot 23 of player with orange dye named "&6[MVP&4++&6]" with lore "&7Grant &a%arg-1% &6[MVP&c++&6] &7rank." to run [make player execute command "systemgrant %arg-1% Mvp++"]->[send "&4&lVelvetSurv>> &cNow you are &6[MVP&c++&6]&c Do /rankcolor To see all the awesome rank colors that come with &6[MVP&c++&6]" to arg-1] format slot 5 of player with blue dye named "&b[&3&lStaff&b]" with lore "&7Grant &a%arg-1% &b[&3&lStaff&b] &7rank." to run [make player execute command "systemgrant %arg-1% Staff"] format slot 14 of player with blue dye named "&b[&3&lStaff+&b]" with lore "&7Grant &a%arg-1% &b[&3&lStaff+&b] &7rank." to run [make player execute command "systemgrant %arg-1% Staff+"] format slot 45 of player with red dye named "&6[&4YOU&fTUBE&6]" with lore "&7grant &a%arg-1% &6[&4YOU&fTUBE&6] &7rank." to run [make player execute command "systemgrant %arg-1% Youtuber"] format slot 46 of player with orange dye named "&6&k1&6God&6&k1&r&6Suffix" with lore "&7grant &a%arg-1% &6&k1&r&6God&r&6&k1&r&6Suffix &7rank." to run [make player execute command "systemgrant %arg-1% GodSuffix"] format slot 36 of player with orange dye named "&6&k1&6God&6&k1&r&6Prefix" with lore "&7grant &a%arg-1% &6&k1&r&6God&r&6&k1&r&6Prefix &7rank." to run [make player execute command "systemgrant %arg-1% GodPrefix"] format slot 37 of player with yellow dye named "&6&k1&6OG&6&k1" with lore "&7grant &a%arg-1% &6&k1&6OG&6&k1 &7rank." to run [make player execute command "systemgrant %arg-1% OG"] format slot 47 of player with light grey dye named "&k1&4M&fo&4o&fs&4h&fr&4o&fo&4m&k1" with lore "&7Grant &a%arg-1% &k1&4M&fo&4o&fs&4h&fr&4o&fo&4m&k1 &7rank." to run [make player execute command "systemgrant %arg-1% Mooshroom"] format slot 38 of player with pink dye named "&d[&5<3&d]" with lore "&7Grant &a%arg-1% &d[&5<3&d] &7rank." to run [make player execute command "systemgrant %arg-1% <3"] format slot 17 of player with red dye named "&4[&c&lRetired&r&4]" with lore "&7Grant &a%arg-1% &4[&c&lRetired&r&4] &7rank." to run [make player execute command "systemgrant %arg-1% Retired"] format slot 52 of player with blue dye named "&9[Bri&ft&4ish]" with lore "&7Grant &a%arg-1% &9[Bri&ft&4ish] &7rank." to run [make player execute command "systemgrant %arg-1% British"] format slot 44 of player with orange dye named "&0[Ge&4rm&6an]" with lore "&7Grant &a%arg-1% &0[Ge&4rm&6an] &7rank." to run [make player execute command "systemgrant %arg-1% German"] format slot 43 of player with red dye named "&4[Au&fss&9ie]" with lore "&7Grant &a%arg-1% &4[Au&fss&9ie] &7rank." to run [make player execute command "systemgrant %arg-1% Aussie"] format slot 48 of player with purple dye named "<##9400D3>[<##4B0082>L<##0000FF>G<##00FF00>B<##FFFF00>T<##FF7F00>Q<##FF0000>]" with lore "&7Grant &a%arg-1% <##9400D3>[<##4B0082>L<##0000FF>G<##00FF00>B<##FFFF00>T<##FF7F00>Q<##FF0000>] &7rank." to run [make player execute command "systemgrant %arg-1% Lgbtq"] format slot 39 of player with purple dye named "&4[<##9400D3>S<##4B0082>P<##0000FF>E<##00FF00>C<##FFFF00>I<##FF7F00>A<##FF0000>L&4]" with lore "&7Grant &a%arg-1% &4[<##9400D3>S<##4B0082>P<##0000FF>E<##00FF00>C<##FFFF00>I<##FF7F00>A<##FF0000>L&4] &7rank." to run [make player execute command "systemgrant %arg-1% Special"] format slot 16 of player with black dye named "&4[&cFired&4]" with lore "&7Grant &a%arg-1% &4[&cFired&4] &7rank." to run [make player execute command "systemgrant %arg-1% Fired"] format slot 15 of player with red dye named "&4[&c&lRACIST&4]" with lore "&7Grant &a%arg-1% &4[&c&lRACIST&4]&7 Rank." to run [make player execute command "systemgrant %arg-1% Racist"] format slot 6 of player with orange dye named "&6[&eChild&6]" with lore "&7Grant &a%arg-1% &6[&eChild&6]&7 Rank." to run [make player execute command "/systemgrant %arg-1% Child"] format gui slot 27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,40,41,42,50,51 and 49 of player with gray glass pane named "&0&l" to close: command /systemgrant [<offline player>] [<text>]: permission: core.grant permission message: &cYou cannot access our rank system. trigger: if arg-1 is not set: send "&cPlease specify a player." else: open chest with 3 rows named "&7Ranks: &a%arg-1%" to player wait 1 tick format slot 0 of player with green wool named "&a2h" with lore "&7Grant &a%arg-1% &b%arg-2% &7for &a2 hours" to close then run [make console execute command "lp user %arg-1% parent addtemp %arg-2% 2h "" "]->[send "&4&lVelvetSurv>> &cYour Rank Has Changed To &4&l%arg-2% &cFor &4&l2&c Hours." to arg-1]->[send "&4&lVelvetSurv>> &cChanged &4&l%arg-1%&c's rank to &4&l%arg-2% &4&lFor 2&c Hours." to player] format slot 1 of player with green wool named "&a4h" with lore "&7Grant &a%arg-1% &b%arg-2% &7for &a4 hours" to close then run [make console execute command "lp user %arg-1% parent addtemp %arg-2% 4h "" "]->[send "&4&lVelvetSurv>> &cYour Rank Has Changed To &4&l%arg-2% &cFor &4&l4&c Hours." to arg-1]->[send "&4&lVelvetSurv>> &cChanged &4&l%arg-1%&c's rank to &4&l%arg-2% &4&lFor 4&c Hours." to player] format slot 2 of player with green wool named "&a8h" with lore "&7Grant &a%arg-1% &b%arg-2% &7for &a8 hours" to close then run [make console execute command "lp user %arg-1% parent addtemp %arg-2% 8h"" "]->[send "&4&lVelvetSurv>> &cYour Rank Has Changed To &4&l%arg-2% &cFor &4&l8&c Hours." to arg-1]->[send "&4&lVelvetSurv>> &cChanged &4&l%arg-1%&c's rank to &4&l%arg-2% &4&lFor 8&c Hours." to player] format slot 3 of player with green wool named "&a12h" with lore "&7Grant &a%arg-1% &b%arg-2% &7for &a12 hours" to close then run [make console execute command "lp user %arg-1% parent addtemp %arg-2% 12h "" "]->[send "&4&lVelvetSurv>> &cYour Rank Has Changed To &4&l%arg-2% &cFor &4&l12&c Hours." to arg-1]->[send "&4&lVelvetSurv>> &cChanged &4&l%arg-1%&c's rank to &4&l%arg-2% &4&lFor 12&c Hours." to player] format slot 4 of player with green wool named "&a16h" with lore "&7Grant &a%arg-1% &b%arg-2% &7for &a16 hours" to close then run [make console execute command "lp user %arg-1% parent addtemp %arg-2% 16h "" "]->[send "&4&lVelvetSurv>> &cYour Rank Has Changed To &4&l%arg-2% &cFor &4&l16&c Hours." to arg-1]->[send "&4&lVelvetSurv>> &cChanged &4&l%arg-1%&c's rank to &4&l%arg-2% &4&lFor 16&c Hours." to player] format slot 5 of player with green wool named "&a18h" with lore "&7Grant &a%arg-1% &b%arg-2% &7for &a18 hours" to close then run [make console execute command "lp user %arg-1% parent addtemp %arg-2% 18h "" "]->[send "&4&lVelvetSurv>> &cYour Rank Has Changed To &4&l%arg-2% &cFor &4&l18&c Hours.." to arg-1]->[send "&4&lVelvetSurv>> &cChanged &4&l%arg-1%&c's rank to &4&l%arg-2% &4&lFor 18&c Hours." to player] format slot 6 of player with green wool named "&a24h" with lore "&7Grant &a%arg-1% &b%arg-2% &7for &a24 hours" to close then run [make console execute command "lp user %arg-1% parent addtemp %arg-2% 24h "" "]->[send "&4&lVelvetSurv>> &cYour Rank Has Changed To &4&l%arg-2% &cFor &4&l24&c Hours." to arg-1]->[send "&4&lVelvetSurv>> &cChanged &4&l%arg-1%&c's rank to &4&l%arg-2% &4&lFor 24&c Hours." to player] format slot 7 of player with green wool named "&a48h" with lore "&7Grant &a%arg-1% &b%arg-2% &7for &a48 hours" to close then run [make console execute command "lp user %arg-1% parent addtemp %arg-2% 48h "" "]->[send "&4&lVelvetSurv>> &cYour Rank Has Changed To &4&l%arg-2% &cFor &4&l48&c Hours." to arg-1]->[send "&4&lVelvetSurv>> &cChanged &4&l%arg-1%&c's rank to &4&l%arg-2% &4&lFor 48&c Hours." to player] format slot 8 of player with green wool named "&aForever" with lore "&7Grant &a%arg-1% &b%arg-2% &7for &aforever" to close then run [make console execute command "lp user %arg-1% parent set %arg-2%"]->[send "&4&lVelvetSurv>> &cYour Rank Has Changed To &4&l%arg-2% &4&lForever." to arg-1]->[send "&4&lVelvetSurv>> &cChanged &4&l%arg-1%&c's rank to &4&l%arg-2% &4&lForever." to player] format slot 26 of player with green wool named "&aAdd" with lore "&7Add &a%arg-2% &7to &b%arg-1%" to close then run [make console execute command "lp user %arg-1% parent add %arg-2%"]->[send "&eRank &8» &7Promoted &b%arg-1% &7to &a%arg-2%." to arg-1]->[send "&4&lVelvetSurv>> &cAdded &4&l%arg-2%&c Rank To &4&l%arg-1% &4&lForever." to player]
  2. I forgot to mention, you will need to create all Mvp+ color ranks and Mvp++ Color ranks!
  3. Code: command /rankcolor: trigger: if player has permission "mvp+.rankcolor": open chest with 4 rows named "&cR&6a&an&5k &fC&9o&2l&4o&3r&ds&7:" to player wait 1 tick format slot 10 of player with red dye named "&b[MVP&c+&b]" to run [make console execute command "/lp user %player% parent set Mvp+"]->[close player's inventory] format slot 11 of player with orange dye named "&b[MVP&6+&b]" to run [make console execute command "/lp user %player% parent set Mvp+Golden"]->[close player's inventory] format slot 12 of player with lime dye named "&b[MVP&a+&b]" to run [make console execute command "/lp user %player% parent set Mvp+Lime"]->[close player's inventory] format slot 13 of player with purple dye named "&b[MVP&5+&b]" to run [make console execute command "/lp user %player% parent set Mvp+Purple"]->[close player's inventory] format slot 14 of player with bone meal named "&b[MVP&f+&b]" to run [make console execute command "/lp user %player% parent set Mvp+White"]->[close player's inventory] format slot 15 of player with blue dye named "&b[MVP&9+&b]" to run [make console execute command "/lp user %player% parent set Mvp+Blue"]->[close player's inventory] format slot 16 of player with green dye named "&b[MVP&2+&b]" to run [make console execute command "/lp user %player% parent set Mvp+Green"]->[close player's inventory] format slot 19 of player with red dye named "&b[MVP&4+&b]" to run [make console execute command "/lp user %player% parent set Mvp+DarkRed"]->[close player's inventory] format slot 20 of player with cyan dye named "&b[MVP&3+&b]" to run [make console execute command "/lp user %player% parent set Mvp+Cyan"]->[close player's inventory] format slot 24 of player with pink dye named "&b[MVP&d+&b]" to run [make console execute command "/lp user %player% parent set Mvp+Pink"]->[close player's inventory] format slot 25 of player with light grey dye named "&b[MVP&7+&b]" to run [make console execute command "/lp user %player% parent set Mvp+LightGrey"]->[close player's inventory] else: if player has permission "mvp++.rankcolour": open chest with 4 rows named "&cR&6a&an&5k &fC&9o&2l&4o&3r&ds&7:" to player wait 1 tick format slot 10 of player with red dye named "&6[MVP&c++&6]" to run [make console execute command "/lp user %player% parent set Mvp++LightRed"]->[close player's inventory] format slot 11 of player with orange dye named "&6[MVP&0++&6]" to run [make console execute command "/lp user %player% parent set Mvp++Black"]->[close player's inventory] format slot 12 of player with lime dye named "&6[MVP&a++&6]" to run [make console execute command "/lp user %player% parent set Mvp++Lime"]->[close player's inventory] format slot 13 of player with purple dye named "&6[MVP&5++&6]" to run [make console execute command "/lp user %player% parent set Mvp++Purple"]->[close player's inventory] format slot 14 of player with bone meal named "&6[MVP&f++&6]" to run [make console execute command "/lp user %player% parent set Mvp++White"]->[close player's inventory] format slot 15 of player with blue dye named "&6[MVP&9++&6]" to run [make console execute command "/lp user %player% parent set Mvp++Blue"]->[close player's inventory] format slot 16 of player with green dye named "&6[MVP&2++&6]" to run [make console execute command "/lp user %player% parent set Mvp++Green"]->[close player's inventory] format slot 19 of player with red dye named "&6[MVP&4++&6]" to run [make console execute command "/lp user %player% parent set Mvp++DarkRed"]->[close player's inventory] format slot 20 of player with cyan dye named "&6[MVP&3++&6]" to run [make console execute command "/lp user %player% parent set Mvp++Cyan"]->[close player's inventory] format slot 24 of player with pink dye named "&6[MVP&d++&6]" to run [make console execute command "/lp user %player% parent set Mvp++Pink"]->[close player's inventory] format slot 25 of player with light grey dye named "&6[MVP&7++&6]" to run [make player execute command "/lp user %player% parent set Mvp++LightGrey"]->[close player's inventory] else: send "&4&lVelvetSurv>> &cYou need to be &b[MVP&c+&b] or higher to run this command!"
  4. So would you like a player to rankup on kills or what? time played?
  5. I would like a nick skript that works with Lpc shows on tab and in chat if you can do that it will be aweseome!
  6. Just Replace servername with your server name!! options: afktime: 600 # how many seconds a player has to be afk before the skript runs. command /afk: trigger: if {afk::%player%} is not set: set {afk::%player%} to true broadcast "&4&lServername>> &c%player% Is Now &4&lAFK" send title "&4&LYou are AFK!" with subtitle "&cMove in any direction." to player for {@afktime} seconds play sound "block.note_block.pling" to player set {_loc} to location of player while {afk::%player%} is set: wait 1 second if location of player != {_loc}: delete {afk::%player%} broadcast "&4&lServername>> &c%player% Is No Longer &4&lAFK" send title "&4&LYou are no longer AFK!" to player for 2 seconds play sound "block.note_block.pling" to player on chat: if {afk::%player%} is not set: stop else if {afk::%player%} is set: delete {afk::%player%} broadcast "&4&lServerName>> &c%player% Is No Longer &4&lAFK" send title "&4&LYou are no longer AFK!" to player for 2 seconds play sound "block.note_block.pling" to player on any move: if {afk::%player%} is set: delete {afk::%player%} send title "&4&LYou are no longer AFK!" to player for 2 seconds play sound "block.note_block.pling" to player every second: set {_loc} to location of player if location of player != {_loc}: set {afktime::%player%} to 0 delete {afk::%player%} broadcast "&4&lServername>> &c%player% Is No Longer &4&lAFK" send title "&4&LYou are no longer AFK!" to player for 2 seconds play sound "block.note_block.pling" to player if location of player = {_loc}: add 1 to {afktime::%player%} if {afktime::%player%} = {@afktime}: set {afk::%player%} to true broadcast "&4&lServername>> &c%player% Is Now &4&lAFK" send title "&4&LYou are AFK!" with subtitle "&cMove in any direction." to player for {@afktime} seconds play sound "block.note_block.pling" to player delete {afktime::%player%}
  7. The issue is when the bans goes higher than 1 this happens
  8. current code: ============================================================= command /addban: trigger: add 1 to {staffbans::*} command /removeban: trigger: remove 1 from {staffbans::*} ============================================================= #Image:
  9. I tested it when it came out, its awesome!! Well done @TankSniperD!
  10. Very sorry! Uhm so i would like a chest gui named Online Players: and below lists all online players heads, Futher on on a left click it will op them on right click it deop's them
  11. Well whenever someone joins it says their name and their rank good but it says their name with everyones rank and their name
  12. Im working on a custom join message skript but im stuck on join: loop all players set {_pref} to formatted convHex(loop-player's prefix) broadcast "&7[&b+&7]%{_pref}%loop-player'sprefix%"
  13. Im working on a custom join message skript but im stuck on join: loop all players set {_pref} to formatted convHex(loop-player's prefix) broadcast "&7[&b+&7]%{_pref}%loop-player'sprefix%"
  14. Please can you make a script where you do /players and it comes up with all players online and when u right click on them it will make them op and if you do it again it will deop them
  15. Please can you make a script where you do /players and it comes up with all players online and when u right click on them it will make them op and if you do it again it will deop them
  16. So i need a skript where when a player gets 5 kills they rank up to Vip and on 30 Vip+ and on 100 mvp But idk how
  17. My server is looking for a good dev to help with skript and making Our MultiServer Better! I hope A good Dev Replies!
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