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Everything posted by Ramina__

  1. I don't know why this isn't working please help me: on skript load: add all items to {BLOCKS::*} on skript unload: delete {BLOCKS::*} command /give [<player>] [<item>] [<number>]: permission: OP trigger: if arg-1 is player: loop {BLOCKS::*}: if arg-2 contains loop-value: if arg-3 is higher than 64: send "&4&lVelvetSurv>> &cYou can only give yourself 64 of this item or lower" to player else: set {_blocc} to arg-2 set {_nombre} to arg-3 give arg-1 {_nombre} of {_blocc}
  2. I'm sorry I just needed to vent
  3. I just make them hurt myself, repeat..
  4. I don't make it a couple of lines because that isn't a long enough time to to take my mind off the bad thought. I always have self doubt about these things so I rarely post my own things.
  5. CODE: options: cooldownmsg: {@logo}>> &cThis is on cooldown! permissionm: &cYou need a staff rank, &6&k|&6MVP&c++&6&k| &cOr &6&k|&4YOU&fTUBE&6&k| &cRank to access this command logo: &4&lSERVERNAME command /fly [<player>]: trigger: if player does not have permission "helper": if player does not have permission "youtube.nick": send "{@permissionm}" else: if {flightYT.%player%} is not set: if {flightYTcooldown.%player%} is not set: if arg-1 is not set: set {flightYT.%player%} to true set {flightYTcooldown.%player%} to true send "{@logo}>> &4&lFLIGHT &cHas been enabled for 30 seconds!" enable flight for player wait 25 second send "{@logo}>> FLIGHT &cDisabling in 5 seconds!" wait 1 second send "{@logo}>> FLIGHT &cDisabling in 4 seconds!" wait 1 second send "{@logo}>> FLIGHT &cDisabling in 3 seconds!" wait 1 second send "{@logo}>> FLIGHT &cDisabling in 2 seconds!" wait 1 second send "{@logo}>> FLIGHT &cDisabling!" delete {flightYT.%player%} disable flight for player wait 30 second delete {flightYTcooldown.%player%} else: send "{@permissionm}" else: send "{@cooldownmsg}" else: disable flight for player delete {flightYT.%player%} wait 30 second delete {flightYTcooldown.%player%} else: if arg-1 is not set: if {flightSTAFF.%player%} is not set: set {flightSTAFF.%player%} to true send "{@logo}>> &a&lEnabled &4&lFLIGHT&c!" enable flight for player else: disable flight for player delete {flightSTAFF.%player%} send "{@logo}>> &c&lDisabled &4&lFLIGHT!" else: if {flightSTAFF.%arg-1%} is not set: enable flight for arg-1 set {flightSTAFF.%arg-1%} to true send "{@logo}>> &a&lEnabled &4&lFLIGHT &cfor &c&l%arg-1%&c!" to player send "&4&lVelvetSurv>> &c&l%player% &a&lEnabled &4&lFLIGHT &cfor you!" to arg-1 else: delete {flightSTAFF.%arg-1%} disable flight for arg-1 send "{@logo}>> &c&lDisabled &4&lFLIGHT &cfor &c&l%arg-1%&c!" to player send "{@logo}>> &c&l%player% &c&lDisabled &4&lFLIGHT &cfor you!"
  6. Can you put it in stupid for me xD sorry..
  7. command /hug <player>: trigger: set {_p} to player if player is not set: set {_p} to CONSOLE if arg is player: send "&c&lYou cannot hug yourself!" else: broadcast "&b&l%{_p}%&d Hugged &b&l%arg%" if %arg-1% is not set: send "&c&lSpecify a player"
  8. So i am making a thanos gauntlet skript And well the snap wont work here is the code the snap error is in bold on right click: if player's tool is bone named "&dInfinityGauntlet": open chest with 3 rows named "&5ABILITIES" to player format gui slot 12 of player with purple dye named "&dDoubleHealth" with lore "&5Get an extra &b10&5 Health points" to run: if {Ability::%player%} is not set: if {doublehealth::%player%} is not set: set {doublehealth::%player%} to "DOUBLEHEALTH" set {Ability::%player%} to "DoubleHealth" send "&dActivated &dAbility &a%{Ability::%player%}%" set player's health to 10 apply regeneration 4 to player for 15 seconds apply health boost 5 to player for 60 seconds close player's inventory wait 10 second send "&dYou no longer have &aDoubleHealth&d!" delete {Ability::%player%} delete {doublehealth::%player%} else: send "&dThis is currently on cooldown!" close player's inventory stop else: send "&dYou Currently have &a%{Ability::%player%}% &dActive!" close player's inventory stop format gui slot 13 of player with cyan dye named "&4&lSNAP" with lore "&5Kill half of the player's online" to run: if {snapuse::%player%} is not set: set {snapuse::%player%} to "SNAP" loop all players: add loop-player to {Killist::*} if loop-player has permission "helper": remove loop-player from {Killist::*} remove player from {Killist::*} broadcast "&dSOMEONE USED &5&lTHANOS &dSNAP" wait 5 seconds kill half of {Killist::*} broadcast "&dThe world is balanced again..." wait 30 second delete {killist::*} delete {snapuse::%player%} stop else: send "&dThis is currently on cooldown!" close player's inventory stop format gui slot 14 of player with grey dye named "&7VANISH" with lore "&dCompletly vanish from all players view for &a30 seconds" to run: if {Ability::%player%} is not set: if {Vanishcooldown::%player%} is not set: set {Vanishcooldown::%player%} to "VANISH" set {Ability::%player%} to "VANISH" hide player from all players send "&dYou are now &7VANISHED&d for 30 seconds!" close player's inventory wait 30 second delete {Ability::%player%} delete {Vanishcooldown::%player%} send "&dYou are no longer &7VANISHED" to player reveal player from all players else: send "&dThis is currently on cooldown!" to player close player's inventory else: send "&dYou Currently have &a%{Ability::%player%}% &dActive!" close player's inventory format gui slot 22 of player with lime dye named "&aFLIGHT" with lore "&dYou are able to &aFLY&d until deactivation!" to run: if {flight::%player%} is not set: if {flightcooldown::%player%} is not set: set {flight::%player%} to "FLIGHT" set {flightcooldown::%player%} to true enable flight for player send "&dYou can now &5&lFLY&d!" close player's inventory wait 25 second if {flight::%player%} is set: send "&4&lFLIGHT&d Disabling in 5 seconds!" wait 2 seconds send "&4&lFLIGHT&d Disabling in 3 seconds!" wait 1 second send "&4&lFLIGHT&d Disabling in 2 seconds!" wait 1 second send "&4&lFLIGHT&d Disabling in 1 seconds!" delete {flight::%player%} disable flight for player send "&dYou can no longer &aFLY &dand is now on cooldown!" wait 30 second delete {flightcooldown::%player%} else: send "&dThis is currently on cooldown!" close player's inventory else: send "&aFlight&d has been disabled!" disable flight for player delete {flight::%player%} close player's inventory format gui slot 26 of player with red wool named "&4DISABLE ABILITY" to run: if {Ability::%player%} is set: if {flight::%player%} is set: send "&dDisabled ability &a%{Ability::%player%}% &dand &5%{flight::%player%}%" delete {Ability::%player%} reveal player from all players disable fly for player else: send "&dDisabled ability &a%{Ability::%player%}%&d!" delete {Ability::%player%} reveal player from all players disable fly for player else: send "&dYou &4Don't &dhave an ability toggled!"
  9. I'm bored sad and need something to take my mind off suicide just give me scripts to make and ill try make them
  10. Ive been trying to make a function like minehut's mute system where it tells you the date you will be unmuted BUT i cant do it and i need some help..
  11. Well there is no errors but it only drops raw iron
  12. There: on first join: set {_korra} to random integer between 1 and 2 if {_korra} = 1: execute console command "/I dont know the command Blah blah blah" send "&4&lSERVERNAME>> &cYou are now KORRA" else: if {_korra} = 2: execute console command "/BLAH BLAH BLAAAH" send "&4&lSERVERNAME>> &cYou are now KORRA"
  13. There is an issue with the line: if pickaxe has enchant "fortune 1": Here is the whole code so far: on block break: set {_loc} to location of block if player's held item is pickaxe: if pickaxe has enchant "fortune 1": set {_randodrop} to random integer between 1 and 6 if {_randodrop} = 1: drop 1 iron ingot at {_loc} else: if {_randodrop} =2: drop 2 iron ingot at {_loc} else: if {_randodrop} = 3: drop 3 iron ingot at {_loc} else: drop 1 iron ore at {_loc}
  14. Sorry but what texture pack is that :3
  15. When players join they just close their inv and walk off and because it wont tell me their age (because they didnt pick) i dont know what area they are allowed in please someone help me with this CODE: on join: if {checked::%player%} is not set: set {checking::%player%} to "true" open chest with 3 rows named "&7Pick your &bage&7:" to player format gui slot 11 of player with green wool named "&aJunior" to run: set {agestatus::%player%} to "&a&lJUNIOR" set {checked::%player%} to "CHECKED" send "&7You have selected your age as a &aJunior&7! Do /agechange to correct any issues with your age status." to player loop all players: if loop-player has permission "helper": send "&7(&8!&7) &cAge Alert &7(&8!&7) &b%player% &7has registered as a &aJunior&7." to loop-player close player's inventory format gui slot 15 of player with red wool named "&cSenior" to run: set {agestatus::%player%} to "&4&lSENIOR" set {checked::%player%} to "CHECKED" send "&7You have selected your age as a &cSenior&7! Do /agechange to correct any issues with your age status." to player loop all players: if loop-player has permission "helper": send "&7(&8!&7) &cAge Alert &7(&8!&7) &b%player% &7has registered as a &cSenior&7." to loop-player close player's inventory on inventory close: if {checking::%player%} = true: cancel event #The part im having issues with command /age [<player>]: permission: helper trigger: send "&4&lVelvetSurv>> &c%arg-1%&c is registered as a %{agestatus::%arg-1%}%" command /agechange: trigger: open chest with 3 rows named "&7Pick your &bage&7:" to player format gui slot 11 of player with green wool named "&aJunior" to run: set {agestatus::%player%} to "&a&lJUNIOR" send "&7You have selected your age as a &aJunior&7! Do /agechange to correct any issues with your age status." to player loop all players: if loop-player has permission "helper": send "&7(&8!&7) &cAge Alert &7(&8!&7) &b%player% &7has registered as a &aJunior&7." to loop-player close player's inventory format gui slot 15 of player with red wool named "&cSenior" to run: set {agestatus::%player%} to "&4&lSENIOR" send "&7You have selected your age as a &cSenior&7! Do /agechange to correct any issues with your age status." to player loop all players: if loop-player has permission "helper": send "&7(&8!&7) &cAge Alert &7(&8!&7) &b%player% &7has registered as a &cSenior&7." to loop-player close player's inventory
  16. I am now done xD CODE: #Made by Ramina__/Nolando09 command /nick [<text>]: permission: youtube.nick permission message: &4&lVelvetSurv>> &cYou have to be &6[MVP&c++&6] &cOr &6[&4YOU&fTUBE&6] rank to use this command. trigger: if arg-1 is not set: if {nicked::%player%} = "TRUE": set {nicked::%player%} to "OFF" send "&4&lVelvetSurv>> &cYou are no longer nicked!" to player else: send "&4&lVelvetSurv>> &cSpecify a name to be nicked as!" to player else: set {nickname::%player%} to arg-1 open chest with 3 rows named "&7Pick a &aNICK&7:" to player format gui slot 12 of player with blue dye named "&b[MVP&c+&b]" with lore "&7This is the &b[MVP&c+&b] &7Nick." to run: set {nickrank::%player%} to "&b[MVP&c+&b]" set {nicked::%player%} to "TRUE" send "&4&lVelvetSurv>> &cYou are now nicked as %{nickrank::%player%}% &b%{nickname::%player%}%&c!" to player close player's inventory loop all players: if loop-player has permission "helper": send "&7(&8!&7) &cNick Alert &7(&8!&7) &7%player% Has nicked as %{nickrank::%player%}% &c%{nickname::%player%}%" to loop-player format gui slot 13 of player with light blue dye named "&b[MVP&b]" with lore "&7This is the &b[MVP&b] &7Nick." to run: set {nicked::%player%} to "TRUE" set {nickrank::%player%} to "&b[MVP&b]" send "&4&lVelvetSurv>> &cYou are now nicked as%{nickrank::%player%}% &b%{nickname::%player%}%&c!" to player close player's inventory loop all players: if loop-player has permission "helper": send "&7(&8!&7) &cNick Alert &7(&8!&7) &7%player% Has nicked as %{nickrank::%player%}% &c%{nickname::%player%}%" to loop-player format gui slot 14 of player with lime dye named "&a[VIP]" with lore "&7This is the &a[VIP] &7Nick." to run: set {nicked::%player%} to "TRUE" set {nickrank::%player%} to "&a[VIP]" send "&4&lVelvetSurv>> &cYou are now nicked as %{nickrank::%player%}% &a%{nickname::%player%}%&c!" to player close player's inventory loop all players: if loop-player has permission "helper": send "&7(&8!&7) &cNick Alert &7(&8!&7) &7%player% Has nicked as %{nickrank::%player%}% &c%{nickname::%player%}%" to loop-player format gui slot 26 of player with light grey dye named "&7&l[MEMBER]" with lore "&7This is the &7&l[MEMBER] &7Nick." to run: set {nicked::%player%} to "TRUE" set {nickedrank::%player%} to "&7&l[Member]" send "&4&lVelvetSurv>> &cYou are now nicked as %{nickrank::%player%}% &c%{nickname::%player%}%" on chat: if {nicked::%player%} = "TRUE": set {nickmessage::%player%} to message cancel event broadcast "%{nickrank::%player%}% %{nickname::%player%}%&8&l>> &f%{nickmessage::%player%}%"
  17. Well here it is.. xD CODE: #Made by Ramina__/Nolando09 command /nick [<text>]: permission: youtube.nick permission message: &4&lVelvetSurv>> &cYou have to be &6[MVP&c++&6] &cOr &6[&4YOU&fTUBE&6] rank to use this command. trigger: if arg-1 is not set: if {nicked::%player%} = "TRUE": set {nicked::%player%} to "OFF" send "&4&lVelvetSurv>> &cYou are no longer nicked!" to player else: send "&4&lVelvetSurv>> &cSpecify a name to be nicked as!" to player else: set {nickname::%player%} to arg-1 open chest with 3 rows named "&7Pick a &aNICK&7:" to player format gui slot 12 of player with blue dye named "&b[MVP&c+&b]" with lore "&7This is the &b[MVP&c+&b] &7Nick." to run: set {nickrank::%player%} to "&b[MVP&c+&b]" set {nicked::%player%} to "TRUE" send "&4&lVelvetSurv>> &cYou are now nicked as &4&l%{nickname::%player%}%&c!" to player close player's inventory loop all players: if loop-player has permission "helper": send "&7(&8!&7) &cNick Alert &7(&8!&7) &7%player% Has nicked as %{nickname::%player%}%" to loop-player format gui slot 13 of player with light blue dye named "&b[MVP&b]" with lore "&7This is the &b[MVP&b] &7Nick." to run: set {nicked::%player%} to "TRUE" set {nickrank::%player%} to "&b[MVP&b]" send "&4&lVelvetSurv>> &cYou are now nicked as &4&l%{nickname::%player%}%&c!" to player close player's inventory loop all players: if loop-player has permission "helper": send "&7(&8!&7) &cNick Alert &7(&8!&7) &7%player% Has nicked as %{nickname::%player%}%" to loop-player format gui slot 14 of player with lime dye named "&a[VIP]" with lore "&7This is the &a[VIP] &7Nick." to run: set {nicked::%player%} to "TRUE" set {nickrank::%player%} to "&a[VIP]" send "&4&lVelvetSurv>> &cYou are now nicked as &4&l%{nickname::%player%}%&c!" to player close player's inventory loop all players: if loop-player has permission "helper": send "&7(&8!&7) &cNick Alert &7(&8!&7) &7%player% Has nicked as %{nickname::%player%}%" to loop-player on chat: if {nicked::%player%} = "TRUE": set {nickmessage::%player%} to message cancel event broadcast "%{nickrank::%player%}% %{nickname::%player%}%&8&l>> &f%{nickmessage::%player%}%"
  18. Don't worry i fixed it *^-^* but thank for trying to help! x3
  19. So i want to add "JUNIOR" to {agestatus::*%player%} but there is an error in my skript.. CODE: on first join: open chest with 3 rows named "&7Pick your &bage&7:" to player format gui slot 11 of player with green wool named "&aJunior" to run: set {agestatus::%player%*} to "JUNIOR" send "&7You have selected your age as a &aJunior&7! Do /age to correct any issues with your age status." to player loop all players: if loop-player has permission "helper": send "&7(&8!&7) &cAge Alert &7(&8!&7) &b%player% &7has registered as a &aJunior&7." close player's inventory
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