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Everything posted by Ramina__

  1. Please make me a lockdown skript when you do /lockdown it turns on whitelist and kicks all players that arent op and broadcasts "&b&lDeltaSmp &r&c&lHas Gone Into Lockdown
  2. Pls can i get a skript where if you rightclick on someone while holding a glass bottle it will give you a strength pot named blood
  3. Ok so it works but when i try use it on a new player it says they have never joined before
  4. Also when i Use it on someone it says <none> has now been muted
  5. Can u make me this but instead of using advanced ban can you use skript:ban skript:mute skript:kick please! I dont know how but My staff team wants it done
  6. can i see the script? put it in a pasebin
  7. Can u make me this but instead of using advanced ban can you use skript:ban skript:mute skript:kick please! I dont know how but My staff team wants it done
  8. and /ban [<offlineplayer>] [<text>]: trigger: if player does not have permission "ban.use": send "&cYou are not permitted to run this command!" stop if arg-1 is not set: send "&c/ban (player) [reason] [-s]" stop if arg-1 has permission "ban.use": send "&cThat player cannot be banned!" stop if player is not set: set {_p} to "CONSOLE" else: set {_p} to player if arg-1 is banned: send "&cThat player is already banned!" stop if arg-2 is not set: set {_r} to "N/A" else: set {_r} to arg-2 if {_r} contains "-s": replace all " -s" and "-s " with "" in {_r} set {_silent} to true if {_silent} is set: loop all players: if loop-player has permission "ban.use": send "&7&o(SILENT) &b%{_p}% &7banned &b%arg-1% &7for &c%{_r}% &7[FOREVER]" to loop-player else: broadcast "&b%{_p}% &7banned &b%arg-1% &7for &c%{_r}% &7[FOREVER]" ban arg-1 due to {_r} if arg-1 is online: kick arg-1 due to "&7You are now banned! &bReason: &7%{_r}%" add arg-1 to {banlist::*}
  9. and /ban [<offlineplayer>] [<text>]: trigger: if player does not have permission "ban.use": send "&cYou are not permitted to run this command!" stop if arg-1 is not set: send "&c/ban (player) [reason] [-s]" stop if arg-1 has permission "ban.use": send "&cThat player cannot be banned!" stop if player is not set: set {_p} to "CONSOLE" else: set {_p} to player if arg-1 is banned: send "&cThat player is already banned!" stop if arg-2 is not set: set {_r} to "N/A" else: set {_r} to arg-2 if {_r} contains "-s": replace all " -s" and "-s " with "" in {_r} set {_silent} to true if {_silent} is set: loop all players: if loop-player has permission "ban.use": send "&7&o(SILENT) &b%{_p}% &7banned &b%arg-1% &7for &c%{_r}% &7[FOREVER]" to loop-player else: broadcast "&b%{_p}% &7banned &b%arg-1% &7for &c%{_r}% &7[FOREVER]" ban arg-1 due to {_r} if arg-1 is online: kick arg-1 due to "&7You are now banned! &bReason: &7%{_r}%" add arg-1 to {banlist::*} command /kick [<player>] [<text>]: trigger: if player does not have permission "kick.use": send "&cYou are not permitted to run this command!" stop if arg-1 is not set: send "&c/kick (player) [reason] [-s]" stop if arg-1 has permission "kick.use": send "&cThat player cannot be kicked!" stop if arg-2 is not set: set {_r} to "N/A" else: set {_r} to arg-2 if player is not set: set {_p} to "CONSOLE" else: set {_p} to player if {_r} contains "-s": replace all " -s" and "-s " with "" in {_r} set {_silent} to true if {_silent} is set: loop all players: if loop-player has permission "ban.use": send "&7&o(SILENT) &b%{_p}% &7kicked &b%arg-1% &7for &c%{_r}%" to loop-player else: broadcast "&b%{_p}% &7kicked &b%arg-1% &7for &c%{_r}%" kick arg-1 due to "&7You were kicked! &bReason: &7%{_r}%" command /tempban [<offlineplayer>] [<text>] [<timespan>]: trigger: if player does not have permission "tempban.use": send "&cYou are not permitted to run this command!" stop if arg-2 is not set: send "&c/tempban (player) [reason] [-s] (time)" stop if arg-1 has permission "tempban.use": send "&cThat player cannot be banned!" stop if player is not set: set {_p} to "CONSOLE" else: set {_p} to player if arg-1 is banned: send "&cThat player is already banned!" stop if arg-2 is not set: set {_r} to "N/A" else: set {_r} to arg-2 set {_l} to "%arg-3%" set {_l} to "%capitalized {_l}%" if {_r} contains "-s": replace all " -s" and "-s " with "" in {_r} set {_silent} to true if {_silent} is set: loop all players: if loop-player has permission "tempban.use": send "&7&o(SILENT) &b%{_p}% &7banned &b%arg-1% &7for &c%{_r}% &7[%{_l}%]" to loop-player else: broadcast "&b%{_p}% &7banned &b%arg-1% &7for &c%{_r}% &7[%{_l}%]" ban arg-1 due to {_r} if arg-1 is online: kick arg-1 due to "&7You are now banned! &bReason: &7%{_r}% &f &f &f &f &bLength: &7%arg-3%" add arg-1 to {banlist::*} set {%arg-1%.banned} to now set {%arg-1%.length} to arg-3 command /broadcast [<text>]: aliases: /bc, /announce, /a trigger: if player does not have permission "broadcast.use": send "&cYou are not permitted to run this command!" stop broadcast "" broadcast "&b&lALERT &8>> &7%colored arg-1%" broadcast "" loop all players: if loop-player has permission "broadcast.use": if loop-player is not player: if player is a player: set {_p} to player else: set {_p} to "CONSOLE" send "&b%{_p}%&7 used broadcast!" to loop-player command /mute [<offlineplayer>] [<text>] [<timespan>]: trigger: if player does not have permission "mute.use": send "&cYou are not permitted to run this command!" stop if arg-2 is not set: send "&c/mute (player) [reason] [-s] (time)" stop if arg-1 has permission "mute.use": send "&cThat player cannot be muted!" stop if player is not set: set {_p} to "CONSOLE" else: set {_p} to player if {%arg-1%.muted} is set: send "&cThat player is already muted!" stop if arg-2 is not set: set {_r} to "N/A" else: set {_r} to arg-2 set {_l} to "%arg-3%" set {_l} to "%capitalized {_l}%" if {_r} contains "-s": replace all " -s" and "-s " with "" in {_r} set {_silent} to true if {_silent} is set: loop all players: if loop-player has permission "mute.use": send "&7&o(SILENT) &b%{_p}% &7muted &b%arg-1% &7for &c%{_r}% &7[%{_l}%]" to loop-player else: broadcast "&b%{_p}% &7muted &b%arg-1% &7for &c%{_r}% &7[%{_l}%]" set {muted.%arg-1%} to true add arg-1 to {mutelist::*} set {%arg-1%.muted} to now set {%arg-1%.mutelength} to arg-3 command /unmute [<offlineplayer>] [<text>]: trigger: if player does not have permission "mute.use": send "&cYou are not permitted to run this command!" stop if arg-1 is not set: send "&c/mute (player) [-s]" stop if arg-1 has permission "mute.use": send "&cYou cannot unmute this player!" stop if player is not set: set {_p} to "CONSOLE" else: set {_p} to player if {%arg-1%.muted} is not set: send "&cThat player is not muted!" stop if {_r} contains "-s": replace all " -s" and "-s " with "" in {_r} set {_silent} to true if {_silent} is set: loop all players: if loop-player has permission "mute.use": send "&7&o(SILENT) &b%{_p}% &7unmuted &b%arg-1%" to loop-player else: broadcast "&b%{_p}% &7unmuted &b%arg-1%" clear {muted.%arg-1%} remove arg-1 from {mutelist::*} clear {%arg-1%.muted} clear {%arg-1%.mutelength} every 1 second: loop {banlist::*}: if {%loop-value%.banned} is set: if difference between now and {%loop-value%.banned} >= {%loop-value%.length}: unban loop-value remove loop-value from {banlist::*} clear {%loop-value%.banned} clear {%loop-value%.length} loop {mutelist::*}: if {%loop-value%.muted} is set: if difference between now and {%loop-value%.muted} >= {%loop-value%.mutelength}: unban loop-value clear {muted.%loop-value%} remove loop-value from {mutelist::*} clear {%loop-value%.muted} clear {%loop-value%.mutelength} command /unban [<offlineplayer>] [<text>]: trigger: if player does not have permission "unban.use": send "&cYou are not permitted to run this command!" stop if arg-1 is not set: send "&c/unban (player) [-s]" stop if player is not set: set {_p} to "CONSOLE" else: set {_p} to player if arg-1 is not banned: send "&cThat player is not banned!" stop if arg-2 contains "-s": replace all " -s" and "-s " with "" in {_r} set {_silent} to true if {_silent} is set: loop all players: if loop-player has permission "ban.use": send "&7&o(SILENT) &b%{_p}% &7unbanned &b%arg-1%" to loop-player else: broadcast "&b%{_p}% &7unbanned &b%arg-1%" unban arg-1 remove arg-1 from {banlist::*} command /warn [<offlineplayer>] [<text>]: trigger: if player does not have permission "warn.use": send "&cYou are not permitted to run this command!" stop if player is not set: set {_p} to "CONSOLE" else: set {_p} to player if arg-2 is not set: send "&c/warn (player) (reason)" stop if arg-1 has permission "warn.use": send "&cYou cannot warn this player!" stop broadcast "&b%{_p}% &7warned &b%arg-1%&7 for &c%arg-2%" if {warns.%arg-1%} is not set: set {warns.%arg-1%} to 1 add arg-1 to {warnlist::*} else: add 1 to {warns.%arg-1%} command /unwarn [<offlineplayer>]: trigger: if player does not have permission "warn.use": send "&cYou are not permitted to run this command!" stop if arg-1 is not set: send "&c/unwarn (player)" stop if player is not set: set {_p} to "CONSOLE" else: set {_p} to player if {warns.%arg-1%} is not set: send "&cThat player has no warns!" stop else: broadcast "&b%player%&7 pardoned &c%arg-1%&7's warn" if {warns.%arg-1%} is 1: clear {warns.%arg-1%} remove arg-1 from {warnlist::*} else: remove 1 from {warns.%arg-1%} on chat: if {muted.%player%} is set: send "&cYou cannot chat while muted!" cancel event command /banlist: trigger: if player does not have permission "ban.use": send "&cYou are not permitted to run this command!" stop if "%{banlist::*}%" is "none": send "&7No players are banned!" stop send "&bCurrent players banned:&7 %{banlist::*}%" command /mutelist: trigger: if player does not have permission "mute.use": send "&cYou are not permitted to run this command!" stop if "%{mutelist::*}%" is "none": send "&7No players are muted" stop send "&bCurrent players muted:&7 %{mutelist::*}%" command /warnlist: trigger: if player does not have permission "warn.use": send "&cYou are not permitted to run this command!" stop if "%{warnlist::*}%" is "none": send "&7No players are warned!" stop send "&bCurrent players warned:&7 %{warnlist::*}%" on join: if {warnlist::*} is not set: set {warnlist::*} to none on join: if {warnlist::*} is not set: set {mutelist::*} to none on join: if {banlist::*} is not set: set {banlist::*} to none
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