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Everything posted by BOXEY

  1. this is a skript grouping that makes a community building server Skript found here B0XEY/SKBuild: A simple skript to have a community build server (github.com) let me know if you find any bugs more updates soon
  2. BOXEY


    nvm i look at a old skript and fond the answer new code options: p: &3&lHorizon &8| &7 time: 1 minutes 30 seconds every {@time} in world "world": loop all players: make loop-player say "/saveinventory" on world change: clear player's inventory send " " and "{@p}World Changed" and "&7Last Inventory Loaded!" and " " to player make player say "/loadinventory" if player is in world "minihub": set player's gamemode to survival command saveinventory: trigger: set {_w} to player's world saveinventory(player, {_w}) command loadinventory: trigger: set {_w} to player's world loadinventory(player, {_w}) function saveinventory(p: player, world: world): send " " and "{@p}Inventory Saved" and " " to {_p} loop 36 times: set {inv.%{_p}%.%{_count}%.%{_world}%} to slot {_count} of {_p}'s inventory add 1 to {_count} function loadinventory(p: player, world: world): loop 36 times: set slot {_count} of {_p}'s inventory to {inv.%{_p}%.%{_count}%.%{_world}%} add 1 to {_count}
  3. BOXEY


    the skript has no errors but the var does not save the items code command saveinventory: trigger: set {_w} to player's world saveinventory(player, {_w}) command loadinventory: trigger: set {_w} to player's world loadinventory(player, {_w}) function saveinventory(p: player, world: world): send "%{_world}%" to {_p} loop {_p}'s inventory: add loop-value to {%{_world}%inventory::%{_p}%} send "%{%{_world}%inventory::%{_p}%}%" to {_p} function loadinventory(p: player, world: world): send "%{_world}%" to {_p} send "%{%{_world}%inventory::%{_p}%}%" to {_p} loop {%{_world}%inventory::%{_p}%}: give {_p} loop-value send "%loop-value%" to {_p}
  4. you can also just use a command with a cooldown EX command /daily: cooldown: 1 minute #Change time cooldown message: You need to wait &l%remaining time% &rto use this command again! cooldown bypass: daily.nocooldown trigger: give diamond to player send "Enjoy!" to player
  5. just go on YouTube and look for some and the more you do the better you will get at it skript minecraft - YouTube
  6. Tuske is broken rn use a vanilla gui or skript-gui
  7. i dont really loop blocks but i think this might fix it loop blocks between {_loc} and {__loc}: that the only thing i can fix of so if it does not work i can't help you
  8. you keep adding on to it so it would look like on inventory click: if event-inventory = (metadata tag stuff): cancel event if index of event-slot is 1: make player say "/mvtp" if index of event-slot is 2: make player say "/help" add stick to player if index of event-slot is 7: make player say "/spawn" send "hey" to player
  9. i forgot the - new code on inventory click: if event-inventory = (metadata tag stuff): cancel event if index of event-slot is 1: make player say "/mvtp" i believe that will work
  10. Here you go on right click on (block): #Do stuff
  11. here you go for the base sword options: clevel: %{catleve.%player%}% critdamage: 50 command metadatatest: trigger: set metadata tag "Hyperion" of player to iron sword named "&6Hyperion" with lore "&7Gear Score: &d615" and "&7Damage: &c+260" and "&7Strenght: &c+150" and "&7Intelligence: &a+350" and "&7Ferocity: &a+30" and " " and "&7Deals +&a50%&7 damage to" and "&7Withers. Grants &c+1 Damage" and "&7and &a+2 &bIntelligence" and "&7Per &cCatacombs&7 level" and " " and "&7You Catacombs level: &c{@clevel}" and " " and "&eRight-click to use your class abiltiy" and " " and "&8This item can be reforged" and "&6&lLEGENDARY DUNGEON SWORD" add (metadata tag "Hyperion" of player) to player #on right click: # if event-item = (metadata tag "Hyperion" of player): # send "a" on damage: if victim is a wither: if attacker is a player: attacker's tool = (metadata tag "Hyperion" of attacker) set {_s} to 150 set {_crit} to {@critdamage} set {_b} to 260 set {_d} to (260+5) * (1 + {_s}/100) * (1 + {_crit}/100) * (1+ ({_b}/2)/100) set damage to {_d} else: if attacker is a player: attacker's tool = (metadata tag "Hyperion" of attacker) set {_s} to 150 set {_crit} to {@critdamage} set {_d} to (260+5) * (1 + {_s}/100) * (1 + {_crit}/100) set damage to {_d} put the catacombs level var up in the options math found here Strength | Hypixel SkyBlock Wiki | Fandom
  12. glowing no enchants add glowing diamond sword to player with enchants add diamond sword of sharpness 5, unbreaking 3 to player or add diamond sword of (enchant) (level) to player
  13. add diamond sword of sharpness 5 to player i think that will work
  14. yea here you go but i would post this in the other skript channel on command "/home": set {back.%player%} to location of player on command "/tpa": set {back.%player%} to location of player on death: set {back.%victim%} to location of player command /back: trigger: teleport player to {back.%player%}
  15. i made a gauntlet link to folder and texture pack https://www.dropbox.com/s/vzwtazeci5ofsc8/death.sk?dl=0 #HOW TO USE 1) do /stone all and click the stick/ gauntlet 2) put the stick in off hand 3) right click a stone yo put it in 4) shift right click with the stick in your offhand to see what each stone can do 5) every stone has 2 powers (can add more msg me on discord Boxey#1326) texture pack not needed but helps with visuals *need skript, skbee, and skquery*
  16. BOXEY


    how do i make this work i am trying to make a locator skript send formatted " " and "{@p}%arg-1%&7 found at %{_loc}%" and "{@p}<command:/tp %player% %{_loc}%>&b&lClick me<reset>&7 to teleport" and " " the /tp command wont work because {_loc} is like x: 213 y: 12 z; 123
  17. BOXEY

    Making skripts

    Bro the facts that io already have a stone system made is amazing all even ad a custom texture pack ya'll prayin on my down fall
  18. does the /recipes command work ( idk what the command is really called)
  19. ill make you skripts for free
  20. command /queueV2: trigger: add player to {Variable2::*} loop {Variable2::*}: add 1 to {_n} if {_n} is 4: #code command /unqueueV2: trigger: remove player from {Variable2::*} this should work
  21. how do I make a flat world with no villages
  22. on inventory click: if event-inventory = (metadata tag stuff): cancel event if index of event slot is 1: make player say "/mvtp" idk if this will work but the event will work
  23. i made a skript code options: p: &3&lInfo &8| &7 on rightclick: if event-entity is a player: if player is sneaking: set metadata tag "InfoMenu" of player to chest inventory with 4 rows named "{@p}%event-entity%" #Glass Slots loop 36 times: set slot (loop-value - 1) of metadata tag "InfoMenu" of player to gray stained glass pane named "&7 " #Getting players held Item set {_i} to event-entity's held item if event-entity's held item is 0 air: set {_i} to event-entity's off hand item #Setting PLayers Tool set slot 11 of metadata tag "InfoMenu" of player to {_i} #Player Armor set slot 1 of metadata tag "InfoMenu" of player to event-entity's helmet set slot 10 of metadata tag "InfoMenu" of player to event-entity's chestplate set slot 19 of metadata tag "InfoMenu" of player to event-entity's leggings set slot 28 of metadata tag "InfoMenu" of player to event-entity's boots #SLots to change set slot 14 of metadata tag "InfoMenu" of player to paper named "&7NAME" set slot 15 of metadata tag "InfoMenu" of player to paper named "&7NAME" set slot 16 of metadata tag "InfoMenu" of player to paper named "&7NAME" set slot 23 of metadata tag "InfoMenu" of player to paper named "&7NAME" #Other slots set slot 13 of metadata tag "InfoMenu" of player to event-entity's skull named "&7%event-entity%" set slot 35 of metadata tag "InfoMenu" of player to barrier named "&cClose" wait 2 ticks send "{@p}Open info menu for &c%event-entity%" to player wait 1 ticks open (metadata tag "InfoMenu" of player) to player on inventory click: if event-inventory = (metadata tag "InfoMenu" of player): cancel event if index of event-slot is 35: close player's inventory if index of event-slot is 14: #Put Cade Here if index of event-slot is 15: #Put Cade Here if index of event-slot is 16: #Put Cade Here if index of event-slot is 23: #Put Cade Here just opens a gui when you shift click a player
  24. BOXEY

    gui formating

    help me way does this not work open virtual chest inventory with size 5 named "{@p}&c%event-entity%" to player wait 5 ticks format gui slot 1 of player with stone
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