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  1. command /sethome: description: Set your home executable by: players trigger: set {homes.%player%.location} to location of player message "Set your home to <grey>%location of player%<reset>" command /home: description: Teleport yourself to your home executable by: players trigger: if {homes.%player%.location} is not set: message "You have not set your home yet!" stop trigger teleport player to {homes.%player%.location} on load: delete {request::*} command /tpa [<offline player>]: trigger: set {_p} to arg-1 set {_u} to uuid of arg-1 if {_p} is online: if {_p} is not player: if {request::player::%{_u}%} is set: send "&cThis player already has a active teleportation request, please wait!" to player stop send "&2%player% &ahas requested to teleport to you! &7&o(/tpaccept to accept, automatically expires in 30 seconds)" to {_p} send "&aYou have requested to teleport to &2%{_p}%&a! &7&o(This will automatically expire in 30 seconds)" to player set {request::player::%{_u}%} to player wait 30 seconds if {request::player::%{_u}%} is set: delete {request::player::%{_u}%} send "&CYour teleportation request to %{_p}% &chas expired!" to player send "&cYour teleportation request from %player% &chas expired!" to {_p} else: send "&cYou can't tpa to yourself!" to player else: send "&cThe specified player is currently offline!" to player command /tpaccept: trigger: set {_u} to uuid of player if {request::player::%{_u}%} is set: set {_p} to {request::player::%{_u}%} if {_p} is online: teleport {_p} to location of player send "&aYour teleportation request to %player% &ahas been accepted!" to {_p} send "&aYou have accepted the teleportation request from %{_p}%" to player delete {request::player::%{_u}%} else: send "&cThis player is no longer online!" else: send "&cYou have no teleportation requests to accept!" to player on command "/home": set {back.%player%} to location of player on command "/tpa": set {back.%player%} to location of player on death: set {back.%victim%} to location of player command /back: trigger: teleport player to {back.%player%}
  2. Hello, is it possible to make a skript that has /back on a teleport from a /home or /tpa so if i do /home i can /back to where i teleported from same with tpa. also if i can /back to my last death
  3. like so i can do /back on a teleport from /home or /tpa so if i do /home i can /back to where a ran /home from same with tpa. also if i can /back to my last death
  4. like so i can do /back on a teleport from /home or /tpa so if i do /home i can /back to where a ran /home from same with tpa. also if i can /back to my last death
  5. i am new to skript can someone show me a skript that has home tpa and back?
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