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  1. I am searching for a skripter for my server (vmobbyte.minehut.gg) I want to have something like custom wands that consume a item on use. For every area on my server I would like a new item that the wand can consume to perform a new spell like the first just shoots a couple of dust particles and that does some damage on hit but later you get things like fire shields (that make you inmune to damage for 5 seconds) and other things like that if you think you can do this please react.
  2. I made this Skript for a daily reward but it doesn't work anyone know how I can fix it? command /dailyreward trigger: if {dr::} does not contain player: add player to {dr::} give diamond to player send "Enjoy!" to player else send "you already claimed your daily reward" command /resetdailyreward: permission: op permission message: &6No permission for that! trigger: set {dr::} to 0 send "daily rewards can be used again!" to player every 86400 seconds trigger: set {dr::} to 0
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