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Everything posted by BOXEY

  1. BOXEY

    summon mob?

    hello i am trying to make a skript to spawn the mob that the player types in and ineed to know how to set the mob to spawn to what they types and how to spawn it then here is my skript so far: command mob [<text>]: permission: {@permission} permission message: {@pm} usage: /spawn (mob) trigger: if arg-1 is not set: send "{@prefix} Please enter a mob" to player stop else: send "{@prefix} Summoning Mob of:" wait 15 ticks send "&7Mob: %arg-1%" set {mob::%uuid of player%} to arg-1 wait 15 ticks send "{@prefix} At your location" spawn {mob::%uuid of player%} at location of player help
  2. it sends the level as a number
  3. nope it is still the same error when the var is remove it works but it is only level 1 and i need to it be the same as the pickaxes level the set of the level works it just doesn't like the var there and not a number
  4. it is the level of the pickaxe so if it is level 5 is just show 5 for the level on the pickaxe in the name the same error comes up if i change that out for the eff var
  5. help me pls. dis my skript set {eff::%uuid of player%} to {pickaxelevel::%uuid of player%} set {_item} to wooden pickaxe named "&3Wooden &bPickaxe &7(%{pickaxelevel::%uuid of player%}%)" with lore "&7 " and "&7The basic pickaxe" enchant {_item} with efficiency {eff::%uuid of player%}
  6. hello i was just wondering if there was any way to make this skript smaller so it looks better on place of beehive: send "&2Drill&7 >> You Placed a Drill" set {_dig} to the location under event-block set {block} to block at {_dig} set block at {_dig} to air wait 15 ticks set {_dig} to the location east of {_dig} loop 10 times: set {block} to block at {_dig} set block at {_dig} to air wait 15 ticks set {_dig} to the location south of {_dig} set {block} to block at {_dig} set block at {_dig} to air wait 15 ticks set {_dig} to the location west of {_dig} set {block} to block at {_dig} set block at {_dig} to air wait 15 ticks set {_dig} to the location west of {_dig} set {block} to block at {_dig} set block at {_dig} to air wait 15 ticks set {_dig} to the location north of {_dig} set {block} to block at {_dig} set block at {_dig} to air wait 15 ticks set {_dig} to the location north of {_dig} set {block} to block at {_dig} set block at {_dig} to air wait 15 ticks set {_dig} to the location east of {_dig} set {block} to block at {_dig} set block at {_dig} to air wait 15 ticks set {_dig} to the location east of {_dig} set {block} to block at {_dig} set block at {_dig} to air wait 15 ticks set {_dig} to the location south of {_dig} wait 5 ticks set {_dig} to the location west of {_dig} wait 5 ticks set {_dig} to the location under {_dig} set {block} to block at {_dig} set block at {_dig} to air wait 15 ticks set {_dig} to the location east of {_dig} yea it is a lot of stuff discord - Boxey#1326
  7. BOXEY


    iI made a staff lel command staff: trigger: add blaze rod named "&6&lMage &eStaff" with lore " " and "&6Item Ability: Rampage &e&lSHIFT RIGHT CLICK" and "&7Gain &a10 Hearts&7 and get" and "&cStrength 10&7 for 60 seconds" and "&8Cooldown: &3120 Seconds" and " " and "&6Item Ability: Flight &e&lSHIFT LEFT CLICK" and "&7Gain &5Levitation&7 for 15 seconds" and "&7and &fSlow Falling &7for 30 seconds" and "&7After Levitation" and "&8Cooldown: &390 Seconds" and " " and "&6Item Ability: Shoot &e&lRIGHT CLICK" and "&7Shoot a fire ball" and "&7In the direction you are looking" and "&8Cooldown: &3-1 health" and " " and "&6Item Ability: Heal &e&lLEFT CLICK" and "&7Heal &a20 Hearts&7 and gain" and "&cStrength&7 for 10 seconds" and "&8Cooldown: &330 Seconds" and " " to player on right click: if player is holding blaze rod named "&6&lMage &eStaff" with lore " " and "&6Item Ability: Rampage &e&lSHIFT RIGHT CLICK" and "&7Gain &a10 Hearts&7 and get" and "&cStrength 10&7 for 60 seconds" and "&8Cooldown: &3120 Seconds" and " " and "&6Item Ability: Flight &e&lSHIFT LEFT CLICK" and "&7Gain &5Levitation&7 for 15 seconds" and "&7and &fSlow Falling &7for 30 seconds" and "&7After Levitation" and "&8Cooldown: &390 Seconds" and " " and "&6Item Ability: Shoot &e&lRIGHT CLICK" and "&7Shoot a fire ball" and "&7In the direction you are looking" and "&8Cooldown: &3-1 health" and " " and "&6Item Ability: Heal &e&lLEFT CLICK" and "&7Heal &a20 Hearts&7 and gain" and "&cStrength&7 for 10 seconds" and "&8Cooldown: &330 Seconds" and " ": if player is sneaking: if {cooldown69::uuid of player} is set: send "&6System&7 >> Please wait a bit to do this again" stop else: set {cooldown69::uuid of player} to true add 5 to the player's health apply Strength 10 to the player for 60 seconds send "&6System&7 >> Item Ability used" wait 120 real seconds delete {cooldown69::uuid of player} send "&6System&7 >> &6Item Ability: Rampage &e&lSHIFT RIGHT CLICK &7is ready to use" stop else: wait 10 ticks shoot an fire ball at speed 2 remove 1 from player's health on left click: if player is holding blaze rod named "&6&lMage &eStaff" with lore " " and "&6Item Ability: Rampage &e&lSHIFT RIGHT CLICK" and "&7Gain &a10 Hearts&7 and get" and "&cStrength 10&7 for 60 seconds" and "&8Cooldown: &3120 Seconds" and " " and "&6Item Ability: Flight &e&lSHIFT LEFT CLICK" and "&7Gain &5Levitation&7 for 15 seconds" and "&7and &fSlow Falling &7for 30 seconds" and "&7After Levitation" and "&8Cooldown: &390 Seconds" and " " and "&6Item Ability: Shoot &e&lRIGHT CLICK" and "&7Shoot a fire ball" and "&7In the direction you are looking" and "&8Cooldown: &3-1 health" and " " and "&6Item Ability: Heal &e&lLEFT CLICK" and "&7Heal &a20 Hearts&7 and gain" and "&cStrength&7 for 10 seconds" and "&8Cooldown: &330 Seconds" and " ": if player is sneaking: if {cooldown69420::uuid of player} is set: send "&6System&7 >> Please wait a bit to do this again" stop else: set {cooldown69420::uuid of player} to true apply Levitation 4 to the player for 15 seconds wait 15 seconds apply slow falling to the player for 30 seconds send "&6System&7 >> Item Ability used" wait 90 real seconds delete {cooldown69420::uuid of player} send "&6System&7 >> &6Item Ability: Flight &e&lSHIFT LEFT CLICK &7is ready to use" stop else: if {cooldown::uuid of player} is set: send "&6System&7 >> Please wait a bit to do this again" stop else: set {cooldown::uuid of player} to true set player's health to 20 send "&6System&7 >> Item Ability used" apply Strength 1 to the player for 10 seconds wait 30 real seconds delete {cooldown::uuid of player} send "&6System&7 >> &6Item Ability: Heal &e&lLEFT CLICK &7is ready to use" stop uh
  8. BOXEY

    all water world

    anyone know how to make a world all water with lo land and no villages
  9. BOXEY

    AI system

    dis my skript rn I kinda fell like it is not a AI though it is very user needed and I am thinking of adding a math mode to it to do things like 453 x 124 and stuff on join: if {joins::*} does not contain uuid of player: delete {ainame::%uuid of player%} wait 50 ticks add uuid of player to {joins::*} set Join message to "&a+ &7 %player%" wait 50 ticks send "&dNAME&7 >> Please type my name is chat" wait 15 ticks send "&dBOT&7 >> You Can Change This Later With &c/ai setname" else: set Join message to "&a+ &7 %player%" send "&d%{ainame::%uuid of player%}% &7 >> Welcome Back" command /resetjoins: trigger: delete {joins::*} on chat: if {ainame::%uuid of player%} is set: stop else: cancel event set {ainame::%uuid of player%} to message send "&d%{ainame::%uuid of player%}%&7 >> Thanks for giving me a name" wait 15 ticks send "&d%{ainame::%uuid of player%}%&7 >> Hello %player%&7, I am a AI System for you too mess with" wait 25 ticks send "&d%{ainame::%uuid of player%}%&7 >> All you need to do to use me is type what you need in chat (fly, gmc, gms, heal, ect.)" on chat: if message is "fly": cancel event if {flight::%player%} is not set: send "&d%{ainame::%uuid of player%}%&7 >> Flight Is now on" set {flight::%player%} to 1 set player's flight mode to true else: send "&d%{ainame::%uuid of player%}%&7 >> Flight Is now off" delete {flight::%player%} set player's flight mode to false if message is "gmc": cancel event send "&d%{ainame::%uuid of player%}%&7 >> You have entered Gamemode Creative" set player's gamemode to creative if message is "gms": cancel event send "&d%{ainame::%uuid of player%}%&7 >> You have entered Gamemode Survival" set player's gamemode to survival if {flight::%player%} is set: set player's flight mode to true if message is "gmsp": cancel event send "&d%{ainame::%uuid of player%}%&7 >> You have entered Gamemode Spectator" set player's gamemode to spectator if message is "gma": cancel event send "&d%{ainame::%uuid of player%}%&7 >> You have entered Gamemode Adventure" set player's gamemode to adventure if {flight::%player%} is set: set player's flight mode to true if message is "heal": cancel event send "&d%{ainame::%uuid of player%}%&7 >> I have Healed You" heal player on hunger bar change: cancel event command /ai [<string>]: trigger: if arg-1 is not "setname": send "&d%{ainame::%uuid of player%}%&7 >> Did you mean &csetname" else: if arg-1 is "setname": delete {ainame::%uuid of player%} send "&dBOT&7 >> Please type my name is chat" wait 15 ticks send "&7 >> You Can Change This Later With &c/ai setname" on damage: if damage was caused by fall: cancel event
  10. BOXEY

    AI system

    I saw some one had mentioned on a post a AI System and I was wondering if it would even could be done is skript.
  11. I believe I have mad the basic command for you if you have any problem's message me on discord - Boxmonk#2099 command /vote [<player>]: usage: &c&lUsage &7>> /vote (Player) trigger: if arg-1 is not set: send "&c&lVoting &7>> Please put in a player name" to player else: if {voted::%uuid of player%} is not set: set {voted::%uuid of player%} to 100 if {votes::%uuid of arg-1%} is equal to {Votes}: broadcast "&6&lVoting &7>> %player% &7Has Voted For &c%arg-1% &7(%{Votes}%&7/%{Votes}%&7)" wait 10 ticks broadcast "&6&lVoting &7>> &c%arg-1%&7 Has won the election" #do the stuff here set {votes::%uuid of arg-1%} to 0 else: add 1 to {votes::%uuid of arg-1%} broadcast "&6&lVoting &7>> %player% &7Has Voted For &c%arg-1% &7(%{votes::%uuid of arg-1%}%&7/%{Votes}%&7)" else: send "&6&lVoting &7>> You have already voted" to player command /votes [<player>]: trigger: if arg-1 is not set: send "&c&lVotes &7>> Please put in a player name" to player else: send "&6&lVotes &7>> &c%arg-1%&7 Has %{votes::%uuid of arg-1%}%&7 Vote (s)" to player command /resetvotes [<player>]: permission: voting.reset permission message: &c&lPermission&7>> You do not have the permission for this command trigger: if arg-1 is not set: send "&c&lVoting &7>> Please put in a player name" to player else: set {votes::%uuid of arg-1%} to 0 send "&6&lVoting &7>> Reset &c%arg-1% &7Votes" to player command /deletevoted [<player>]: permission: voted.reset permission message: &c&lPermission&7>> You do not have the permission for this command trigger: if arg-1 is not set: send "&c&lVoted &7>> Please put in a player name" to player else: delete {voted::%uuid of player%} send "&6&lVoting &7>> Reset &c%arg-1% &7Voted status" to player command /setvotes [<integer>]: permission: vote.set permission message: &c&lPermission&7>> You do not have the permission for this command trigger: if arg-1 is not set: send "&c&lVote &7>> Please put in a number" to player else: set {Votes} to Arg-1 send "&6&lVoties &7>> Set the need amount of votes to &c%arg-1%" to player
  12. It looks like you did not format the diamond kit right. I Believe I have fixed it for you if you have not already. command /kitui: permission: kitlook trigger: open virtual chest with size 1 named "KITS" to player format gui slot 0 of player with paper named "&bStarter Kit" to run: execute player command "/kit starter" format gui slot 1 of player with iron ingot named "&bIron Kit" to run: if player has 10 emeralds: if player has permission "ironkit": remove 10 emerald from player's inventory execute player command "/kit iron" send "iron kit has been purchased, 10 emerald have been removed from your inventory" else: send "no permission" else: send "&cYou dont have 10 emeralds!" format gui slot 2 of player with diamond named "&bDiamond Kit" to run: if player has 20 emeralds: if player has permission "diamondkit": remove 20 emerald from player's inventory execute player command "/kit diamond" send "diamond kit has been purchased, 20 emerald have been removed from your inventory" else: send "no permission" else: send "&cYou dont have 20 emeralds!"
  13. im trying to make a snow ball lancer to kill ender man but every time them teleport away. is there any why to stop this?
  14. I have don that and it worked thank you
  15. I'm tryin to make a skript where when you kill the dragon it will say things to the player
  16. so i added a line that sends the number and the number is 1.47 and i only want it to be a whole number
  17. i am trying to make a server that has many spawn and will randomly pick one for the person to go and i can get 1 to work but 2 cant here is my code command /addspawn: permission: spawn.add trigger: add 1 to {number} set {spawnloc::%{number}%} to location of player add {spawnloc::%{number}%} to {spawns::*} send "&a → &7There Are Currently %{number}%&7 Spawn Locations Set" send "&a → &7%{spawnloc::%{number}%}%&7 IS Now A Spawn Location" command /clearspawns: permission: spawn.clear trigger: set {number} to 0 delete {spawns::*} send "&c → &7Cleared Spawn Loctions" send "&c → &7If This Says <none> You Have Cleared All Spawn locations" send "&c → &7%{spawns::*}%" command /spawn: trigger: set {SpawnPlace} to random number between 1 and {number} send "&a → &7Please Wait 3 Second's To Br Teleported" wait 1 real second send "&a → &7Please Wait 2 Second's To Br Teleported" wait 1 real second send "&a → &7Please Wait 1 Second's To Br Teleported"\ wait 1 real second teleport player to {spawnloc::%{SpawnPlace}%} command /listspawns: permission: spawn.list trigger: send "&a → &7%{spawns::*}%" command /number: permission: spawn.num trigger: send "&a → &7%{number}%"
  18. i need help making it so that when some one places a block it gets added to there block count but when someone else breaks it it get removed for the per hoe placed it down block count If You Need More Info Add Me On Discord -- Boxmonk#6969
  19. I know but didn't really know what he wanted
  20. when player join my server i just send a message for a joke on join: broadcast "&7&o[Server: Made &7&o%player%&7&o a server operator]" all that is but I made a real one in atom for you command /freeop: trigger: if {op::*} does not contain uuid of player: add uuid of player to {op::*} execute console command "/op %player%" send "&6System &7>> Claimed Free Op" else: send "&6System &7>> You Have All Ready Claimed Your Free Op" command /resetops: permission: op permission message: No trigger: clear {op::*} send "&6System &7>> Cleared Op List" Ok That is it. I Would Not really do this unless you have a ban protection skript on your server so stop people from banning you The Reset command really does nothing
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