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Tastq last won the day on April 24 2020

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  1. I cant conect to the server can u help me?


    1. GamerZDZ



      I have the same problem. I think this might mean I have gotten banned? If so, I did not do anything wrong. My Gamertag is GamerZDZ. If you could look into unbanning me that would be awesome!


  2. benny how dare you delete my post lol
  3. ur a penguin 🐧

    1. RealLava


      penguin has died

  4. I'm totally not Culpit on tastq's account
  5. Tastq

    Minehut Exposed

    Weird, i think it's just the choice of plugins on your server like imageonmap for example, you can release without that stuff
  6. Tastq

    Minehut Exposed

    Still broke some things but it's an improvement
  7. Tastq

    Minehut Exposed

    I think this time round minehut did a better job rolling out the new version update. They actually got all the core plugins fixed and i only faced 1 or two minor issues...
  8. Tastq

    Minehut Exposed

    I think you and filr both had points. I think filr responded to your points and there's reasoning against every single one of them. I'm on no side here but after reading through everything it's clear to me that you made this thread out of anger about past punishments and you being muted. I understand why you're upset about that but i genuinely agree with filr that it's a valid mute because you were actively telling people to leave which i wasn't aware of. The mute is very short anyway... Personally i think naming the thread 'Minehut exposed' might be a bit of a mistake seeing as i don't think you exposed anything to anyone. We all know that superleague's aims are to profit off of minehut and they may have downgraded it slightly from what it used to be, but i also think that's an aspect of with anything that grows and gets big, people always look back at what is was from the beginning and want that back. Looking and what nicky said i think he's right. Minehut is something that we take advantage of, i don't know another host that has so many players to advertise to and i've never seen a hosting where you can grow your server as easily and fast as Minehut. Of course, minehut has it's downsides but i think over all we can all agree that it's something that we need and without it you wouldn't have had many of the amazing experiences you have had in creating servers. Anglo as an example, got quite a lot of players and thats because of minehut and minehut only, they really are the best for getting a large server and i don't think you're seeing that. Over all though i'm not on any side just stating what i can see from all this.
  9. Tastq

    Minehut Exposed

    Well i mean it kinda works on reputation and if you have a bad reputation then of course they're going to take that into account when looking at appeals and just dealing with you ingame or watching you.. thats how it works everywhere so
  10. Hey, I'm here today to explain the BETA reset and why it's a good thing. If you're reading this you are probably pretty fed up or just clicked in-game and wanted to find out more about it! The BETA period was a period aimed at seeing how the economy functions with all these new items and all the content updates we added and introduced at the start of this season. We realized early on in the BETA that the economy was inflating fast and items were becoming less valuable every day. This to us was a sign that we should do a full reset for release to make sure that on full release we have a clean, functional and balanced economy. If you feel we could have done this differently feel free to leave us feedback on our discord! Thanks for taking the time to read this!
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