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Everything posted by Pryzmm

  1. I wonder if you can buy the 10$ subscription, then cancel any future payments to get 2$ off
  2. I might have created something that will last for at least 30 days The creation of ILIKEPIEMAN is born, to this day he follows ILIKECAKEMAN... This is going on my signature
  3. Pryzmm


    lmao this post got necroposted 3 times It probrally dosent work because the post is 1 1/2 years old
  4. This has happened to me SO, MANY, TIMES
  5. Is there any error message given to you when you are kicked into a lobby?
  6. Lime: Gives Extra Jump Boost Light Blue: Gives Extra Speed Light Gray: Reduces Damage from mobs Purple: Immunity to negative potion effects (react if i helped pls)
  7. Pryzmm

    I got vip

    Patron is cooler rank
  8. "can't understand this condition/effect" EDIT: I fixed it, so im fine now
  9. I'd suggest building up reputation and/or get more posts.
  10. I dont think its possible to refund a purchase. You can, however, vote for the server for some credits every day
  11. How do i call a function while im calling it in a function The first part of the skript is in a function format slot 11 of {_p} with wooden sword named "&f&lWooden Sword" with lore "" and "&6300 Coins" to close then run [BuyWoodSword({_p})] The second is a function being called in a function function BuyWoodSword(p: player): set {_u} to uuid of {_p} if {balance::%{_u}%} >= 300: remove 300 from {balance::%{_u}%} give wooden sword to {_p} send "&aSuccessfully purchased &2Wooden Sword!" to {_p} else: send "&4&lError: &cInsufficent Balance!" to {_p} EDIT: i don't get any errors but when i click the sword, it closes but dosent do anything
  12. I have another question tho. How do i call for a function in a function? Here are my 2 peices of skript: (first one is in a function) format slot 11 of {_p} with wooden sword named "&f&lWooden Sword" with lore "" and "&6300 Coins" to close then run [BuyWoodSword({_p})] function BuyWoodSword(p: player): set {_u} to uuid of {_p} if {balance::%{_u}%} >= 300: remove 300 from {balance::%{_u}%} give wooden sword to {_p} send "&aSuccessfully purchased &2Wooden Sword!" to {_p} else: send "&4&lError: &cInsufficent Balance!" to {_p}
  13. thanks turns out i didn't call for the function
  14. you can use just 1 variable to teleport a player to set {Teleport} to location of player teleport player to {Teleport}
  15. This has been happening to me alot recently. I don't know why
  16. dosent work What i mean is the function dosent work
  17. function BuyDirt(p: player): if {DirtPurchased.%{_p}%} is not set: # makes it so you can only purchase once if {balance::%{_p}'s uuid%} >= 20000: # check if player has sufficent balance set {DirtPurchased.%{_p}%} to true # makes it so you can only purchase once remove 20000 from {balance::%{_p}'s uuid%} # removes money from balance make console execute command "SetBooster %{_p}% 2" # sets players boost from console else: send "&4&lError: &cInsufficent Balance!" to {_p} # message saying not enough money else: send "&4&lError: &cYou already purchased this!" to {_p} # message saying already purchase Im having trouble with this. When i click a GUI item its supposed to do this, yet it dosent. Heres the line: format slot 0 of player with dirt named "&7&lDirt Boost" with lore "&7This booster multiplys", "&7money by 2!" and "&6Cost: 20000" to run [set {DirtPP.%player%} to true]
  18. Pryzmm

    Can't connect to server

    Is the server whitelisted?
  19. Is the server whitelisted? If so, are you whitelisted? If you aren't whitelisted, go to the console and type /whitelist add <username> or /whitelist off
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