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Everything posted by Pryzmm

  1. Pryzmm

    Server Appeal

    This is the wrong place to post a server appeal
  2. if {Collection::%{_p}%} does not contain "Default": add "Default" to {Collection::%{_p}%} send "%{Collection::%{_p}%}%" to {_p} send "&a&lYou discovered a new pet! &2Check your collection!" to {_p} (This is in a function event) No matter what, RIGHT AFTER i add "Default" to the variable, it sends "<none>" to the player, meaning it wasn't added.
  3. could you send the errors? also try "set {nl} to event-block's location"
  4. No i think it's impossible. To find your CURRENT seed do /seed if you are op on that server
  5. Pryzmm

    1.17 update

    1. Dont necropost 2. Prereleases most likely will not be supported
  6. Pryzmm


    There will soon be a gamerule in 1.17 (unless its already in 1.16.4 not sure) of /gamerule SetSleepPercentage or something
  7. Make sure {nl} is set as a location. You can try this every 25 seconds: if {gens} is true: if {nl} is set: set {_loc} to {nl} add 0.5 to y-coordinate of {_loc} drop a nether brick item named "&6Dark Copper&f" with mending 1 with hidden enchantments at {_loc} Send any errors
  8. No to hide enchantments i think you only can with Skellett. You could try recreating a plugin with skript if you have to
  9. Pryzmm

    How can i fix this?

    Were any plugins or skripts added / edited reccently? If so disable / uninstall them. Also check your TPS with /tps if you have essentials.
  10. Pryzmm


    Currently minehut is a plugin only server, and i dont think they plan on making modded servers supported anytime soon
  11. Pryzmm


  12. Fishing Rod

  13. still an issue Dont know why its doing this, maybe im using an outdated plugin?
  14. Pryzmm

    Plugin Request

    yea dont think thats possible. As pop4959 said you need to link a plugin for it to be considered
  15. format gui slot 22 of player with diamond sword named "&7&oPlaceholder" to be unstealable
  16. so like /type <text> itll take the argument and build the text with blocks (stone or smth) like /text abc will create blocks in the world spelling out "abc"
  17. make text that appears in minecraft, not in chat, in block form
  18. I checked and i dont have any recipe skripts or anything with aliases, which really confuses things.
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