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Everything posted by Pryzmm

  1. Go to the marketplace, not skript releases
  2. For future reference, percent signs for variables or, in this case player's balance, are used in text. eg. send "Money: %player's balance%" to player eg. add 50 to player's balance
  3. 1. Please dont necropost 2. I think there is actually a better way, told by someone. You can /msg OwnJoke ingame about it i think
  4. Pryzmm


    i dont know im into it, just not sure if thats allowed
  5. Im not really good with functions but i'm pretty sure you need to put something in the parenthesis like Reset(n: number) or something like that. That or maybe put it in the on the 2 times it's supposed to be
  6. Pryzmm


    Someone is trying to pake a post last the end of the decade. Doubt
  7. /gamerule doMobSpawning false
  8. haha no impossible nadda nothing nnnope
  9. Pryzmm


    210 freekin replies. Geez. (Also July, 6 more months until this challenge is OVER)
  10. Pryzmm


    oh i didnt even realize pog
  11. Pryzmm

    Servers Not Starting

    You can press the reset server button in minehut.com > Danger zone. Not sure but i dont think this resets backups. So just incase, make sure you have a backup saved
  12. You can only see the latest.log file. If, in the future, you want to read the files, you can download DiscordSRV to link your console and chat to a channel
  13. If your world is in 1.17 and the server is 1.16.5 you are bound to have some issues with it. With the 1.17 blocks and minehut server being in 1.16.5, it won't load correctly and may have even become corrupt.
  14. Try these tips: IP ban them using /banip (player) - This will ban their IP from joining your server. Try changing your minehut password. If the same account is joining back they might have console access.
  15. Pryzmm

    Spigot 1.17

    Try to repair server files in minehut.com > danger zone
  16. 1. Post in the skript discussion next time 2. List the errors you are getting
  17. To my knowledge, minehut does not have a way of downloading files. If your server is lagging, try these tips: Check your tps with /tps (essentials) See if you have any running scripts using the while loop or a bunch of loops (skript/skript addons) Repair your server files with minehut.com > danger zone
  18. Try downloading 1.16.4 or 1.16.5. As i have played optifine on both those versions. Also check if regular vanilla minecraft works
  19. Check if the whitelist is on by doing /whitelist off in console. Reset server files in the console danger zone Hope this helped
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