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Everything posted by Pryzmm

  1. 1. Logs don't save your world, they save chat and debug messages 2. You can't open old logs if they end in .log.gz 3. Check if you have a backup of your server
  2. Pryzmm


    yea thats not a ban for hacking, minehut barely has rules on that. You were banned for botting, possibly sending a message that was similar to someone that was botting the server. Like skPenguin said, appeal at the link he sent.
  3. Pryzmm

    World deleted?

    wrong Download multiverse and do /mvl to see if your world is still there. If it's not, load up a backup if possible and ingame execute "/difficulty hard"
  4. 1. You can get plugins on SpigotMC or CurseForge, so yes to SkStuff 2. If the command is executable by players AND console then that line is not needed 3. Stop, i- is that.... TuSKe? Also if you have skellett try "diamond sword without any nbt"
  5. every 2 minutes: enable PvP wait 1 minute disable PvP
  6. thats... no. Try this every (random integer between 2 and 7) seconds in world "world": also for future reference: {_variable} are temp variables. They must be set in the same section of code they are used in and are deleted once the code ends. {variable::*} are list variables. They hold multiple items and can be looped for loop-values using loop {variable::*}: {variable} is a standard variable that can hold one thing, but is never deleted unless cleared. {@variable} is a variable set on skript reload. This variable is set to whatever is in the options of the skript. for example: options: variable: true ALSO NEVER USE {Variable.Variable2.Variable3} THEY ARE TRASH, USE {Variable::Variable2::Variable3}
  7. Unless you got some plugin to manage plugins, no. You'll need to recover your account before you can remove the plugin. Try contacting support at minehut.com/support/form for help.
  8. Pryzmm

    I got banned

    You can appeal at minehut.com/support/form
  9. uh, no What commands are you doing specifically? Send a screenshot of the cmds you are doing in console.
  10. command /command <text> [<text>]: trigger: if arg-1 is "beep": send "h" to player else if arg-1 is "boop": send "hhh" to player
  11. Pryzmm

    can someone help me?

    appeal at minehut.com/support/form
  12. I think this means that your server is out of RAM. Delete unneeded files/plugins from your server and try starting it up then.
  13. Pryzmm

    World Edit in 1.18

    The plugin is probably not updated to 1.18 yet. Go to SpigotMC and update the plugin manually. You can find what you're looking for here: Overview - WorldEdit for Bukkit - Bukkit Plugins - Projects - Bukkit just sayin FastAsyncWorldEdit works better
  14. you can change your server type easily. At the main dashboard for all your servers, find your server and click "Change Server". You can change what your server supports and the version. If you want it to be plain, select "Vanilla"
  15. next time post in skript discussion... Heres something i found for you: (click here)
  16. again, dont post something that you already have a post on
  17. dont post the same thing from another post you made
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