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Posts posted by Pryzmm

  1. 14 hours ago, WhenUInfectUNoob said:

    Yeah, Minehut is TOO strict. I got a 6 hours mute few days ago for ''my fking server takes long to start up''. Bro, what does the staff even care, it's just a little bit of swearing. It's kinda human to swear after something goes wrong. What do ya even care mods I think then. It's pretty annoying. 

    I also remember the fact I got muted for 6 hours or something half a year ago because I was bored and decided to say "What server is owned by a nice girl? <3" which was apparantly inappropriate behavior xD. 

    another reason why i quit minehut lol

  2. 5 hours ago, Kristalie said:

    How do I enable dark mode on the Minehut forms? The website is so bright like omg

    scroll to the bottom of any forums page and click "theme"

  3. 5 hours ago, Fohng said:

    can you make the skript so that when you are at 1 heart you cant lose it, an the attacker doesnt get a heart? Thank you.


    -Fohng Minehut VIP


    Just check if the player has 1 heart, and if they do, stop the skript.

  4. 38 minutes ago, cokashi232 said:

    So in this one minehut server I play in, there’s a glitch where if you put any item in your offhand, it stays there forever. If you try to take it out, it immediately goes back in. keep inventory is on too, so you can’t just die to get rid of it. The only way to get rid of an item is if it runs out of durability, so if you put a diamond in your offhand, then it will stay there forever. Does anybody know how to fix this?

    get in contact with the server owner and report the bug there.

  5. 15 hours ago, 8pixel said:

    Is this even possible? I know a server that has /vote in minehut. From what I saw in forums, this isn't possible. I need help for this, thanks.

    its possible

  6. 28 minutes ago, OnlyPeak said:

    So what im guessing is that u want locked areas sort of like prison server mines that u can only unlock using something like /rankup?

    Please let  me know so I can see if I can help! 🙂 

    9 month old necropost...

  7. On 3/18/2022 at 8:11 PM, PineconePinecone said:

    I tried it but it still showed whatever I sent myself. It kinda defeats the whole purpose of not being able to message yourself

    add "stop" after the second line (send "&cYou can't message yourself!" to executor)

    if arg-1 is executor:
        send "&cYou can't message yourself!" to executor


  8. On 2/19/2022 at 4:55 PM, linkinpaws said:

    When i join my minehut server i get immidelty sent to the lobby and my server shuts down and in the console its just spamming


    [00:53:59 ERROR]: Ignoring absolute chunk [0, 0] in regionfile as it is not contained in the bounds of the regionfile '/home/minecraft/server/./world/region/r.-1.-1.mca'. It should be in regionfile (0,0)


    ive tried force hibernating the server ad it still happens. i really want to play on my server again Ive spent 2 hours building stuff just to get this when i join back 😞

    It looks like a chunk file is corrupted or the file is named wrong. try changing -1.-1.mca to 0.0.mca and see if it fixes it.

  9. 9 hours ago, EmptyRooms_ said:

    welp its been 1 month mods lock this i win unless somebody says something before it gets locked (means if its 1 month you dont win until its locked) 

    it can only be locked after 1 month of no replies. (Or mods specifically are requested to lock the thread by the creator of said thread.)

  10. 16 hours ago, EmptyRooms_ said:

    on chat:

     if message is "!info":

     send "&7Hi! This server is <paste description here>"


    on chat:

     if message is "!rules":

     send "&7Rules"

     send "&7rule 1"

     send "&7rule 2"

    should indent it, as well as cancel the chat event so it acts more like a command. Here's something i made quickly.

    on chat:
    	set {_msg::*} to message split at ""
    	if {msg::1} is "!":
    		cancel event
    		set {_msg::*} to message split at " "
    		if {_msg::1} is "!hello":
    			send "Hello There!"
    		else if {_msg::1} is "!rules":
    			send "1. No Greifing%nL%2. No Swearing%nL%3. No Hacking"
    		else if {_msg::1} is "!help":
    			send "Help Page:%nL%!hello - Say Hello!%nL%!rules - Lists Server Rules"
    			send "Unknown Command! Type !help for a list of commands."


  11. 1 hour ago, SussyBaks said:

    Why do I think this!?

    #1 Server is laggy as f! The free server plan only gives 1 GB of RAM, which forces me to make a choice, pay for an upgrade, or deal with lag!

    #2 Got muted in lobby for something stupid! I said "BUTT" and got muted for 4 weeks! HOW STUPID!!!

    #3 Purchased credits, and credits didn't show up! This is annoying as f!

    I do not recommend Minehut! I would give it a 0 Star review!!!

    1. Deal with the lag or vote to get MHDaily

    2. Appeal at minehut.com/support/form

    3. again, say something at minehut.com/support/form (or chargeback)

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