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Posts posted by Pryzmm

  1. 21 hours ago, jade79 said:

    do you mean like asking commands such as /give minecraft:nametag ?  i've been wondering the same thing. it just doesn't work and i've tried to figure out how to turn them on but idk if it lets you. 

    3 minutes ago, Smith_8566 said:

    yea I mean the commands dont work like you said


    Remove the "/" from the command, as console automatically adds / to the front of any command.

  2. 9 hours ago, BomberPerson said:

    Are you able to join minehut servers with bedrock? if so, how? how do you join with Java? is there a way to upload mods on?

    1. Yes you can join on bedrock

    2. You can join on bedrock with this IP: bedrock.minehut.com

    3. You can join on java with this IP: minehut.com

    4. Your server can have a option to be a SpongeForge server, which allows mods.

  3. 44 minutes ago, ES63 said:


    spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin

  4. On 3/5/2022 at 3:56 AM, realunthinkable1 said:

    I'm trying to help my son create a Minecraft server on Minehut. But when we click the "login" (I've managed to create an account 9n my phone) or " sign up in seconds" buttons it comes back with a callback URL mismatch error (see attached photo). Any ideas what to do as I have a desperate 12 year old! Thanks for reading 


    Never seen this before, so I don't personally know how to solve this. But this should help maybe idk
    authentication - Auth0 callback URL mismatch - Stack Overflow

  5. 1 hour ago, JustCallMeMina said:

    When I try to /op myself from my server Dash it just says "Unknown command"
    Anyone maybe know how to help?


    remove the "/" from it.

  6. 4 hours ago, OverLY said:

    Hello, I think that when you have a server and you ip ban someone, that it shouldn't say "banned ip ______" because that just exposes someone ip and if someone ip bans someone on a random server then the person that got ip banned could be in trouble

    minehut spoofs players IPs, so its not the real ip.

  7. 1 hour ago, _LunahPvp_ said:

    could you edit this skript for me:

    I need it so then the player can only fly for 10 minutes, and can u make it so then when the player gets hit by another player the fly mode disables for 7 seconds, and every time they are hit the 7 second timer resets. 

    command /fly:
        permission: fly.perm
        cooldown: 1800 seconds
            If {fly.%player} is not set:
                send "&fFlight mode is now set to &a&lENABLED" to player
                set player's fly mode to true
                set {fly.%player%} to true
            send "&fFlight mode is now &4&lDISABLED" to player
            set player's fly mode to false
            delete {fly.%player%}
    can u make it so then when the player gets hit by another player the fly mode disables for 7 seconds, and every time they are hit the 7 second timer resets. 

    Btw this isnt my skript, i found it and am wondering if u could add that to it

    post in skript discussion

  8. 15 hours ago, SteveMaster367 said:

    Hey Empty this is our Club Image





    18 hours ago, EmptyRooms_ said:

    I froze in front of my computer and i check the console but i dont see myself joining in there its just i logged in from another location and duplicate uuids what is this?

    UPDATE: i got hacked but how could someone hack my account without knowing my email and password i claim my suspicions on ___Zeddy__God__ for hacking my account because i asked him for dev  and he left and i got logged out of my server and realized somebody was in it IT WAS ME


    also keep in mind to tell me what i told another than i got hacked in lobby someone said i said a lot of slurs which panics me even more

    Please mute me


    Change your minecraft password if you havent already

  9. 20 hours ago, Ofek_Rozental said:

    Hi. My server is on the last month of paid plan and it won't let me make it proxy. Please help me because I paid for the server.

    all servers must have a paid plan to be a proxy as well as all the servers in that proxy.

  10. On 2/22/2022 at 8:17 AM, Jofhjkldasfa said:

    There is currently a scammer going around known as Uhimkia, who managed to scam a friend of mine out of 1500 credits for vip, and destroyed his server for absolutely no reason. I made this post just to make sure everyone is aware of what he is doing, and to hopefully prevent anyone from being scammed in the future by this player. He also has a server known as Lowtierbox, and happens to be a pretty abusive owner aswell. He will deny all of this just to clarify, but for your own safety, believe absolutely nothing he says.

    Thank you for your time.


    could you tell us how he was doing it instead of just saying he was a scammer? Because that could be alot more helpful of avoiding this kind of scam instead of potentially "throwing someone under the bus". So far you just left us a screenshot saying you have 250 credits, but that doesnt mean anything.

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